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reformatted pc, no internet isnt working?


My boyfriend reformatted his computer (windows xp) but he cant seem to be able to get his internet connected to it, he is on virgin media broadband, and uses a eternet cable to connect to the internet. But nothing is happeneing, his router is working fine, he can connect his wifi to his phone etc so internet is working fine its just he cant connect to the internet. nothing seems to be happening. Hes tried making new connections but not picking up nothing.

What can he do? any suggestions?


He doesnt have a brand pc, it was a pc that was made for him in a shop that builds pcs.

He doesnt connect wireless, only through eternet but not picking up nothing

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's probably forgotten to install the drivers. Right click on computer in the start menu, properties, hardware, device manager, and see if there are any devices with ! marks. If there are, go to the manufacturer's website and download the drivers for that computer (use a flash drive on another computer) and install them.

  • 1 decade ago

    100 percent lan card driver or ethernet driver is your problem.

    but you can check it also on your computer properties, right click on it and check properties, go to hardware...check for the LAN CARD if it got yellow question mark on it, that is your problem

    Does you BF got the driver disk still? It usually come with computer when you buy it, if he does, he have to install it, check the disk that came with it if he got one..

    I assume it is seperate LAN CARD as well because if it built in on Motherboard, it should be auto detected once you install the windows XP

    If it is seperate LAN CARD, It means that it is seperated connected to the motherboard, Open the computer and check the brand and just google it for what brand name ..let say it is realtek, search realtek ethernet driver (model or serial code etc). Download it and install it

  • kanok
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you may restoration this your self. discover Administrative equipment on your commence menu. Open it ,pick workstation administration. Open it, pick device manager. Open it, scroll to community Adapters. Open and also you'll discover your information superhighway connection. authentic click the relationship, scroll contained in the drop field to homes, and click it. on the authentic of the field there are tabs, open the driver tab. right here you will see the records of the driver and the kind decision. there's a a replace tab right here also. With Vista and homestead windows 7, homestead windows will replace the driver for you via clicking on it. XP think ofyou've got to bypass to the manufacture listed contained in the records, get carry of to a disc or flash force first on yet another workstation, then installation on your workstation, then practice homestead windows the position this is kept. There are practise once you get carry of and also you in basic words want to write down the region. The Ethernet manufacture maximum in all likelihood is Realtek and their web site is rather basic to navigate. desire it enables.

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to the computer manufacturers website and download the driver for the LAN and WLAN (if the PC has wireless).

    If he uses a dongle, or he built it himself - find the manufacturer of the LAN/WLAN dongle and go to their website to download the driver.

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  • 1 decade ago

    he hasnt installed the ethernet or wireless drivers on the PC - try downloading from to update all the out of date or missing ones

  • 1 decade ago

    if he formatted the disc then he has wiped windows from it ,so you will need to get the install dvd to reinstall the op again, he will probably have to go to the shop that built the pc and get a loan of the reinstall dvd,

  • 1 decade ago

    check the NIC network interface card.

    Source(s): heathkit
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