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Why are many of the legitimate questions on religion deleted?

When much of the stuff that shouldn't even be on here is left up? Stuff that 13-18 should not even be exposed to?

I am just wondering since I am seeing this trend more and more on R & S!


Some great answers here, hard to decide... When I see inappropriate ones I try to do what I can. But it does seem that it is automatic. I know that people are sometimes hateful in their answers, I have had it too. I just would like to see the real questions allowed to remain and some of the over 21 questions or stuff not related to religion and spirituality gone from here. But then. of course, that is not politically correct, which I am not. Catch 22 I guess.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Depends on who reports the question. There are some people who go around reporting and flagging every answer. If it gets flagged too many times, and no one knows how many times is too many, then it will likely be deleted by the Yahoo Computer Fairy.

    Then there's chatting, ranting, and the few questions that dare ask a legitimate question and then link to product advertising. In other words stealth spam.

    Without knowing what question got deleted or why, we can't tell you.

  • Mr Ed
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There are some people who, the moment you question their particular religious views, decide it is offensive, and report it. And I have a feeling that YA is on automatic, which means it automatically reacts to a reporting, without any human being actually analyzing it.

    Those who report often probably feel very "righteous" about it, and are encouraged when they see the question - or reply - deleted.

    Personally I don't think any reporting should be done unless someone is obviously trying to mess things up, such as putting an insulting question and repeating it over and over again. Or when someone copy and pastes an identical answer to every single question, just being stupid. Otherwise, I think everyone should mind their own business and let YA do its own policing. If I find a question - or an answer - offensive to me, I have the option of ignoring it. - In the same way I ignore the spell corrector when it tries to make me write "offencive" instead of "offensive".

  • 1 decade ago

    TW, the reasons are many. Many are deleted for actually legitimate reasons (although the reporters are being very picky and may have an axe to grind with the asker). Others are reported due to outright discrimination. Some folks take offense at legitimate queries about their religion from people who are not members of that Religion. They may simply assume that their Religion is being attacked when in fact the truth is the total opposite. The rest are pure and outright attempts at silencing any sort of ideas which may be counter to what they believe and are prime examples of what Religion should NOT be all about.

    This world is made up of a wide variety of types of people. To MY way of thinking, that is the way things should be. Diversity is the very foundations of this Nation (USA), yet too many people fail to realize that and understand how that is the very thing that makes our nation into the great Nation that it truly is. They feel that they have the sole responsibility to censor what everyone else gets to read, watch, hear and think. Yet when someone makes such a move against them they shout and scream that they are being wronged. The ideas of fairness and equality are concepts which they fail to comprehend and fully understand. I feel really sorry for those kinds of folks because they deny to themselves the beauty that diversity can bring to their lives and enrich their total outlooks on the universe.

    Brightest Blessings,

    Raji the Green Witch

  • 1 decade ago

    The may be legitimate, but are worded in a manner that someone finds offensive and reports. The stuff that is left is not reported. If you see something that you feel minors should be exposed to report it.

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  • Matt
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have noticed that many hateful questions to Catholics are left up and the ones questioning the hatred and ignorance are pulled down. It is sad.

  • 1 decade ago

    when i try asking legit spiritual questions, i get insulting answers like "oh its fake and you are stupid for believing in it" and stuff, so bad answers is part of it

  • 1 decade ago

    Legitimate religious questions are very often deleted because this forum is over-run with God-haters, both those who sign on to answer questions and those who operate this forum.

    Source(s): Disgusted Christian
  • AEF
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Ranting and chatting and insulting

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