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Women, what is the thing that initially attracts you to a man?

For example a character trait like confidence or sense of humour or what physical attributes initially attract you to a man, e.g height, certain facial features or what combination of things?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    As with anything, it's highly individualized. For me, the physical features that I'm most attracted to INITIALLY are bright, nice, happy eyes and a nice smile with straight white teeth. As far as personality traits, a man has to have a great sense of humor. If an average looking man can make me laugh he's much more attractive to me than men that are perhaps more physically appealing.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think you have a valid point that women are attracted to qualities in men that are survival related. You have to remember though that successful men are confident (this does not mean boisterous) and women like confidence. Women of quality will gravitate toward men who are educated, can hold a conversation, are well spoken, and dress respectfully. If a man is uneducated he has a higher probability of being sexist or immature/unreliable, bad with money, etc. These qualities are not considered attractive to today's women...of course there are always women who bottom feed. As for muscles...that's a personal preference. Fame...that is just plain shallow. Men are similar on the other end of the spectrum often overlooking averagely attractive women for large breasts or fame.

  • 5 years ago

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  • 10 years ago

    What attracts me the most is the voice. I love low, deep voices that sound sly & mysterious. I usually love guys with dark or black hair & dark brown eyes. I like attractive eyes & sly smiles ;) Broad shoulders & a slightly muscular arms is nice for hugs <3 I love a boy who's taller then me. For personality, I like a man to have a mysterious persona. Sort of aloof at first, you can't figure him out sometimes. He leaves you wondering about all the possibilities. He might seem unaprochable, but he's actually has a sweet side to the ones he cares about. He's willing to be there for the ones he loves. I like him to be dominant, I love a dominant partner because I'm more submissive. A bit of controlling, but not in a super over controlling kind of way. :3 Honesty, Ambition, Caring, and Humor are other traits I like. Someone who can protect me & understand. Someone who loves me for me. ♥

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  • 10 years ago

    first, a genuine friendly smile, nice eyes, his build (being reasonably toned and fit is a bonus)

    then once I've talked to him, sense of humour, intelligence, and a respectful nature (meaning he treats people around him respectfully, doesn't feel the need to show off or belittle others, doesn't try to touch me too soon, etc.)

    I don't really care if he's confident or more shy, but it's easier to get to know him if he's confident because I'm pretty shy sometimes

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago


    his hairstyle, i think. :D

    I absolutely hate tipped hair. But I find unruly hair, weird colours, and dreadlocks a big turn-on.


    I like it when I can talk to him and he doesn't get distracted by other people or start a new conversation. If he can actually hold eye-contact. I like it when he's not afraid to start a conversation with me, also, says hi and smiles.

    I hope that helped XD

  • 10 years ago

    Body language: I'm fascinated by fellas who seem to be either terribly shy and out of their element, or life-of-the-party types who seem to be deliberate and masterful show-offs.

    I study the shy. They tend to rent more headspace. But I pursue the showoffs. That dynamic applies to the social, the professional, and the extracurricular.

  • ANN
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I guess it should be the following :





    Financial position

    Family back ground.

  • 10 years ago

    Personality for sure! Humor is a big plus. Physically, eyes, lips, and the buns.

    lol equalist, cute!

  • 10 years ago

    i love a boys smile, there hair, personality and there voice. Yes that might sound weird but it's true

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