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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

I hate my dad & islam!!?

I hate being muslim! I just wish that I was born 2 a different family.I hate my dad like TOOOOO much! He is always picking on me just cuz I'm 16 wear skinney jeans and curl my hair lolz sounds stupid cuz it it its like he doesn't want me to look nice & he should accept me the way I am cuz most girls my age r getting pregnat and droping out of school so compared to them I'm like so inncoent & my dad always says I'm gonna send u 2 pakistan blah blah.... & cuz I never read quran in my entire life, he gives me like a 2hours lecture on how other kids read it and I never did...well cuz I don't want 2 this religon sound sooo unfair.& when my dad was a teenager he had girlfriends & he says that if u date any boy then I'm gonna kill u. Wtf!! How the hell does he expect from not 2 date when he did & islam doesn't allow that.I hate most muslim men taking advangate of woman not letting them show their beauty & treating their wives like slaves...& when I turn 18 I really wanna move out but how cuz my dad is like crazzy &in islam girls have 2 live with their parents until they get married & even tho I don't care about that it will still be hard 4 mejust 2 standup 4 myself & leave! Plzzzz helpppp

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    chris- he's cut from teh same cloth your dad is - uses religion to control others.

    I like what Pupper wrote but it's a book.

    bottom line -- be very carefull and do whatever it takes to get through the next 2 years.

    plan carefully, save $$ and keep it out of reach so he can't reach it and you can't either/ so that when you leave you can depend on having enough dough to be independent

    good job thinking for yourself., You're smart and you're right.

  • 1 decade ago

    What the heck you're no different from my friends in Pakistan they always oh my God we already accepted Islam

    Who cares about the rest ain't that enough I know lets leave our religion at get killed any ways that is not important the fact most Pakistanis are not considered Muslims because they never read the Qur'aan by heart etc etc any they still act just like the Hindus in Marriages and many living habits Pakistani claims to be Muslim but we never read the Qur'aan nor we pray that is one if the reasons we don't consider Islam to be our life we are all slaves by fashion rather than God personally I blame my nationality for being so arrogant if only they pay a little attention to their religion we can avoid this but only if we pay attention to bother looking in out religion we might achieve something like the situation you are in right now

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    When anyone is offended by a question they can have the question deleted. Not sure why this question would offend anyone but that you call your Christian Dad a spammer. I do not know what kind or how much e-mail your Dad sent you or if it was spam or legitimate e-mail concerning the many problems with your religion. YA does not support the hate of Islam even a simple question that quotes the Bible, Hadith or Quran can be deleted by easily offended Muslims. I would imagine your Dad is concerned with you following a religion that disagrees with the word of God and the words of the prophets to follow a dead man who did not know God. But as I said no one knows what was in your e-mails but you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I accidently gave Chris' answer a low rating b/c I took my glasses off for a sec and hit the wrong one. Listen to Chris. Religion is all about CHOICE and faith, and love, not force! If you do not believe in the Muslim way, then you are not Muslim and no one can make you be a muslim. Right now, you are living in your father's house, so you have to treat him with respect and politeness, but you DO NOT have to be a muslim in your heart. Jesus died to give you life and life more abundantly, not to lock you in a prison of laws. Once you turn 18, you CAN move out, you are an adult. Respectfully tell your father that you do not share in his beliefs. but BE NICE, after all he is your father and gave you life -- but how you choose to believe is your choice!

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  • 7 years ago

    Sister, Islaam teaches to worship one and only god Allah. And we are just supposed to worship him as we are the progeny of our father Aadam who Allah has created and from him, us.

    You are not the only person who has such problem with his/her parents.

    Firstly, there are 2 types of muslims:

    A muslim who is basically copying his/her parents, or his/her people on religious beliefs, and his whole belief is just based on the fact that the people around or the ancestors have come with that religion.

    These kind of people usually dont pray salaah, and they dont practise the religion almost at all, except when everyone around them is customed to an act, like jumuah prayer, and eating halaal food, and things like this, and when it comes to his/her children, they can tend to put blind limits 'according' to the religion that they think they are a part of.

    And the other group are of those who actually know what is the Quran, and its message, and they believe in it without copying their people.

    Source(s): my personal observations, although its incomplete because of the character cap
  • 7 years ago

    Listen, your dad only presures you to be a good Muslim because he knows it's right and he doesn't want you to make the same mistakes he did. His values and what he's doing and why he's doing it may be unclear now but they will make sense in the future. Muslim men want you to cover up because they don't want other men to abuse your looks and treat you like trash used one day then it's gone. They love you too much to share with anyone else. A woman is a precious human, and they need to be protected from dirty lustful minds. Also don't let what other girls do now adays influence your actions. Be your own person and stick to what you feel Is right not because oh what other girls are doing is worse. Don't choose the best answer to this question because it's what you want to hear choose because it's right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sister, the only thing i want to say is that, you are young and in young stage people become crazy and did not want to understand what their elders are teachings.

    You DAD has seen the world and have far far more experience then you and understan much better what might be good for you , definatley they try to give their best and try to save you from all evils , as they love you. But being a teen ager you might not like it.

