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Lv 4

Christians, Why don't atheists see the many flaws in evolutionary theory and the big bang theory?

Why do they insist on assuming that the only reason that someone might reject these theories is because they don't understand them?

My first thought is because they don't understand these theories enough themselves to see their flaws. How silly is in to believe in evolution having never read "The Origin of the Species" the book on which it was based. That is as silly as the folks who call themselves Christian having never read the Bible.

My second thought is because God has a bigger purpose and has made them blind to these flaws.

Any other ideas????


The question is directed toward Christians because Atheists have no Truth in them.

Update 2:

Flaws in evolutionary and big bang theory do not prove that Christianity is true or that God exists.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    Not an atheist, but...

    part of why people "insist on assuming that the only reason that someone might reject these theories is because they don't understand them" is that a lot of creationists demonstrate that they, in fact, *don't* understand evolution or the Big Bang in some fundamental way.

    For example, evolution doesn't say that a cat should give birth to a dog, or that a "crocoduck" should exist, or that humans should evolve wings, or whatever other absurd strawmen keep coming up from the creationist camp. Nor does evolution preclude the existence of God, or the notion that God created life/the universe/etc; just that God is not *necessary* for these things to have occurred, everything could have happened by chance and the known laws of the universe. Frankly, I'm not aware of anyone who has a real, genuine understanding of current evolutionary theory who still rejects it in favor of strict biblical creationism, or even most forms of intelligent design. (I'm distinguishing here between "I believe God created life, as a matter of faith", which is a reasonable and scientifically acceptable view, and "I believe God created life, as a matter of science", which does not match the evidence)

    And, I haven't read The Origin of Species. But, you know, evolutionary biology has come a long way in 150 years. I've read plenty of biology textbooks that have been written far more recently, and I have a pretty solid understanding of the basics of evolution, as well as some of the fiddly bits.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "My second thought is because God has a bigger purpose and has made them blind to these flaws."

    That's ridiculous. A god that deceives is evil if the eternal soul is at stake, lol. And what flaws are you talking about? ...that it's not 100% certain due to it having happened in the past? The epistemological barriers to evolutionary theory are the same as with anything. But the evidence is strong...

    "How silly is in to believe in evolution having never read "The Origin of the Species" the book on which it was based."

    Sorry, but you're an idiot. Do you believe Newton's gravitational field equations? How about his Laws of Optics? Laws of Motion? If come you haven't read Philosiphiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica?

    Science is guided by modern EVIDENCE. We stand on the shoulders of giants. The real world does NOT take the words of founding intellectual authors as absolute dogma. That would be idiotic. Darwin got some things wrong on evolution. That's how science's progressive. You are thinking from a dogmatic mindset where one person (God) tells you everything you ever need to know, and there's no questioning that. Sorry, but that is a very primitive way of getting knowledge.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you'd bother with more than two thoughts, you might eventually reach some valid conclusions. So far, you haven't.

    There are lots of things we don't understand or know yet, and nobody in science (or "atheists") are claiming we do. Those explanations are shown correct by overwhelming amounts of evidence, making them the best explanations we have, and as correct as we can be given what we know. That's it. We're not emotionally attached to them like believers are to their religion -- if verifiable evidence came out tomorrow that natural selection were wrong (not "evolution," which is an observed fact), I'd shrug my shoulders, and accept what the new evidence shows. I don't care WHICH explanation the evidence shows is right, I only care about going with what the evidence shows.

    Oh, and "belief" isn't involved in scientific theories. It appears you need more than two thoughts to come to terms with that as well.


  • 1 decade ago

    How cowardly of you to point the question towards people who will already most likely agree with you! Scared of the truth?

    I am not an atheist, but this is just clutching at straws for your type, and another tick for atheism. Can't you see the flaws in believing the unbending words of an ancient book? At least science has the balls to question itself over and over until it finds the answer.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Many flaws"? Funny how you failed to mention even one. You people often appear to be under the illusion that an atheist is a person who has never read the Bible. The majority of us have. PersonaIly, I was forced to and I even as a child I didn't believe any of it no more than I believed fairy tales were real.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    "God has a bigger purpose and has made them blind to these flaws. "..Ummm, Who is it that is practicing "blind" faith? You have nothing BUT faith to go on, while evolution, in many forms, has been proven. I would say that gives the evolutionists a bit of an edge. I would rather believe in evolution, than in some non-provable fairy tale about Adam and Eve, a talking snake and a race of angels and giants mating with humans. (like that's believable) You should watch the PBS program "The Real Eve". It might help explain what you yourself don't seem to understand very well. See it, then come back and we'll talk.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have absolutely no idea why you'd ask

    Christians a question about atheists,

    unless you're simply trying to validate

    your own ideas and ideals.

    I suggest you ask the people you

    want to know about directly.

    I don't think you really know much about

    evolution and the Big Bang theory.

    If you did, you'd probably join the ranks

    of erudite folks who've given up the notions

    you continue to entertain as reality.

    Edit @ Frey - PLEASE learn what a

    scientific theory is!!!


    Source(s): Pantheist
  • 1 decade ago

    A. You have not stated any flaws

    B. Both of those theories are much more complicated than people tend to understand, but if people understand the basic points a theory will be accepted.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, you CAN be a Christian without reading the Bible. And I don't think you have to read the Origin of Species to understand Evolution. There have been a lot written on this, and improved, since Darwin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why is it so important to you to convert people to your way of thinking? I'm not going to respond to your "question" because it's really just your opinion and your opinion is worth diddly!

    And judging from this question, you don't understand either the Big Bang or Evolution even the littlest bit. But that won't stop you from issuing more "questions" like this one for no reason other then to be provocative.

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