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Please help me....the "retarded" word really offends me...?
and a woman I work with continually uses it even though I've explained (compassionately the first couple of times, and quite irritated the last couple of times) that it would probably hurt my daughter's feelings. My 18 year old daughter has Down Syndrome, but is high functioning, and would totally get the use of the word in that manner, and would be hurt. This woman has argued with me, that my daughter is not retarded, but mentally disabled ( not sure what the difference is? Me either). She has argued with me on two accounts about it, and continually uses it, sometimes I think she does it purposefully to get to me. Please help can I make this stop...she is 45ish, and I am 42 this is absolutely crazy. I would NEVER do something to hurt someone, especially not someone who could not defend themselves as many people with retardation can not. I am very angry that you cannot call people or things, SO many other things, that I won't even bother typing, because of political correctness. However, in our society it is absolutely okay to use the word "retarded" inappropriately and hurtfully and it's still accepted. How can I stop this...please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6 Answers
- 1 decade agoFavorite Answer
The word "retard" used to be commonly used and accepted. I have a brother, we used to call him retarted, it was no big deal. But then "political correctness" and not hurting or offending anybody came to be and it was no longer accepted. Mentally disabled is the more correct word now. Just like handicapped people were... well, handicapped people, until political correctness stepped in and we can't call them that anymore, they are called "physically challenged" Same with the dreaded "N" word, they used to be called... You know.. and now, you are jumped on really bad in society now if you say that word.
Retard and mentally handicapped is the same thing, it's just mentally handicapped (or mentally challenged) is just more acceptable nowadays.
In closing, it's just a word.. society has become so "sensitive" these days, you cannot say anything without someone being offended.
- 1 decade ago
You have to explain it to her over and over again be patient. Explain that retarded is not different mentaly disabled that retarded is just a rude way to say it. The most important thing though is to never give up. Who knowes you may infulence her to change her mind. Another thing that may work would be to put her in the situation you know that your daughter is in. Ask her one day how she would feel if she was mentally disabled and someone called her retarded. Mabye that will change her mind. Rember that whatever happens you are trying your hardest and that everyone will be thankful for that. Good Luck and don't give up!
Source(s): My head! - 1 decade ago
Firstly, just try to ignore her. I that doesn't work, you have to constantly remind her that you are still proud of what your child has achieved because you are her mother! I have a year old cousin with down syndrome. He doesn't properly talk so, whenever my aunt has to go see some relatives, she doesn't take him. I think it's because she's partially embarrassed but at home with her family she's always crying and praying for her child to get better. She loves him with all her heart but isn't able to express it. If you can express the love for your child and make it clear to the world that you love your child no matter how she is, that women will back off. And if she isn't nice to you about your problems, she will eventually be so confined in her problems that she won't pay any attention to you. Maybe she wants to feel better herself by making you feel worse. Try to crack her open and see why she does what she does. Hang on there! =)
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Try to ignore her. When she says it just roll your eyes, walk away (even if she's in the middle of saying something), or embarass her infront of other people. Say something like I told you how I feel about you using the word retarded continously when you know I have a daughter with retardation disability and you keep using that word just to piss me off. (say something like that infront of some other people) and then just walk away.
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- 1 decade ago
Keep letting her know that it's offending and that the medical world has eliminated the term from their vocabulary. Sadly, our society will still be prone to use it, as we throw it around so carefree. Althoguh it's just a word, if it bothers you so much, just tell the women that you don't want to see her anymore if she's so senseless to your situation and feelings.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Melinda T - mentally challenged ???!!!