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How to make a CSV file?
I tried cutting and pasting a word doc which is e-mail addresses separated by commas, into Notepad, but notepad only gives the option of tex and not CSV. What should I do? The program I am trying to upload it too gives an error message.
2 AnswersSoftware9 years agoHow to change a word doc. into an Excel CSV?
I hate computers! I am trying to upload a list of e-mail addresses to an e-mail program and they want an Excel CSV or text delimited format. I have 2000 e-mails separated by a comma in Word. I have no idea what I am doing or how to give this company what it wants and their phone support is closed till Monday. HELP!!! Thanks.
1 AnswerSoftware9 years agoPlumbing problem. Sink clog. Auger stuck. What to do?
1. we heard a stange sound that was a bit like a smoke alarm going off. But flushing the toliet make it stop.
2. the bathroom sink is clogged. We used hot water, drain cleaner, no help.
3. used an auger, and I think it is down there about 2 or many 3 feet and now stuck.
What is the possible plumbing problem? And how do we get the auger out?
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoRe: Failured Rapture. How could any mother put her own salvation above her love for her children?
This mother said she accepted that believers “lose friends and you lose family members in the process.”
An article about the family with 3 teenage children who thought their parents were nuts about the Rapture. The mother said: “I have mixed feelings,” Ms. Haddad Carson said. “I’m very excited about the Lord’s return, but I’m fearful that my children might get left behind. But you have to accept God’s will.”
Now I ask you, isn't this the sort of selfishness that Jesus told us not to have? Why didn't she say, "Dear Lord, please take my children and leave me in their place". Somehow it seems to me that is what Jesus would do. I just don't see how anyone who loves their family could just be willing to leave them to save themselves. You would think that an intelligent person might stop and say... "wait a minute, maybe this isn't the real God that I am following here, maybe I am being lead astray. The greatest law is Love, and a loving God would not ask this". With all the Psy. training I have had, I still don't understand some people... what is the answer? How can we teach them?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoPirates of the Caribbean is hard to follow. Read the summary at Wipedia and still found it hard to follow. Why?
Why do people like this so much. I saw it twice, I think.. once in the theater and last night on TV. Johnny Depp is the only reason to watch it. I think even the Harry Potter films would be easier to someone to follow who had not read the books, but is there even a book for Pirates of the Caribbean? The person who put that plot together should be hung instead of that little boy. Maybe somethings were cut for TV?? I don't remember it being that bad the first time.
4 AnswersMovies1 decade agoFundamentalist & other Christians, who are anti-gay. Do you see your own sin?
On of our bishops today said that he had taken a vow to serve all of God’s people, and that means every human being. Everyone is a child of God. So I ask you if your priest and ministers take a vow to serve all of God’s people, how can they, and you, turn your back on those who are homosexual? How can you turn your back on those who are (fill in the blank with your favorite prejudice)? All people are God’s people. Do you see the evil in what you are doing by condemning others? As Christians we are called to love everyone. And our pastors take a vow to serve all. Can you open your eyes to the truth of God’s love? Can you put the hate aside and love each and every person in the name of Christ?
8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAbout the IRS case and the Defense of Marriage act that triggered Obama's decision.?
In this article, which IMO was poorly written, it says:
"Windsor received a $363,053 federal tax bill--a liability that she would not have faced had the federal government recognized their union."
Does anyone know more about this case? How could she get a tax bill that has something to do with her not being married to her lover? Even if she had drawn SS on the other woman's account, she was only married for 3 years, she couldn't have gotten that much money. I am wonder what all that money is about and how this applies to her not being legally married to this other woman?? I wish the author had been a bit more clear.
Here is the link to the whole article:
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade agoworkplace bully. what to do?
This woman is all Miss "sweetness and light" on the surface... when I first met her she was nice to me too. Then after a few years, out of the blue she is nasty to me when no one else is listening. She is a sadistic *****. She says the nastiest things, in a double bind sort of way and it hurts me deeply. I can not say anything to anyone, because no one would believe me. I have done different things to get her to stop, including stopping her and saying "did you just hear what you said to me?", and nothing works. Today I tried to give her something and she was nasty... Fine.. I have tired to not talk to her, but her desk is now right next to mine. And the cold air coming from hers is upsetting too. I swear, if I didn't know better, I would think the woman possessed. She is the most evil human being I have ever met... but all sweetness and light on the outside. What, short of strangling her when the boss is out having a cigarette, can I do??
4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoBad smell in our building at work. Making people sick. We can't figure out what it is. How can we find out?
We asked the cleaning people and the people who spray for bugs, but it is not any of their stuff. It smells like a strong chemical and it is not there all the time. It comes and goes, but is more there in the afternoon, early evening. Who can we call? It seems to be coming from the overhead air vents.
4 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade agoWhat makes a cookie soft? How can I make a sugar cookie softer?
It is the eggs? Using a mixer rather than by hand? More butter? More milk? One minute less time in oven? This year my cookies didn't seem as soft as I would like them. I have a very good recipe, and I use butter instead of margarine. But for next time I would like them a bit softer after they cool.
11 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade agoAMC TV Movie "Prisoner". What exactly was this about? What did the ending mean?
I did not watch it, but a friend did and she called me and said she was so angry because she just wasted 6 hours of her life and still didn't know what the whole thing was about. She said they made it seem that everything would be answered in the last episode, but it made no sense to her. I tried to read about it on the internet, and it sounds interesting, but I can't make anything of it either. Course, it doesn't help that I never actually saw it. Can anyone tell us what it was about and what the ending meant? All I can figure out is that there are two worlds, New York and the Village. And one is an illusion and the other real. HELP. Thanks.
2 AnswersDrama1 decade agoIs there any dangerous chemical that smells like poo? We can't find where it is coming from and it is awful.?
What can we do to clear it up and is it dangerous to breath? It is in an office corner. Tried moving stuff and can't see anything. It is dirty there with old magic markers, cleaning people never move anything. What could it be? Smells like dogie doo, but no dogie or cat could get in there. Is something dead? Is my boss burying the bodies in the basement? HELP.
1 AnswerChemistry1 decade agoIs there any dangerous chemical that smells like poo? We can't find where it is coming from and it is awful.?
What can we do to clear it up and is it dangerous to breath? It is in an office corner. Tried moving stuff and can't see anything. It is dirty there with old magic markers, cleaning people never move anything. What could it be? Smells like dogie doo, but no dogie or cat could get in there. Is something dead? Is my boss burying the bodies in the basement? HELP.
6 AnswersOther - Environment1 decade agoIf I want to read the Quran in English, what is the best translation? I know, none are authorized. But I don't?
speak Arabic and I want to read it for myself and see what is really true and what isn't.
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agogoldfish looks sick. swiming to surface. HELP. what is wrong?
At work. Not my fish. Everyone concerned, poor pet setters all. There is another fish in with it. The other one is fine. The one in question is coming up to the surface and gasping for air.. someone said the other one tried to kiss it... maybe CPR? What to do? What is happening to it? Why? The owner is gone, and we know nothing about fish. Thanks.
6 AnswersFish1 decade agoWhat is happening in D.C. on Sept. 25th? Is it really just the Muslims or are other Religions groups there too?
This was part of a question someone else asked last night. Only he didn't ask if anyone else was there, which made it look like a takeover of Washington. I am thinking that maybe there are other groups too, but I don't know anything about it and was wondering what it is all about. Here is a link:
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agopower of the 4 directions. Why would anyone bind them?
I heard a Christian saying a prayer that binds the powers of the north, east, south and west. I think that they are crazy and know not what they do. Is there anything to this in Wicca, Shamanism, or any rational system? Aren't the powers of the directions a good thing? Part of God's creation? Has anyone ever heard of binding them in any religion? Thanks.
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoQuestion for Wicca, Shaman, and anyone else who has experience the power. What is it?
A cone of power, for the Wicca. Going beyond the Vail, for the Shaman. Chi for those in the East. What is this energy? Have you felt it? How did you raise it? What are you taught to do with it and how?
4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoName of chemical in the body that is important to be there, begins with C.?
Had a dream that a doctor told me I need more... but now that I am awake I can't remember what it was. It is not anything on the list of vitamins in Centrum SIlver. What could it be? Thought it might start with Cl, but not sure. Just curious as to if it really means anything. Can anyone list all the chemicals that could be in the body, both good and bad. I know this is asking a lot. I don't know where to find anything like that on the internet, so I am asking here. Thanks.
2 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago