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Lv 42,583 points

In His Flock

Favorite Answers9%
  • Is cup fungus bad for a veggie garden?

    I recently found some cup fungus in my veggie garden? Is this bad? Will it harm the plants? Do I need to remove it? If so, how? I am an organic gardener, so I would need organic remedies (if it is in fact a problem).

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • A Poll: How soon did you go into labor after you...?

    How soon did you go into labor after you started to lose your mucous plug?

    8 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • Christians, Is there any virtue in the natural man?

    The Bible would tell us "no", however our most popular theology seems to indicate otherwise: "we are saved through our faith in Christ and his finished work on the cross".

    Is the decision to "accept Christ" or to "seek God" not then a virtue? Is it not a "good" choice that the natural man makes prior to salvation?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Low water pressure, pulsing water?

    Low water pressure, pulsing water?

    I woke up this morning with extremely low water pressure (both hot and cold) and it will pulse lower pressure every few seconds. I am on city water. What is causing this and how do I fix it?

    Also, not sure if this is relevant or not, but we've had a very slow drain on bath tub. Yesterday my husband "snaked it" with a coat hanger and plunged it, now it is draining fine. I didn't think incoming water and sewage water were related, but the timing is odd.

    Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • How can I keep my rabbit from pooping all over the hutch?

    I just rescued a rabbit from a neighbour who wasn't taking care of it (they gave it to me). The rabbit lived in a small 1.5 ft by 1.5 ft cage and when we got it the bedding was full of poop and urine; very gross. They didn't take care of it.

    My husband built a hutch for it with an enclosed area so it can escape the elements. Since we live in Texas and it is very hot, we put a frozen 2 litter of water in the enclosed area every morning to keep the rabbit cool. We filled the enclosed area with hay so it would be softer; the rest of the hutch has a wire bottom.

    How can I stop the rabbit from urinating and pooping in the enclosed area? I figured that the rabbit wouldn't want to poop/urinate where it sleeps (like a cat), but it gets really gross in the enclosed area since it has a wood bottom and the condensation from the water bottle makes things even more moist.

    I know that it is used to living in a small cage and didn't have the choice have an area where it sleep that is separate from a bathroom area, so can it be retrained?

    16 AnswersOther - Pets10 years ago
  • Christians, Why don't atheists see the many flaws in evolutionary theory and the big bang theory?

    Why do they insist on assuming that the only reason that someone might reject these theories is because they don't understand them?

    My first thought is because they don't understand these theories enough themselves to see their flaws. How silly is in to believe in evolution having never read "The Origin of the Species" the book on which it was based. That is as silly as the folks who call themselves Christian having never read the Bible.

    My second thought is because God has a bigger purpose and has made them blind to these flaws.

    Any other ideas????

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Christians, a question regarding the Eternal Hell? Do you follow your Pastor or the Bible?

    There are several different words in the Bible that are translated to the one English word "hell".

    Most references to Hell in the bible use the Hebrew word "sheol" which means grave, underworld, pit or place of no return. There is no connotation in this word of "fire" or eternal suffering in this word.

    Many references to Hell in the New Testament Greek use the word "geenna". This is an actual place where dead bodies of animals were taken to be burned in Ancient times. This is a physical place on Earth, there are no eternal connotations to this word.

    There is one reference in the new testament to the word "Tartoros" (2 Peter 2:4); this is the hell where Satan and his fallen angels go; it is an actual place existing in eternity. In Revelation, this is referred to as the Lake of Fire.

    Thus we see two distinct references: The grave (where dead people go) and Tarataros (where Satan and the angels go). In the end, after Judgment (Rev 20:15) we see those that are not saved being cast into the Lake of Fire.

    Nowhere in the Bible is there a reference to those (other than Satan) being cast into the lake of fire and suffering eternally. There is reference to eternal fire, eternal smoke, Satan eternally suffering, eternally perishing, being destroyed eternally, but there is not one single reference to an individual (other than Satan's) suffering eternally in the Lake of Fire or Tarataros.

