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  • Looking for a song.?

    Need author/title. Two part of the song I recall was the guy was looking for a place to park and when he found one a huge car beat him to it. Then he went to the dentist, got a shot to numb him but the dentist started drilling before he was numb, There was more but I can t remember it. It reminded me of a Jimmy Buffett song but it was a country song.

    3 AnswersLyrics4 years ago
  • Why does the government insist we need to be taken care of and people come running to agree?

    The government is trying hard to give us reasons to be lazy. They place restrictions on businesses, make business owners choose their insurance and penalize them for not doing so. We have LIFERS on welfare and expect us to accept all their lies. What they are doing is making it so it is more lucrative to sit and do nothing than to actually grow businesses. They are becoming the royalty and we are allowing the to make us into worthless jobless ignorant children. WHY ARE WE DOING THIS TO OURSELVES?

    4 AnswersCivic Participation7 years ago
  • Continuation of previous question?

    There were 3 who were closely tied in understanding what I was asking. And not, I am not a "Religious type" nor am I uptight about (as was put) the horizontal bop. I have been married 25 years next Jan. but I still don't discuss that in open forum. My question still is the same why do people do this? I mean how they ask is (to me) very disrespectful. Especially when there is a possibility that young kids could be reading this. Why can't people be a bit more discreet?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Since Atheists are so keen on ridding the world of religion and signs of religion?

    When are they going to start on destroying the statues of the Greek, Roman and Egyptian Deities in the museums? And when are they going to realize their so called anti-religion IS a form of religion after all they are gathering together to convert others to their beliefs of no GOD/Deities?

    Just wondering. I would prefer a real discussion rather than bashing if you please.

    31 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why are all the questions on R&S showing best answer when brought up and everything is over an hour old?

    I have it set to newest and every time I come on and try to answer questions they are already ended! What is going on? This is two days straight!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Does anyone know the meaning for a crescent moon on the heel of ones foot?

    I have a friend who was born with an image of a crescent moon on her heel. She was wondering it there was a meaning or folk lore associated with it. Does anyone have any ideas?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Does anyone know what a Kurdled (or Curdled?) Friar was and what their duties were?

    I am trying to find information on this particular type of friar. I have Google-ed, Binged, Yahoo-ed and used other search engines but the only thing I have found was the name Friar Tuck and the fact a friar did not live in a monastery. I need more details and what they would carry as they traveled. Can anyone tell me or suggest a site or book which might help me? It is very much appreciated. Thank you in advance. This is for building a persona for a friend, not school work.

    By the way, I chose this site because some of you have knowledge of Religious orders and might know where I can get the information.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Where can I find used leather tools? What is the best sources on line?

    I am looking for the tools which one decorates leather goods with. I am looking for used but in fairly good condition without having to pay a lot (on a fixed income). Does anyone have a reputable site to find them? Any help is appreciated.

    2 AnswersOther - Visual Arts10 years ago
  • Why are many of the legitimate questions on religion deleted?

    When much of the stuff that shouldn't even be on here is left up? Stuff that 13-18 should not even be exposed to?

    I am just wondering since I am seeing this trend more and more on R & S!

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do Atheists care pt.2?

    I guess the community really didn't understand my question. What I wanted to know is why all the people who put up all the hatred (calling religious people stupid etc.) when in reality MOST are not that way. I wanted to know why those who put Christians or other beliefs down so much when (In reality) The majority who do NOT force their beliefs on others or affect others by their actions or beliefs? WHY did everyone assume 1. My religious beliefs, and 2. Continue with their tirade against religion. NOT all are like that just like not all Atheists are full of hatred. Why here? And why assume I have anything to do with Muslims or witches (I sell teas thus the name)? I am a legal American and NOT even a Christian. WHY such hatred?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do Atheists care what the religious believe?

    Just a thought. I have seen a lot of hatred towards the beliefs of the religious on this site, so why DO you care what others believe when it doesn't affect you in the slightest? Why do you feel compelled to be worse than the "fundies" at times by calling people names because they happen to believe in something you don't? Those who believe are NOT stupid or the like. Get to really know the person and you might be surprised. So again can you EXPLAIN why all the attacks when what they believe has nothing to do with you?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Everyone having fun?

    Happy New Years Everyone!

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do deleted questions remain up?

    On Religion/Spirituality they continue to show questions which have been deleted yet ask us to answer them. Why don't they just remove them completely instead of wasting the rest of our time?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Since when does Yahoo delete lagitiment questions?

    Someone asked a simple question. How does one become a Wiccan. Wiccan is a polytheistic religion and the question was not against community guidelines. I wonder WHY is Yahoo deleting this when it isn't against the guideline? Clearly they are showing religious intolerance by doing so.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • pop ups after answering questions?

    Why all of a sudden am I getting a pop up that says "Do you want to have your Y/A activity all over the web?" (or something to that effect) and it only gives you one option which is "yes"! What if you want nothing to do with it. I post in religion & spirituality because THAT is where it is happening. I though we could choose yet yahoo is saying we can not.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does YAHOO ANSWERS stand up for someone putting down My beliefs yet punish me when I am telling my side?

    I just got a violation notice. Now I wouldn't mind if I knew I was in the wrong, but the one who reported me was 13 and had no idea of the misinformation she was spreading. I am sure I wasn't the only one who got the notice, but she also did not include all the information. I was polite when I could have given her one for sounding like a bigot. I do not put down others because of their beliefs, but I also do not ignore false information. With this violation I can see why many longtime participants have been leaving in droves. I think YAHOO ANSWERS should rethink their violation orders and dig deeper before giving anyone a violation notice or erasing answers fill with real facts.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do a lot of people blame GOD for every disaster etc?

    When you cut your finger because you are using it wrong, or move to a place you know has horrible disasters... WHY BLAME GOD FOR YOUR CHOICES. He did not give you the knife or tell you to move or even give anyone diseases! Take responsibility for your actions!

    (Think question. No right or wrong answers)

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where do they get this Dec 21 2012 misinformation?

    Why, do people believe such things? They are using a pagan calender (which actually ended already! It was on the news several months ago yet everyone is still talking about it as being official.) for a validation of a Christian prophesy?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do people answer questions they don't know?

    I see people who want to know answers to specific beliefs and or religions. I just saw one on Wicca. I saw a lot of people who haven't a clue what Wicca is about giving off the wall or pat Christian answers. Why do these people insist on giving out answers to things they have no clue about. This is just a thought question so I will probably leave it to the community to decide.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • bail out controversy.. Did you know?

    Check out the blog on this my space site.

    For those who have been paying attention to what congress was doing, this guy has put up some points we should all pay attention to!

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago