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Re: Failured Rapture. How could any mother put her own salvation above her love for her children?

This mother said she accepted that believers “lose friends and you lose family members in the process.”

An article about the family with 3 teenage children who thought their parents were nuts about the Rapture. The mother said: “I have mixed feelings,” Ms. Haddad Carson said. “I’m very excited about the Lord’s return, but I’m fearful that my children might get left behind. But you have to accept God’s will.”

Now I ask you, isn't this the sort of selfishness that Jesus told us not to have? Why didn't she say, "Dear Lord, please take my children and leave me in their place". Somehow it seems to me that is what Jesus would do. I just don't see how anyone who loves their family could just be willing to leave them to save themselves. You would think that an intelligent person might stop and say... "wait a minute, maybe this isn't the real God that I am following here, maybe I am being lead astray. The greatest law is Love, and a loving God would not ask this". With all the Psy. training I have had, I still don't understand some people... what is the answer? How can we teach them?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Perhaps because the Bible says so?

    And yes, it is shocking and disgusting, and I can't understand it either.

  • 1 decade ago

    If I raise my children properly in the knowledge of God and his Son, our Savior Yeshua Jesus Christ, and I do so in the pattern of Jesus as my example; I have done everything I can do to give my children every advantage in God's World.

    When Jesus reaches his hand out to me, I will say "but Jesus what about my kids"?

    He will say: "You raised them to know and love me didn't you"?

    The scripture says

    "Raise you children in the way they should go and when they old they will not depart from it".

    When Jesus reaches his hand to me I will take it and go, knowing that

    "All things come together for the good of those who love Him".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And what's even more sad is they don't know that they're doing it for no reason at all. I will never truly understand people, I don't think anyone can entirely. Complexity is the driving force to making me crazy.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    because its God's choice who stays or goes. In the old testament Moses asked God to spare the people who sinned against Him by worshiping a golden calf but God wouldn't do it because they had to face the consequences of their sin. You don't get into heaven by being a good person and having someone beg for you in heaven. You can only get in through Jesus.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Solomon might agree with you.

    Remember how Solomon decided the disputed maternity case?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    i agree with you. love is the most important thing of all.

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