    There are many references to the unsaved perishing, being destroyed, not being granted eternal life or being cast into the Lake of Fire. I can find no place in the Bible where the unsaved have eternal life, in fact I see quite the opposite, even if the most basic fundamental Christian flagship salvation verses. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life”. Please noticed that perishing and “eternal life” are being contrasted in this verse, not eternal life in hell and eternal life in Heaven.

    Now of course I urge Christians to search the scripture and the original languages for youself, do not take my word for it.

    My question for you is, would you believe the word of God over your pastor or your church if presented with biblical evidence that the church has been wrong about such a fundamental teaching? Does the evidence presented here convict you to research a little on your own?

    Eternal suffering in a Lake of Fire is a big stumbling block for non-beleivers; if this teaching were not true, would it not be cleaver of the Devil to pollute the church with this teaching?

    I am not convinced I am right in this subject. I do not belong to a church that holds this view, nor am I a Mormon or a 7th Day Adventist. I am a fundamental born again Christian, coming to this conclusion from my own Bible reading alone.

    I look forward to the thoughts and comments of Bible-believing, bible reading Christians.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, What is the most scriptural answer to these questions?

    Why does God allow suffering?

    He has the power to end it, so why doesn't he end it?

    Does suffering serve any purpose?

    Extra points for those that provide scripture.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, Atheists, Can we just agree on this one little thing?

    This is hilarious, No??

    Insurance policies for pets so that when Christians are taken in the rapture, they can rest assured that the atheists left behind will care for their earth bound loved one.

    Com'mon?!? That is funny!!!

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians, is it ever appropriate to rebuke a fellow believer?

    I'm not taking about on yahoo answers either.

    Is it ever appropriate to tell another believer, with love, that what they are doing is sinful? Not necessarily that they have sinned against you, but that a behavior that they are partaking in is sinful. Of course this is a pastors responsibility, but what about the non-pastoral believer.

    Not interested in opinions...looking for scripture to support one view or the other and please don't give me "judge not, lest ye be judged". I'm not talking about critical judgment.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jews, a serious question for once?

    Which books in the "old testament" of the Bible are considered holy scripture to Jews? Obviously the Torah, but do Jews believe the histories and prophesies are true as well? (stories of King David, Solomon, the prophesies of Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, etc)


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A poll: Christians, Do you have love for the brethren?

    I love you all so very much. God bless.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is the Biblical support for a pre-tribulation rapture?

    All the verses in Revelation seem to support a post tribulatuion rapture or "reaping".

    Please provide chapter and verses. Looking for Biblical support only.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do you live in Lancaster, Texas? Goat questions.....?

    I am considering purchasing a home in Lancaster, TX. What are the restrictions concerning owning goats in residential areas? What is the minimum amount of land that the city requires you to own in order to keep goats?

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What is the best kitchen appliance for kneading dough?

    I would like something that I could use 2-3 times a week and not have to worry about it burning out.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why are atheists atheist rather than agnostic?

    My father is a staunch atheist and I was raised atheist as well. My father said he raised me atheist because he wanted me to think for myself. As soon as I was old enough to actually think for myself I became agnostic realising that there is no proof that God does not exist. I was agnostic for many years because I just "didn't know" and I was perfectly content with that.

    As a young adult I became a Christian. My dad hates it and feels like he failed me as a father. If he had been a better father I would have stayed an atheist or at least agnostic. joke, pretty funny huh? Sounds like something a Catholic father would pull, doesn't it?

    Anyways, on to my question. I would like an answer from someone who has thoughtfully made the decision to be an atheist. I hope not to have a bunch of hateful Christian bashing comments, but some real answers from atheists who've put thought into their belief system. I totally understand why Atheists are not Christian; even though I am a Christian, I do see the unbelievability of the my beliefs. Agnosticism is clearly the most logical belief system...."we don't know, we can't know", but what is the logic behind Atheism (a belief system that touts itself as the most intelligent)?

    What is the line of logic that leads one to believe "there is no God" over "we don't know if there is a God since one hasn't been proven or dis-proven"?

    I am honestly seeking with this question, I would ask my dad, but he won't talk to me about it and I would like to understand his perspective more.

    I do want to clarify, I'm not asking why Atheist aren't Christian (I get that), but why are Atheist not Agnostic?


    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago