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What are the odds that this could happen?

I came on here about an hour ago and answered 9 questions asked by (as far as I can tell) 8 different individuals on Yahoo! Answers. And I got blocked by 2 of the individuals - "Q" and "Hope and Change Line of Shlt". Why? Well, "Q" asked about gun rights and I challenged him about his stance on the absolute meaning of the second amendment of the US Constitution. Didn't insult him - just challenged the position he took. And he blocked me.

"Hope and Change. . ." guy asked if Obama was going to turn the white middle class into the slums of this nation. I stated that the GOP has done more to achieve that than Obama has (my answer was literally THAT long - one sentence; one line). And I got blocked.

My question: Has it gotten to the point where we are so immature that we can't debate opposing view points? Would we rather have our "ego" stroked than actually try and intelligently defend our opinions to those that have opposite views?


@WJ: While I have insulted others in the past, these two particular questions I happen to answer the questions as they were asked. If you look them up, they were straight forward, just as my answers were. I could see on some getting blocked for my insults. And typically I don't question them and their choices. But when I do answer a question, and it happens to be against the view of the asker, and they block me for merely possessing an opposing view, it is just frustrating and immature.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, it has gotten to that point. I've been blocked 4 or 5 times in the last few days by liberals who can't handle an honest answer citing facts or logic. One of them even has the nerve to go by the handle of "only weak cons report." Apparently though, it's OK for weak liberals to block.

    Yes, there are Conservatives here who will do the same thing I'm sure. I just don't see that because I generally am not disagreeing with them or making them look like fools.

    And yes, it ticks me off. Nothing I can do about it though.

  • tom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Have you seen a lot of the answers on this site? You ask a question about Obama, Reagan, Bush etc, half the people come up with an answer that is just "Reagan and Bush were amazing, the democrats are destroying this country" and the other half write "Obama is amazing, the republicans are destroying this country"

    Do you know why? Because democracy is dead. There are two parties who basically tell you what you want then stand on the platform they have given themselves. Other parties cannot get a look in.

    Why does it cost $750,000,000 for a senate election when only 33-34 seats are up for grabs? Because they need to pay for the advertising to tell you what to think.

    The answers are generally unintelligent, make no attempt at answering the question properly.

    Try asking a question about why Obama is so bad or so good and see if you get a decent answer!

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Democratic Party has now become dependent on dividing America. Whether by race (by claiming Republicans are racist), class (Republicans hate the poor and we will give you free stuff), sex (Republicans are anti-women by opposing abortion), or sexual orientation (claiming Republicans are homophobic) liberals cannot survive or win without turning Americans against one another. This is especially frustrating to those of us who disagree with liberal policies that have hindered those very groups for decades and yet cannot engage in a fair debate over them. If you don’t believe me about the importance of division to the Democratic Party, just look at the numbers. Democrats and Republicans compete about evenly in most national elections. Now imagine if Democrats did not get 90% of the African American vote, 60-70% of the Hispanic vote, 80% of the Jewish vote etc. The poor, minorities, women and all of these other groups have not thrived under Democrats and yet they overwhelmingly vote one way based only on the perception that the other party somehow hates them. The Democrats must maintain the narrative that Republicans, the party of Abraham Lincoln and the Civil Rights Act, are opposed to these groups to even compete in elections as long as they remain a far left party in a center right nation. Unfortunately Democrats have the help of the liberal media, academia and Hollywood to feed this perception. That is why conservatives like Clarence Thomas, Sara Palin, and Marco Rubio are portrayed as somehow betraying their respective groups for emphasizing view point’s that fall outside the liberal perspective. That is why the Tea Party is actively portrayed as racist despite loving candidates like Allen West and Marco Rubio. Finally, that is why the current president manages to deflect scores of legitimate criticism by claiming his opposition is racist.

    Things were not always this way. There was a time in America where we had two political parties that had different ideas, but shared a common ideal of togetherness and a respect for the other side. It might not happen with the current media or the current Democratic leaders, but my hope is that if more of us speak out about this divisiveness and challenge it then one day we can once again all agree that we are all Americans first. o_O

  • 1 decade ago

    Not everyone is built for constructive debate, or for losing with grace. Since you can't do anything about the block, why don't you hold it up as a trophy? Instead of a personal insult, maybe it's something you should be proud of- you challenged his world view so thoroughly and quickly that he had to remove himself from the conversation to hold it together.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes online there are people who can't handle opposing viewpoints. I have found this to be true when people debate about American culture and politics. Some people are immature and uninformed. I tend to ignore them and move on. Life's too short to deal with them!

  • WJ
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    think it through. you might have gone beyond a simple disagreement and actually insulted the questioner. or worse, ignored the question entirely and insulted the questioner. usually the person asking a question merely wants an answer to that question.

    it's hard for abrasive people to see their own flaws.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Odds must be pretty dang good cause it happened to you.

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