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Why do you believe in a god?

Just answer the question, honestly. I don't want to read any bible or quran verses. I want your opinion. I don't give a crap about what barbaric men felt what was right thousands of years ago.


Even though I mentioned "I don't give a crap about what barbaric men felt what was right thousands of years ago," most answers had something to do with this. Those answers are ignored.

After 18 answers, I am still an atheist, you religious people aren't doing you religion justice.

If you notice, more than one God was mentioned. But each time it was mentioned, they said that was the one true God... I don't know what to make of this, so I wont bother with it.

To what "imrod" said, that isn't impossible at all. Nothing is impossible, therefore the focus should be on what is more probable. The fact that you think an invincible being granting prayers and loving everyone on the planet is more probably then by chance tells me how manipulative someone has to be to fall for something silly as that.

The whole miracle and experience God thing is just stupid. You want to talk about a miracle? 18 million people die because of poverty. How is that for a miracle? You selfish piece of crap.

I don

Update 2:

I don't care how complex DNA is, just because we don't understand something, doesn't mean we should just be completely irrational.

"No person can experience any God without first seeing that God." I don't see God. Done.

Why does it even matter if the universe appeared out of nowhere or from an invisible being that has no evidence? Id rather believe it came from nothing because it just sounds more rational. Allah can suck my penis and so can Jesus. I welcome them right now, no, I beg them to come.

The fact that someone actually had to spend 35 years and in the end to not understand how stupid religion is just mind boggling. It's amazing, you understand that there are contradictions but you still believe. How can a contradiction be explained? Why does it even matter? The fact is that God was written by barbaric morons years ago, let it fking go. Satan? Really? People are so fking stupid.

Update 3:

"The Bible says that God is Love," the bible also says to kill all fags. So what do we do now? Should we just kill all the fags, start slavery again, and treat women, "Sarah Wise" the way the bible says to? I don't think so. You only choose to follow crap that you like. The fact that people claim the bible to be the word of God is complete crap. Don't even get me started on the crap that the Qur'an says.

Why would a loving God write ignorant crap like this? Lets answer that with God didn't write it, or is not the word of God and he is imaginary. Then we can completely understand that when the bible was written, by men, it was completely OKAY to have slaves, stone people to death for adultery, kill fags, treat women like my crap... the list goes on and on.

Let's just drop this whole crap about God, lets follow religion for what it was meant for, good morals. The only religion I think is good on this manner is Buddhism. All other religions are full of crap.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    *Stabs everyone to death*

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe Jesus because I have seem him do many miracles. One reason that God doesn't preform miracles like he did in the new testament is the lack of faith. Many Americans only have faith in technology and in the advancements in science. Go to a third world country and you will see the hand of God as you never seen it before. I did and I saw the difference.

  • Everyone only believes in something or someone because:

    1. They know it is real or was real.

    2. They know it exists or did exist

    3. They know something happened or will happen.

    In order to believe in God, I have to find out if He exists or is real. The Bible says that God is Love, therefore in order to find out if God is real or exists, I have to find out if Love is real or exists.

    By observing the activities of mankind, I discover that Love is real and it does exist. It exists in the heart of every man, woman and child.

    As such, I believe in God because He is Love and Love exists in everyone. Since love exists in everyone I am not a fool to believe in God because God is Love and in the form of Love, He exists in everyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in GOD because there are to many unexplainable things in this universe , but with Jesus I get answers to all these things in time.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No person can experience any god w/o first seeing that god, so that the god could be recognize with a person's experience.

  • papaw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes I believe in the only God that there is, Jehovah God - the Christian God...There is NO other!


  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in God.

  • imrod
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sherlock Holmes: "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." An organized universe, life and intelligence all by chance is impossible. What is left is a creator.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because I have experienced God first hand over and over again in my life.

  • 1 decade ago

    '' I think therefore I am." <- look it up lol I believe in God for many reasons and that reason is one of them. ;)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I highly doubt a deity exists.

    Source(s): agnostic atheist
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