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Why has England never been held accountable?

That is for all the atrocities that they have carried out over the centuries. Attempted genocide, ethnic cleansing, theft of land, mass rape pillage and murder. Why has there never been any apologies or reparation payments, and why are none of these things ever mentioned?

Can i just add that the western world apologised for slavery but england exploited ireland for everything they could get but when the potato famine happened they turned a blind eye and let 1 million irish die and a further million had to emigrate, also the highland clearances these are two of a very big list and they are not all ancient atrocities. Africa? India? it goes on and on and on but the english never speak of any of it, they have wrote their own fake history it seems.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    These things are still going on.I for one would like to say sorry for all the innocent men women and children we are still slaughtering in the middle east.Our troops are used to slaughter thousands but may I add not with the backing of the UK people .Our governments are short term dictatorships

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    The British Empire was not perfect by any stretch but it brought a lot more good than harm. Go to India and they speak very favourably of the British and the British Empire. As for Africa, what was there before the British? Waring tribes, famine and diesease (as has reappeared since independance) The Bantu conquered vast tracks of Africa before the British and compare the UK to other African colonists - do some research on the Belgium Congo.

    Most of the modern scientific advances in medicine and engineering are thanks to the British Empire. The greatest literature was from Britain. Britian abolished the slave trade in 1807 long before anyone else and slavery in the British Empire in 1833 long before the US Civil War led to its abolition in the US.

    Also it was Scottish Protestants responsible for the colonisation of Ireland and the Irish famine, not the English, so it is laughable that you think Scotland exempt from guilt in these 'crimes' you talk of. The Scottish were particularly enthusiast Empire builders.

    You are both ill informed and a hypocrit.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Slavery was largely an American theme. British people built Britain whereas slaves built america and south America. In fact the British Empire outlawed slavery decades before America. I will have you know that the British Empire is responsible for Bring India, China and many parts of the World into the 20th Century and allowed them to prosper in the 21st Century. Giving the world politics, law and order without Britain the World would be a dark place full of murder and chaos. The things you are saying are made up please provide examples

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Here we go again, another sour biggoted Irishman having a go at England .We English get blamed for just about every thing thats bad in history .What the hell could England have done about the potato famine? ,do you think the man in the street at the time was having the time of their life? .Hunger was rife over here at the time and many died of hunger.I come across Quite a few Irishmen saying how wonderful Ireland is in comparison to England but ask them if they are going back to live and the answer is always the same,not likely theres nothing there.

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  • 10 years ago

    Oh get real, and learn some history. Like the fact that Britain abolished slavery decades ahead of other nations, in particular African nations! And as for 'never speaking of it' - have you ever actually read a history book or watched a history documentary? England seems to have spent most of the last century apologising!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    What country has ? When are the Italians going to apologise for the Roman invasion of Britain or the Greeks for the white slave trade of the classical period ? Have the Spanish ever apologised for the Armada or the French for the Napoleonic wars ?

    You seem obsessed with hating your own country and twisting history to suit your own self loathing agenda .

    Go back to school son , you need to educate yourself .

  • 10 years ago

    Because that was normal and is becoming so again. Until a half century ago they had expanding populations like everyone has since even before modern agriculture began. Wars for more land and resources were normal everywhere. Often, the land was needed but the people weren't. those were either enslaved or slaughtered. African slaves were sold to the western hemisphere when black emperors conquered their lands and enslaved them.

    Euro-cultures stopped overpopulating recently but the rest of the world hasn't. A lot of the still-overpopulating are now invading the Euro-cultures.

    PS: British ships brought a lot of slaves to North America, even smuggling them in after the 1814 importation restriction. The US was the second country to entirely outlaw slavery. Argentina was first. Britain outlawed it only in the UK. It remained in British colonies until some time after the US outlawed it.

    PPS: The UK didn't need foreign slaves. It had hordes of Irishmen. Those were put in place of many slaves in the US when they flooded in starving during the 1840s. Slaves were valuable capital assets. Irishmen were a dime a dozen. If one died on the job, ten more wanted their job.

    Source(s): For decades I studied philosophies, cultures, and social institutions began because of the confusion resulting from my military experience under the shadow of neo-Marxist indoctrination in the universities.
  • 10 years ago

    Why single out Britain? Perhaps you think other countries have never done the same? Your knowledge of world history is lacking big time.

  • 10 years ago

    Just ask yourselves why so many countries that were part of the British Empire, and also a few that were not, are happy to be members of The Commonwealth. Ask yourself if there are similar, comparable 'Commonwealths' of nations colonised by the French, Dutch, Spanish or Portuguese.

    I think a reasonable conclusion might be that with all its faults, England (Britain) brought many social, economic and cultural gifts to the table that its erstwhile Empire have embraced.

  • 10 years ago

    Oh you blinkered person.

    You cant change history, you cant apologise for things that have happened any apologies are meaningless, because the victims are dead and no amount gum gnashing or lilly liver'd words will bring back 1 or 1,000,000 irish peat bog farmers ..or will it change history. So for those who feel hard done to and those who are jealous get OVER IT! history is history and tommorow is another day.

    Source(s): over it!.
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