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Adopting from the foster care system?

I have been reading posts on this board for awhile and I have been thinking about it lately because one of my mom's friends is in the process of adoption. They are currently just waiting to be chosen by a birth mother.

I know that its really inexpensive to adopt from the foster care system, but only if you are a foster parent, right? How does the process work? I know you have to be approved to be a foster parent, but once you are, do you have to accept any child they ask you to foster? Or can you become a foster parent for the sole purpose of adopting a single child and then never foster again? Are the kids that could be placed with you all up for adoption, or do they go back to their families after staying with you?

I don't actually know anyone that is or has been a foster parent or a child in the foster care system, so I have zero personal experience with it.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi, You can either foster-to-adopt or adopt through the waiting children's program. We went through the waiting children's program, every child placed with us we adopted. Once our home study was approved (this took about 3 months) our first child was placed almost immediately.

    Waiting children are those whose parental right have been terminated / relinquished or are in the process. Before the children were placed, we received their history. With children that aren't infants, you meet with the team involved with the child (foster parents, social workers, etc) and then have several visits before the child is placed with you.

    When you foster-to adopt, social services calls you and aks if you can take in the child, they usually give you a brief history. You provide the child with a safe, secure home while their parents work a case plan to be reunified with their child. If the parents don't comply with their case plan, eventually their parental rights could be terminated by the courts. Once the rights are terminated, the foster home may be able to adopt the children.

    Best Wishes !


    Source(s): Mother of 5 children, adopted from foster care.
  • 1 decade ago

    In my state the foster care system is for children who need a temporary home----that said said--if the child does not get to go home you have first chance to adopt that child. There is no charge to you. You Will continue get the board payment. If you work and foster as 85% of all my families do child care is paid for the child, camp is available free in the summer time, No you can refuse any child they call you about----but you don't want to refuse too many otherwise they look elsewhere. Babies are some of the most difficult place in this area. Daycare centers will not accept them until they are 6 wks old. The whole purpose f foster care is to provide a temp home while their parents get it together. Many do not care to do that and the court will not leave the kids in limbo as in past yrs. I hope you do look into it---the classes will give you a starting point. We ask that you complete the classes before making your mind up---one way or the other. We need you.

    Source(s): foster care program
  • 1 decade ago

    Ann's the one we need here! My experience is wholly within the UK, but as I understand it there are two adoption programmes run by Social Services in the States.

    The first is foster-to-adopt, where you foster a child, supporting them through potential reunification with their family. If reunification fails and there are no family members able to care for the child, the foster parents would be next in line and given the option to adopt the child.

    The other scheme is the "waiting children" programme, where parental rights have already been terminated (or the process is going through). These children are available and waiting to be adopted, and you could simply decide to foster just from this group - you foster as a trial period and, if you and the child are both happy to proceed, it's pretty straightforward.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You can say yes or no to any child they ask you to take. They actually encourage you in the classes to list all of the problems you can not personally handle so there isn't a bad match where they'll have to move the child yet again. If you can't handle a kid who punches holes in walls, then don't take a kid that punches holes in walls. Save that kid for someone who has a solid background in psychology.

    You can get a license to foster/adopt for the sole purpose of one child. There was a couple in my class who was there to adopt the woman's cousin's daughter. She will have a license, and she and I will likely trade babysitting because of that, but she will not be fostering any other children during the time her license is active.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    each foster toddler is distinctive. Many have been waiting to convey products from abode and distinctive in ordinary terms have a pair of clothing. i comprehend that throughout my opinion I by no potential had greater beneficial than what ought to slot in one super trash bag. additionally it would probably matter on the place the youngster has been. If the youngster has been in a protracted term foster abode they'd have accumulated greater beneficial than a toddler in a team abode. you will could purchase many products probably.

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