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People have labelled chiropractors as glorified massagers.?

Using same analogy what will you call a nurse handling bed-pan containing urine and faeces? I am

looking for a single word, ofcourse two or three are welcome but not four. (Lol, he he he)


@Hey Nit, apparently you cannot count that is why it is you who should go for

counselling. Hehehehe

Update 2:

@ Hey Tink, that's the idea to see how many of you skepies are interested. Wait for the last

bombshell when i announce my answer with comments on the winner.

Update 3:

#Rihanna, what happened? Did cat get your tongue? Couldn't think of four letter word which you

usually do against my name??? har har har hehehe!

Update 4:

###$$ Here in England, we have a saying, ONE SWALLOW DO NOT MAKE A SUMMER, not in vogue now. Why i am quoting this saying is to show you that not one but a battery of nurses attending

on a women in different shifts of the day have shown absolute neglect etc., A woman was

admitted for pneumonia and the nurse on duty put her on ventilator without cleaning the machine in

which a previous patient had died and the result was this lady got PSEUDO MONA infection which is

incurable. Doctors kept on pumping different antibiotics and kept testing her blood in the morning and

evening with no improvement. In their despair they even told me when this woman got fever that we

cannot do anything about her condition if she keeps getting fever. When i asked the cause, doctor

said we will know the result in the evening. The result was urinary tract infection and when i

questioned how this lady got it & he had no answer. I told him to come to this woman and exposed

the diaper which hadn't been replac

Update 5:

ed for one whole week by all the nurses on duty. A week later doctor had told me to keep the lady

in question properly hydrated and so to avoid any blunders i even kept a special bottle of water and

told the night duty nurse to keep feeding her. She promised but when i visited the icu at 2.30 a.m.

the nurse was found to be flirting with the doctor on duty and this lady in question was gasping for

water. When i drew the attention of the duty nurse, she said it was not a big deal and fed her some

water and the the lady in question stopped gasping. Later during the day the woman was found to be dehydrated and when doctor questioned me i pointed to the nurse and when he questioned her she sheepishly apologized. A week later doctor gave this lady a medicine for breathing problem

and it led to drug induced jaundice from which she never recovered and died. That was not the end.

While claiming the dead body the nurse on duty refused to give her stating to change the clothes

as they belonged t

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Glorified bed pan jockey.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is the 3rd time you've asked exactly the same question.

    I am going to handle it a different way. Nurses are, well, nurses. Underpaid, overworked and know the nature of the job they are getting into. The word we have for a nurse who does these things is 'nurse'

    I think you need to maybe get a little psych help about your scat fetish, these things can be overcome with the right help.

  • Tink
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Wow. That's sad, even your cohort are tired of watching you get owned.

    There isn't a single one here.

    Edit: Bombshell? Right.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Overworked, underpaid. Valuable.

    Edit: Clearly Sudhakar B didn't get owned enough in the last question so he felt the need to post again.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago


  • lo_mcg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Heroic, indispensable, overworked

  • dave
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Your career aspirations.

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