    But if you think it deply , try to put yourself in their position you will find that they are right.

    You might not understand it now? but you will remeber it once you grow up and your own children want to left you , then you will remeber that how sad is for parents when their children disobey them and want to leave them. Then you might understand your parents are right?

    Secondly, all your concept about Islam is wrong and fasele , might be as you grown up in western country so you might not able to learn what Islam actully say. Like Islam alway encourage us to treat their wives with love and care and never allow us to treat them like slaves , you all have mic-cocpts and I think it just because you are angry.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    > Are you a blind follower or look upon logics ?

    This is just ONE example to open ur eyes.

    WHO asked her to Dress modest ?

    Are you the slave of "modern fashion" ? by dressing up what they dress ?

    i pity such slavery!

    @ur dad had gfs.

    does not mean that hes is Allowed to have them,

    @treating their wives like slaves

    These are people whom u want to follow:

    Women Rights in Islam - Modernising or Outdated?

    @I never read Quran

    thats why u hate islam.

    U hate islam Cuz ur ignorant of it

    >> Islam is the religion of Educated and logical people <<

    and Not of people who blindly follow what others are doing....

    scientist convert to islam

    Do know its WORTH!

    No doubt that Islam is the true religion.

    Now u have to decide between this worldly life leading to eternal hell or Following islam leading to eternal paradise.

    Source(s): I AM Slave Only to Allah. I am A woman of HIGH STATUS! I am not 'cheap' enough to walk and disply on streets rather a Princess! My body is protected from the all kinds of degradation... lusty gaze of men! I am safe and secure under my dad's protection, and later will be under my husband will be body guard! ~ A concealed Jewel, A Protected Rose~
  • I don't know what to do to help, but offer you my time, feel free to email me if you want. I wish you luck and happiness.

  • Candy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like u got a ruff road ahead of you. You just have to know that freedom is worth what ever it takes to have it. The rest it seems you have down enough to go on. Its just 2 more years. Bide your time safely. Obey your parents the best you can see you can until your life can be your own. There will be people who can and will help you when you are old enough. Plan ahead, know what you are doing and where to go for help. You make it sound like if you leave your dad in control of anything at all he will use it to control you. You make him sound like the sort of Muslim that would hurt you if you don't let him tell you how to live your life If that is true, When you turn 18, very quickly leave your father with absolutely no control over anything that will effect your life too much, and have it all set up to quickly be that way as fast as possible once you do turn 18, and don't even give him a clue that you are doing it for a second before its time to do it. Don't do anything before then unless you are in immediate danger. If you are in immediate danger, call the police, report your father to children and youth departments or to councilors at school. Do not ever allow yourself to be physically abused, report him to the authorities. Its the only way to stop him and or make sure you are safe. Otherwise, Be a good little girl in his eyes for the next two years, then get out and don't bother looking back. Its your life or his imprisoning religion and how much it will limit and harm you. Be smart, detailed, plan everything ahead in utter detail, but very quietly, leave nothing to be seen of what you are doing, not anywhere. Talk to only the right people when you need too. Get all the right information to move on ahead of time. Then, move on it all, all at once, having yourself entirely protected, by other people, by the law of the land and its authorities, and leave him with nothing he can subdue or he will likely use it against you to force his ways upon you. Your best bet, is for the next two years let him think you are going to do it his way, but reserving everything in yourself and in secret for the future and your own life of freedom. There is potentially a lot of help for an 18 year old girl who's smart enough to know not to give up on knowing there is always a way to do things somehow, and who is smart enough to find how in detail before she needs it. Don't just trust anybody or anything, only what is 100% going to be reliable. You really need to think. You really need to be rightly informed. You need to make sure what you are going to do is going to work. Learn in detail the systems of your local government and assistance programs. What circumstances you need to be in for them to be of use and how to put yourself in the position of advantage to get the most help to be able to help your own life. There are things to help you do that, but its no picnic, and you have to know what you are doing with it all. Don't wait to know until after you need it. Find out now how it all works. You don't need to hate your dad, though. He's just going on what he's seen in life and what he knows. That doesn't mean its healthy for you, but you don't need to hate him. I'm not telling you that you need to be Christian, but once you are 18 and out of the house regularly visiting a church can help, because one thing you definitely need to do is network yourself with people who will be sympathetic to your situation. All you need to do is be willing to learn about their religion, and they will be likely inclined to help you. They might even help you if you are not. In the mean time, make the right friends who can and will help. Have those friends at least act interested in learning about Islam in front of your father. It pays for people to be willing to learn about things, even if they are not their cup of tea. Learning, is always an advantage in life. May God bless you and mat His Almighty Hand guard your safety and well being, and may his goodness and Mercy, chase you down to know Him by His Utter Kindness and the liberty of life He wills for you with all He is. DO NOT GO TO PAKISTAN. The laws are very different there, and those laws are not very protective of women's rights. The kill women over there for not obeying the Islamic rules of their men. You find what ever reason, or what ever way you have to, not to go there.

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