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How long does nail polish last? Should I keep it in the fridge?

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6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nail polish lasts forever. It never expires or goes bad. Keeping it in the fridge doesn't make any difference. If polish gets thick and goopy, here's what you should do:

    Please do not EVER EVER EVER use nail polish remover in your polish. Acetone or not. And definitely don't use water. If you do this, it can entire ruin your polish as demonstrated here:

    You need to buy nail polish THINNER. It's an amazing product, it's cheap, and it restores your polish wonderfully. This is the kind I use:

    Here's some more info about dried out polish and why polish doesn't go bad or expire:

    Source(s): Myself - I'm a nail fanatic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am a frequent user of nail polish, I have about 50 bottles. I would say that nail polish lasts for about a year or two. Nail polish gets dry if you don't use it often, leave the lid not completely tightened, etc. But once nail polish gets flaky, dry, and lumpy occasionally, it is time to say goodbye. I have never thought of putting it in the fridge, so I would not know the outcome.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Toss-It Time: One to two years

    When polish expires, the consistency turns gooey or stringy,

    Formulas are especially sensitive to temperature extremes and humidity, so avoid storing in the bathroom.

    One time I was watching the show ~Pretty little liars ~ When Hannanh opened the fridge in her Mom's kitchen, there were a Ton of Nail polishes in the butter shelf! Lol

    "Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, executive vice president of OPI, claims that storing polish in the fridge will slow down the discoloration that happens as polish gets older. She suggests keeping the bottles upright, because if a bottle falls on its side it's harder to shake the pigments back together. The cosmetic chemist Mort Westman explains that refrigeration reduces solvent evaporation and pigment caking and settling."

    people have said it makes them last longer , only cheaper nail polishes should be kept in the fridge because they don't have the same chemicals the better ones do. polishes last longer in the fridge, esp given high temperatures in summer.

    The coolness of the refrigerator maintains the consistency of the polish. Doubling the lifetime and without all the gooey clumps.

    Read more: How to Keep Nail Polish From Drying Out |

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure about leaving it in the fridge. However I do know that if it gets sticky, a little drop of nail polish remover thins it back out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    if you leave it in the fridge it will feel very goopy when trying to apply it. also it wont be as watery. also if you keep it in the fridge it will dry faster

  • alice
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i dont keep it in the fridge. not sure if you should.

    it depends what kind you put on, may i suggest china glaze....

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