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Atheists and Others: Whatever will you ask about on May 22, 2011?

Harold Camping's folly will once again be history, and you will need new cannon fodder..... so what will it be?

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh the 2012 morons will be back.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well I would ask what his magical "mathematical formula" was and how Harold Camping could read dates with zero's in it despite the Hebrew counting method which I believe DOESN'T HAVE ANY ZERO'S IN IT.

    The Indians developed the number zero not the Jews. So how is it that Harold magically predicted that the world was going to end in 2011?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah the man Camping made a major mistake, for reading the Word of the one man here on earth who has been given the year of the beginning, but not the day and hour go to Adam and Eve seed gathering ministry at google search, therein on the prophecy and the signs page are the listed signs of our waking and gathering which have been listed there since the end of 2008, and are the likes of signs as Japan Earthquake, and the Suns Flares/explosions of record which have been in the news since, and the Meteor which again exploded over 700 company/pat robertson/Virginia Beach Virginia, and the now floods across America, as the Hail Storms of record proportions...with other signs listed there which now come!!! Also on the Home page are URLS for viewing the Holy Spirit of God, who has come up from His place for our gathering Isaiah 26:21 and hides Himself no more Isaiah 45:15...Read the entire site therein Gods mystery is finished Rev:10:7 page is for questions, as the e-mail address on the home page, and are for sending proofs unto us, and for us sending proofs unto you, and for declaring ones families gathering...He gathers those who came over cometh Rev:2:7, the 144000 and more remnant has begun...Love your AVATAR

    Source(s): WORD
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Shame you cannot identify yourself rather than that ridiculous pen name you have used.

    I read your 'About Me' and am disappointed that you have aligned yourself with Paul and not Jesus.

    One of the greatest problems of the Christian church today is the emphasis on Paul's teachings and the absence of Jesus' teachings, as per the Gospels.

    Jesus' message was simple and his call to obedience and to help the poor, the sick and the homeless was clear and straightforward. But alas our churches (catholic and protestant) build massive buildings whilst people around the world starve to death.

    As regards Harold Camping ... he was a fruitcake and any one that took him seriously was just as bad.

    So what will it be next you ask? Well I am sure some red neck fundamentalist or narrow minded bigot will come up with something to stir our juices, don't you think?

    regards MGD

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  • 1 decade ago

    The bible says no one knows the day or hour of His coming.Bible believing christians don't accept every prediction people makes.


    I am a bible longtime bible believing christian and never heard of Harold Camping before atheists and antichristians proudly proclaimed on R&S that "all" christians believe what this guy said.I still haven't researched the guy and not interested in His prediction.

    Please understand bible believing christians don't believe the end of the Mayan calendar is the end of the world.Mayans were not christians.Mayans had no access to bibles since they didn't have bibles or scriptures with them.No the end of the Mayan calendar is the end of the Mayan calendar and is not a bible prediction or christian prediction of the end of the world.You may give me thumbs down but I have seen many atheists and antichristians use that on R&S to prove their point.

    Source(s): Jesus Matthew 24:36 (King James Version) 36But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What gives all of you the right to judge ALL Christians by what Harold Camping spews out?

    We do not all have the same beliefs ... especially his!

  • 1 decade ago

    Not to worry... if there's one thing I have faith in, it's that religionists will do something goofy with sufficient frequency that there will always be plenty of cannon fodder.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry, what makes you think that we actually care about H C's folly. I can't wait until it is over and I can answer real questions for a change!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'll still be asking rapture questions. If we're lucky, there will be another grand scale piece of performance art like this rapture thing or Charlie Sheen's tiger blood.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just get the beer in for Sundays "Laugh at the Christians Day"!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd imagine that they would be similar to the questions asked before all of this rapture nonsense.

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