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Lv 5

Doesn't committing mass murder in order to have sex with 72 virgins seem a bit selfish to you?

What kind of God wants people to do that?

23 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would be quite unselfish in my view. Ever had sex with a virgin? Do you know how arduous it is to train one up, not to mention seventy-two of them?

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no such thing in Islam if that is what you're suggesting. Murder and suicide are strictly forbidden in Islam as explained many times on this forum with the corresponding verses cited from the Quran. If anyone claims this or believes it is true, they should be challenged to provide the proof by referencing the Quran without quoting out of context verses. We should not blame what some people might do in the name of religion on the religion

    It would also be worth noting that if this or any of the other repulsive things being said about Islam were true, there would not be so many people, especially women, accepting Islam as their faith.

    Following is an extract from a recent interview with Karen Armstrong, non-Muslim former nun on Islam:

    ANDREA BISTRICH: 9/11 has become the symbol of major, insurmountable hostilities between Islam and the West. After the attacks many Americans asked: "Why do they hate us?" And experts in numerous round-table talks debated if Islam is an inherently violent religion. Is this so?

    KAREN ARMSTRONG: Certainly not. There is far more violence in the Bible than in the Qur'an; the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction, fabricated during the time of the Crusades when, in fact, it was Western Christians who were fighting brutal holy wars against Islam. The Qur'an forbids aggressive warfare and permits war only in self-defence; the moment the enemy sues for peace, the Qur'an insists that Muslims must lay down their arms and accept whatever terms are offered, even if they are disadvantageous. Later, Muslim law forbade Muslims to attack a country where Muslims were permitted to practice their faith freely; the killing of civilians was prohibited, as were the destruction of property and the use of fire in warfare.

    You can read the interview in its entirety at:

  • 1 decade ago

    It is the God of this air or world or Satan. He is the Prince of the power of the air and a liar from the beginning. He told a lie to Adam and eve that they will not die and all humans are dying until now. Jesus said that there is no marriage in heaven So it is stupid to think that there are virgins waiting to have sex. Besides the people in heaven will be like angels not virgins. Only place these murderers may have sex is Hell but I doubt whether they can do it even in Hell. It is a pure deception of the arch enemy of mankind who is also called murderer from the beginning. Jesus said The thief comes to steal Kill and destroy. So He deceives this people to kill and serve his desires.God said thou shalt not murder according to the law of Moses. So people who believe in the Torah or the law of God will not do such murders for any cause. So this is a deception of the devil or Satan and all such murderers will be shocked when they die to see the devil in His face saying well done faith full servant now enjoy the lake of fire. Specially those who commit suicide like Judas they go to a Special Hell with special torture - the lake of sulphur. I doubt whether such saying as virgins being rewarded is in the Quran.- the Holy book of Islam. Only place to have Good sex is in this world..Even the Holy book of Islam according to my knowledge allows marriage with 4 wives. Whether these people can minister to 72 virgins is a real fantasy and stupidity and nothing less than deception So it is the deception of the devil to kill steal and destroy the one murderer in the lake of Sulphur and brimstone. Be not deceived God is not mocked whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap. Be warned

    Source(s): Bible law of Moses Exodus 20 Hell by Dr, Jaerock Lee
  • 1 decade ago

    It wouldn't take me long to work through 72 virgins. Can't see the appeal myself, I'd prefer just a little experience really.

    It is certainly selfish against the 72 virgins who have to be given to a suicidal mass murderer.

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  • Pentex
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Not to mention it's 72 virgins for eternity. Man, if the point is that they get to "deflower" them, perhaps it wont take long until they're all out of virgins. But oh wait... this is religion we're talking about, they get to make their own fairytales, so i'm pretty sure they'll say it's permanent virgins.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey! If it's the only hope their religion offers, they might go for it.

    Better idea...Why not confess your sins to God, truly sorry for offending His love for you, and ask His forgiveness? He will! Turn from your sins and turn *to* God, proving your repentance is real, in faith trusting Jesus took the punishment on a cross your sins deserved. He delights in forgiving all who ask, as often as they ask, even empowering you with His Holy Spirit to do what He commands. Otherwise, if you lose eternal life, it will have been by your own choosing. He made the way for your sins to be forgiven.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Allah is not our God, but a stone moon god idol. Funny, but it ain't mentioned whether the 72 virgins are male or female.

  • It seems like a bit of poor planning. A harem of 72 people who have no idea how to have good sex?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should really ask this in the Ramadan Section.

    They are the Experts on this subject.


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, but you know what sex is like - no big deal if you´re getting it, but the thing that´s most important in the whole world if you´re not. Turns you crazy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Honestly, I don't even see how it is even all that much of an incentive. I'd rather have just 1 girl who knows what she is doing any day.

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