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Lv 6
? asked in Entertainment & MusicTelevisionDrama · 1 decade ago

What TV shows would you recommend to me?

I'm looking for another series or two that I'd like, that's new to me, from about the past 10-15 years let's say. I'm nearly done watching Firefly for the first time, and have really enjoyed that series. To give you an idea of what I'm looking for, other shows I've enjoyed watching or re-watching in the past few years include Babylon 5, Earth2, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Sherlock, most of the Star Trek shows, and I'm one of the biggest Doctor Who fans on the planet. I'd like to find a couple more shows that I haven't watched before that have some good, imaginative storylines with substance, and that make me think about them, with good casting and characters as well. A couple examples of shows I didn't go for: Farscape (just never got into the dialog/writing), and the new Battlestar Galactica (just too dark and depressing for me).

Thanks in advance.


I'm over 40... but my mind mostly isn't, as you might tell from the selections listed above.

And I've watched some of the Fringe episodes... pretty good... maybe I'll look for more, but it's a shade too gory for me.

Update 2:

Thanks, LOVE - I used to love the Simpsons... I guess I just got tired of it after so many years of it. I'll check out American Dad and Spartacus. Yep - lots of nerdy stuff for me, I know... ;-)

Update 3:

@ R.S.B. - Ah! I see Nathan Fillion stars in Castle - I'll have to check that one out too. Thanks.

@ K - The Twilight Zone - you talking about the old series (I've seen a lot of it) or the 1985 series, or something else? And yeah - actually, I was a fan of Gilmore Girls for a while too.

Update 4:

@ lrd00a - I watched and enjoyed part of Stargate SG-1 years back... maybe I'll try Atlantis. Torchwood - too dark/violent for me... couldn't get into Series 1. SJA - Liz Sladen's great as Sarah Jane, and I've enjoyed this show, even if it's *really* for a younger age group. What a shame to lose Sladen recently... I've heard there are 6(?) more episodes that were made and will air this fall.

Update 5:

@ the other 3 answerers, I haven't heard of The Glades, The Walking Dead, or Breaking Bad, and will check them out. And I'm not really a Buffy fan, but thanks for the suggestion.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Castle and Bones are amazing shows that you can watch. I completely love them!

    Source(s): Me
  • 1 decade ago

    The Mentalist is kind of a mystery type show with a little bit of comedy because the main character is so witty, The Glades is just like that

    Parks and Recreation and The Office are fantastic

  • 1 decade ago

    The Twilight Zone?

    I'm a big fan of Lost and Gilmore Girls.

  • lrd00a
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Stargate SG-1

    Stargate Atlantas

    Torchwood (Dr. Who Spinoff)

    The Sarah Jane Adventures (another Dr. Who spinoff)

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Walking Dead - first episode trailer

    And getting out of scifi (you hit about all the major points) I have really gotten into Breaking Bad lately.

    Really waiting on new seasons of both shows

  • 1 decade ago


    Source(s): p
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    try something realistic like the office and parks and rec. u might like bones (major kicka$$ show!) and i also like family guy and simpsons, even american dad. u seem in to that nerdy stuff so u may like Spartacus lol (historical but crazy *** weird)

  • 1 decade ago

    if you liked firefly you will like buffy, another joss wheadon series

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it depends how old r u?

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