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ChiGirl asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Do you prefer fair tax, flat tax, or the IRS income tax system we now have in place?

and..... how difficult would it be to repeal 16th amendment in order to legislate/implement fair tax?

I would like your thoughts. Is America finally ready to replace the IRS with a fair tax system.

Thank you for your thoughts.

21 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    FairTax, with the caveat of making its tax rate 15% instead of the proposed 23%. The current system is just a political tool used to trade favors and buy votes, and a flat income tax is still an income tax. As a consumption tax, the FairTax would not essentially punish people just for earning more money.

  • 10 years ago

    I'll take the Fair Tax idea myself for my preference, although I understand that repeal of the 16th Amendment is apt to be a long and arduous process on a Constitutional level. A flat tax would admittedly be better by far than the current system, but the roots of the current insane tax system would still remain untouched. (It's my understanding that even IRS agents helping taxpayers doing their taxes don't understand the tax code in full, which takes up tens of thousands of pages; at best you are likely to get a right answer half the time, if that.)

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    You get a star just for not asking about..well you know, the perv and the emails.

    I'd support the Fair Tax but like a previous poster, I think 23% is too high. We need to starve the beast before it swallows US whole!

    Imagine keeping money you earn

    'Funny, isn't it, how magnanimous it is that our IRS gives us an extra three days this year to give them our money for the good of the collective? Most of us, though, already sent our share to Washington because employers are forced to take it and forward it to the government as soon as we earn it. The extra three days only allow the IRS to keep any refund of overpayment just a little longer.

    Imagine a day when you get your paycheck and see every dollar you earned. Most of us watch that amount shrink by as much as 36 percent. Even if you earn minimum wage and have no federal income tax withheld you still see over 7 cents of every dollar taken away!

    Our government takes money out of our paychecks, then when we purchase something, we are paying again, because every manufacturer and service provider pays at least 22 percent of their income to the IRS.

    Imagine no IRS with their hands in our pockets. Imagine no need to hire companies to do your taxes and no more need to keep receipts or records of what you earned or sold. Imagine no April 15, or 18th! Imagine the only tax you pay is if you purchase something new, and you even got a check from the government in advance of purchases made up to the poverty level so you would pay no tax at all if you were in that position.

    Just imagine international companies coming to the United States, building factories, relocating home offices and not be penalized by an IRS tax code. Imagine the new jobs they would bring.

    Look up House Bill 25, Senate Bill 25, go to and read up on the "FairTax" to learn what a great boost this unique tax plan would give our economy. Then call your congressmen, senators and even President Obama and let them know we do want change! Change we can believe in!

  • bozieu
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Dear , don't worry there is no end for taxes and they plan for the States to apply the TVA in french taxes sur la valeur ajoutée but in the States VAT value added taxe probably to replace the purchase taxe voted by each state tom make more money strait to federal which will give back a part according what???,to hold at the neck the red States.

    Your social dems have a very good relation with our administration that 5000 french taxe office officials are working in the States LOL excuse us they bring a perfect systèm to screw up the poeple an dthey have tooken a part of each code since Romans don't smile you will pay!

    If you were able to get and read old regulations for taxes you would need 8 days to read it mean than King George on tea!

    I don't joke the pure truth but they need an hudge ammount of money to cover their mistakes and fill th ehole that thy will never succed!

    Source(s): In any case you will never have the choice! we use to say break the pig and pay
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  • KarenL
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Yes, Repeal the XVI amendment. A flat tax with no deductions and no subsidies to act in a certain way. Also prohibit Congress from extorting behavior from the states via withholding taxes. As was done to raise the drinking age to obtain already paid highway taxes.

    Return taxation and spending to what the Founding Fathers designed.

  • Ann
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    As a senior citizen on social security, I probably would prefer fair tax. I'm sick and tired of carrying people on welfare, which I've been doing for the last 50 years. I don't mind helping the elderly and people who are truly disabled, but the ones who have never contributed a dime, get free everything, and think they're owed by society need to learn how to fend for themselves. At least everyone would pay proportionately.

  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    None of the above. Eliminate the personal income tax.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    "We need a regressive tax system. The poor need to stop leeching off the system."

    When you say stuff like that you give yourself away as just another idiot leftist.

    We should scrap the federal tax code for the Fair Tax.'

  • 10 years ago

    Define "fair tax".

  • 10 years ago

    The progressive income tax that we have now is the most equitable. It would be more equitable if we increased the tax paid by the wealthy back to the rates it was when the middle class were prospering but it is still way better than those other 2 systems which are quite regressive.

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