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Do Athiests really believe?

That people who believe in the Bible and follow Jesus Christ must be somehow more young and naive, less educated or somehow not as intellegent as themselves? Do you really believe that Athiests are so far above Christians that one could not possible convert? (As I was a former Athiest, and have converted to Christianity).

There are many people who once were athiest and are now Christian, it is common. For a start here is the list taken from Wikipedia, of course, this includes only well know people of our time, it does not include any old Joe Bloggs from down the road, such as myself.

Converts and reverts to Christianity

Mortimer J. Adler - Philosopher who co-founded Great Books of the Western World. Agnostic convert to the Catholic Church.[3][4]

Steve Beren - Former member of the Socialist Workers Party (United States) who became a Protestant conservative politician.[5]

Anders Borg - Sweden's Minister for Finance.[6]

Paul Bourget - French author who became agnostic and positivist at 15, but returned to Catholicism at 35.[7]

Ferdinand Brunetière - Rationalist and freethinking writer who became a Catholic.[8][9]

Julie Burchill - British journalist and feminist.[10]

Kirk Cameron - An American actor best-known for his role as Mike Seaver on the television situation comedy, Growing Pains, as well as several other television and film appearances as a child actor. Today he is a Protestant Evangelical. Recently, he portrayed the lead roles in the Left Behind film series and in the 2008 drama film, Fireproof.[11]

Whittaker Chambers - Former Communist turned conservative writer.[12][13]

Francis Collins - Geneticist who was an atheist until age 27, but then converted to Christianity.[14]

Larry Darby - Holocaust denier and former member of the American Atheists.[15][16]

Joy Davidman - Poet and wife of C. S. Lewis.[17]

Avery Dulles - A Jesuit priest, theologian, and cardinal in the Catholic Church. He was raised Presbyterian, but was an agnostic before his conversion to Catholic Christianity.[18][19]

Dawn Eden - Rock journalist of Jewish ethnicity who went from an agnostic to a Catholic writer, who was particularly concerned with the moral values of chastity.[20][21]

André Frossard - French journalist who was atheist, but converted to the Catholic Church in 1935.[22]

Eugene D. Genovese - Historian who went from Stalinist to conservative theist.[23]

Bo Giertz - Atheistic in youth he became a Lutheran bishop and writer.[24]

Simon Greenleaf - One of the principle founders of Harvard Law School, professor of law at Harvard University and president of the Massachusetts Bible Society.[25]

Tamsin Greig - British actress.[26]

Nicky Gumbel - Raised atheist and became an Anglican. He is known for his work with the Alpha course.[27]

Nina Hagen - German punk musician.[28]

Keir Hardie - Raised atheist and became a Christian Socialist.[29]

Anna Haycraft - Raised as a member of Britain's Comtist and atheistic "Church of Humanity", but became a conservative Catholic Christian in adulthood.[30]

Ammon Hennacy - Initially an atheist labor activist he became a religious pacifist in the Atlanta Penitentiary.[31]

Peter Hitchens - Journalist who went from Trotskyism to Traditionalist conservatism, and estranged brother of outspoken anti-theist and Vanity Fair writer Christopher Hitchens.[32][33]

Paul Jones - Musician, of Manfred Mann. Previously atheist and in 1967 he argued with Cliff Richard about religion on a TV show.[34][35]

Mary Karr - Memoirist and poet who switched from agnosticism to Catholicism in 1996.[36]

Ignace Lepp - French psychiatrist whose parents were freethinkers and who joined the Communist party at age fifteen. He broke with the party in 1937 and eventually became a Catholic priest.[37]

Félix Leseur - Doctor turned Catholic priest. His conversion, in part, came by efforts of his wife who was declared a Servant of God by the Catholic Church.[38]

C. S. Lewis - Writer who became an atheist as a young man, later paradoxically describing himself as being "very angry with God for not existing". He later returned to Anglicanism and wrote many books about his faith.[39]

Arnold Lunn - A skier, mountaineer, and writer. As an agnostic he wrote Roman Converts, which took a critical view of Catholicism and the converts to it. He later converted to Catholicism due to debating with converts, and became an apologist for the faith, although he retained a few criticisms of the faith.[40]

Gabriel Marcel - A leading Christian existentialist. His upbringing was agnostic.[41]

Alister McGrath - Biochemist and Christian theologian. Founder of 'Scientific theology' and critic of Richard Dawkins in books like Dawkins' God: Genes, Memes, and the Meaning of Life and The Dawkins Delusion?[42][43]

Claude McKay - Bisexual Jamaican poet who went from Communist atheist to a devout Catholic Christian.[44]

Czesław Miłosz - Poet who won the 1980


@- lhvinny - I am simply making a point, in a way that has to form a question as this is a question/answer forum.

Update 2:

@ Dem2008 - I am simply listing those who were athiest and converted to Christianity to prove that athiests DO convert to Christianity.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "...somehow not as intellegent as themselves"...

    If the shoe fits... (it's "intelligent")

    I don't make generalized claims about huge groups of people -- there's almost never any statement that would be true about *all* of them. However, when *individual* god-believers show their ignorance, lack of education, and "poor intelligence," I'm quite happy to point it out to them.

    All I can say about any god-believer is that belief in a god is irrational. That's fine, you can be irrational if you want to, there's no rule that says you *must* be rational. I just find being rational more useful, and that it leads to better decision making overall. It does bother me a bit when god-believers dishonestly claim their belief *IS* rational, when it's not...but that's because they're being dishonest, not because of their belief. I dislike dishonesty :)


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No atheist has ever converted to christianity. A few people who thought it might be fashionable to say they were atheists might have become christian, but if you are an atheist you KNOW how absurd christianity is. Chances are you KNOW that the bible was plagiarized from the Sumerian tablets and is a fantasy. So no, they and you were never atheists.

  • sache
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Atheists do no longer shop on with a collection of ideals. What one Atheist believes does no longer advise that yet another Atheist thinks the comparable way. the only element Atheists ought to agree on is they do no longer believe in a deity.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm atheist because I don't buy the story. I don't care who is or ever was an atheist who converted.

    There is no evidence to support a god or gods. Very simple.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Being a former atheist, or claiming that you were, you already know the answer to your question. It is obviously "no" for both. I'm curious as to why you asked, unless you are really this obvious as a poe.

  • 1 decade ago

    all athiests have in common is that we dont believe in a god, it depends on the person u ask as to whether they think they are above christains or not. i believe every living being is equal, from the largest bluewhale to the smallest bacteria. we all just have a life to live and the only time to live it is now

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can NEVER argue the truth of a position by citing a bunch of people who support it. You argue the truth of a position by unveiling the actual ARGUMENTS posed by those people who support it, or maybe ideas of your own, too.

  • 1 decade ago

    >That people who believe in the Bible and follow Jesus Christ must be somehow more young and naive, less educated or somehow not as intellegent as themselves?

    Statistically, yes, they are less intelligent and less educated. Care to explain that?

    It's a shame you don't know anecdotal evidence can't refute statistical data.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People get old, think "aww hell naww, this can't be it" because their life wasn't all they wanted it to be (it never is), so get religious in the vain hope of enjoying some sort of fabled afterlife.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No atheist believes this, However that's a very nice cut and paste job.

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