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leslie b asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

how can I train my min pin not to eat the mice he catches?

My little guy is a fantastic mouser, which is great. But I worry he will catch something from his "catch" because he eats them. I would like to train him to drop it, like a present for me, and accept a treat instead. Any suggestions?


Thanks so much to all! Anne, is Tri-Heart Plus (Ivermectin/Pyrantel) an adequate parasite preventative, or is there something more he needs? This little guy is a rescue, as are all my pets, and I knew nothing about the breed when I pulled this little pup out of a snow bank in February. I'm trying hard to learn his needs and habits!

5 Answers

  • anne b
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is always nice to see a Minpin doing the job it was bred to do. He is ridding your property of vermin, and that is what they are good at.

    You can teach the drop it command, or you could let him do his job.

    Please make sure he is on a good parasite preventative, so he doesn't catch anything from the wildlife. Other than that, his hunting is not harming him, and is satisfying his prey drive.

    ETA: I actually use Sentinel. It protects against most parasites, and heartworm as well. You should ask your vet, as I am not sure what parasites are common in your area.

    Below is some info about your dog:

    Thanks for rescuing!

    Source(s): My 6 Minpins are all killers.
  • 5 years ago

    Nine hours an afternoon is a long time for one puppy to be all by myself, particularly a puppy that has been deserted earlier than - greater than as soon as. Could he have a buddy? Or be left at a domestic dog day care at the same time you are operating? I do not fully grasp if he is going potty within the laundry room or the basement? He has to head someplace for the duration of the day. Get a muddle field (no lid) and placed a scented potty pad in it. Give him nontoxic chewies to paintings on at the same time he is all by myself and a kind of rolling kibble dispensers. Don't begrudge him his neediness. He is aware of how fickle persons can also be and he is nonetheless finding out that you're going to come dwelling, finally. Go to obedience categories with him; it's going to deliver you a shared endeavor and can aid him suppose extra positive in you. Don't evaluate him in your different puppy, they could also be the equal breed however they don't seem to be the equal.

  • 1 decade ago

    first you need to train the dog to drop other things like his toys for you, do this by word drop and giving him either some tit bits or another toy in exchange,use the word drop and hand signal to represent that word, keep doing this, your be surprised how quick the dog will get the idea, one you have this mastered your be able to do the same when he catches a mouse, good luck

    Source(s): animal trainer healer
  • 1 decade ago

    you need to start with insignificant items, and get the dog to drop those for something more rewarding, like a treat or favourite toy.. and work it up until it is expected behaviour to give things to you..

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    *I* could....but why bother? NOT dangerous by any stretch of the imagination.

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