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Why would anyone think science disproves the existence of God?

Science tries to explain how the world works, and has no information about what caused it to begin. People will say the big bang happened. But what caused the big bang? Saying that because we have science there must be no God is like saying, because I am a mechanic and can fix my car and understand how it works, there must not be any engineer who designed it. The existence of God is a philosophical problem, not a scientific one. The bible on the other hand does not attempt to be a scientific document. It's a story to tell us about who God is and who we are etc.


@borat This is where you're wrong. You've looking at pre-modern writings through the lense of your modernity. The things you say the bible is claiming "scientifically" is not what the authors had in mind, but it's easy for people in our day and age to see things that way.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I never think it disproves th existence of a god. It does, however, disprove the credibility of the bible (or at least question it). There may well be a god, but i'm certain it's not the one described in the bible or any religious scripture

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's true about science not being able to debunk a god's existence.

    BUT, the Bible intrudes on the scientific world many times. A 600 year old man gathering the world's animals to prepare for a world-wide flood is a distinctly scientific claim. We can go out into the world and see if a worldwide flood has any evidence. There isn't any. Same with the Exodus story. Over a million people walked around in the desert for 40 years in an area where no evidence was left of their presence. This is why people don't trust it. We go out and try to verify the claims that are testable, and they always fail.

    And what about killing birds and sprinkling the blood all over so that you can cure yourself of leprosy? Would you like to put the advice of Leviticus to the scientific test? What purpose could such barbaric sacrificial rituals serve to please God? Isn't that more likely to be bronze-age barbarism than divine revelation?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "The existence of God is a philosophical problem, not a scientific one."

    It's scientific when religious people make claims that can be examined using science. And don't try to sidestep the bible by saying it's not a scientific document. There are multiple claims in the bible that are demonstrably FALSE.

    "The things you say the bible is claiming "scientifically" is not what the authors had in mind"

    Nice cop-out. The parts of the bible that science has disproven are all magically metaphorical, right? But the story about zombie jesus? Oh yeah that's real. Give me a break. Your attempt to defend the bible is laughable. So please continue. It amuses me.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    By learning through science we realize that the ways things are said to happen in the Bible would be completely illogical, and sometimes impossible. Some examples are Noah's Ark, and the age of the Earth.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am an athiest and a scientist and i don't say that. However the more science explains the less there is a need for the god explanations. God used to live in the heavens (the sky) God used to be responsible for lightning, and other phenomenon etc get the idea? While science will never disprove god it will replace him in almost every aspect.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    its not just a story to tell us about God and who we are.

    why do you deny parts of the Bible? why do you deny that is says the earth, or that Adam and Eve were created 6000 years ago? or that God created the universe in 6 days? do you think God is lying to you?

    God gives people two choices: Him or the world. when you choose science, you are choosing the world. God doesn't like that.

    you don't have to believe in the creation story to be saved, but don't run around telling people something that the Bible clearly doesn't support. people that do that make Christians look like fools and make a mockery of the Bible. if you accept the Bible, accept every part. there is no room for discussion. as soon as you start throwing out verses, why should anyone believe a single one?

    God bless.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    it doesnt, it hasnt, yet,

    it merely supports there not being any

    it will disprove, if there is no god

    it wont disprove, if there is

    life, isnt a car, life, can naturally exist, cars cant

    i have to disagree

    anything that exists is a 'scientific issue'

    because thats how its proven to exist, science isnt a 'human made' construct, it just is,

    its studing the efects of whatever does exist

    evne spirituality can be 'proven' if its studied

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have the exact same question except it's for the Christians who feel the need to prove that the science of evolution is just some giant conspiracy being foisted on us. Why can you not accept evolution and your God?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Quite right, God is the original Scientist and all that scientific discoveries can ever do is to reveal more about the one who created it all.

  • 1 decade ago

    firstly there is a significant difference between god and the god of the bible.

    however, science can never conclusively prove that there is no god, therefore science is irrelevant to theists.

    its a matter of faith as to whether science can ever conclusively prove anything; it requires the assumption (one among many) that there is any truth to discover, which in itself is a religious (ie faith based) belief.

    to answer the title question: because someone told them it did.

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