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Rick R
Lv 5
Rick R asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Can anybody give me semi-detailed list of the accomplishments of President George W. Bush?

Please bear in mind, this is an entirely un-biased question. I know that he was not exactly a great President, but at the same time, I also know that that there was some pretty useful legislation passed during his presidency that was greatly over-shadowed by his adiministration's handling of the post-9/11 world, and the subsequesnt 'War on Terror'. I aim to develop a better perspective on recent American history with this question, not to exalt OR insult the man or his actions. Serious answers only, please, and links are VERRRY helpful. Thanks, yall:)


@ RJC: Thank you for the giving the first actual answer to my question. I appreciate it.

I must note however, that much of the legislation regarding the VA and benefits to our troops was essentially damage control for the blow-back of our government's disgustingly low interest in the welfare of our troops. After the story broke about the conditions of many of our VA hospitals, the administration took progressive, very public steps towards improving the image of the VA.

National Service programs primarily rely on the volunteer efforts of the people. This is not a credit to the administration. Honestly, Bushes handling of the Katrina situation was no more effective than Obama's handling of the BP situation. And the massively unchecked abuse of the programs enacted to help the victims actually contributed to the deficit over time.

I remember the initiatives to expand Medicare. Due applause granted (claps hands)

I also remember the initiative to preserve nature in the beginning. It is rea

Update 2:

I also remember the initiative to preserve nature in the beginning. It is really not anyone's fault that most people don't understand that nature preserves actually have a profound impact on the environment and the habitats the encompass, and that that impact is usually not positive. Thumbs up, nonetheless.

I honestly believe that he believed the children are our future, but that he did not know how to act in that interest. That being said, NCLB was a financial and bureaucratic disaster with a multi-generational wake from which future Americans may never fully recover.

His 1st executive order was a clear violation of the constitution. Regardless of how you feel about separation of church and state, this order inextricably linked the government to a private interest.

Update 3:

LOL @ Herbert S: Beating out John Kerry is as much an accomplishment as finishing all the pages in your coloring book. It does take a little less effort though.

Update 4:

@limit my govt: I in fact did NOT forget that. But I also recall how ineffective the help was. And I already know that the "displaced Katrina victims" were supposed to have temporary arrangements elsewhere, but they became permanent by essentially just avoiding the net to draw em back. That was the economic burden to which I reffered. As far as Obama's handling of the oil spills, all that he could have done was use the incident as leverage against OPEC, and start imposing more federal limitations on our business dealings with BP, and allow other countries to help. Neither of which he did. It's sad but true, all the other consequences of that event were inevitable, and unavoidable. And he was not in any position to contribute to them. He's a politician, not an engineer. But can you answer the question?

Update 5:

@limitmygov: In addition, Bush took pre-emptive action in Iraq because he could 'foresee the situation becoming a problem'. There was no hindsight involved in that action. The dam in New Orleans broke once before. It was in the late 70s I believe. There was plenty of hindsight in that scenario that he chose not to enact. He knew that it wasn't sufficient enough to hold, cuz it broke, resulting in the disaster area that became post-Katrina Louisiana. He very easily could have over-ridden the Mayor and governor and sent federal aid anyway. In much the same way the fed has over-ridden Mississippis complaints against southern Illinois and lifted the dam to relieve them of the flood waters there.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I would like to rebut your point regarding Katrina and the BP situation. President Bush's handling of Katrina was FAR more effective than President Obama's handling of the BP situation. Everyone seems to forget that Pres. Bush tried to get aide to New Orleans ASAP and the Mayor and other officials of New Orleans initially turned down the federal government; said they could handle it. It was only after they saw how devestating it truly was before they accepted the help offered. The only thing Obama did for the gulf coast after the oil spill was stop drilling in the gulf and put alot of people out of work. Which in turn also significantly hurt the fishing industries and the tourism industries. Partly to blame is also the main-stream, Obama loving-media, that made the oil spill out to be FAR worse than it really was. Trust me on that; I live on the Gulf coast!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    properly he killed 1000's of 1000's of Arabs in Iraq and different places. thousands and thousands extra lost their homes and had to flee. i think in case you hate Arabs what he did in Iraq is a real accomplishment. He bigger the national debt, so in case you do no longer choose united statesa. to be the only super capacity of the international, then that ought to rely as an accomplishment too. i did no longer like Bush, yet i believe that he became extra efficient than the democratic option. the government would desire to be as small as available, Bush relatively made it larger, yet in keeping with hazard a democratic president would have made it even larger than that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He beat out Gore and Kerry.

    That's a good start.


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. re-elected (gangsta style)

    2. kicked a**

    3. mission accomplished

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