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Lv 7
cantcu asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

More than $6 billion in Iraq reconstruction funds lost, how much do you think is is at the Bush Ranch?


" I love it how you libs blame bush for all your problems instead of blaming the ''messiah'' you have in presidency now"

Because it all happened on his watch. This money disappeared long before Obama was president. Bush was. Why would I want to blame Obama for something that happened under Bush, including 9/11?

Update 2:

"liberal conspiracy kook who thinks presidents control DOD budgets" No they give them the money through Congress. And who was vice-president? Wasn't it Cheney, ex-CEO of Haliburton? And it certainly would not be the 1st Bush to be caught stealing, or setting it up. Remember the Savings and Loan Scandal? That cost US Taxpayers $2.3 Trillion. And you mean like how Bush conspired to attack a country that had nothing toi do with 9/11, terrorism nor did they have WMD. That cost us another $3 Trillion. "Kook"? I hardly think so.

Update 3:

"Bush and Cheney committed federal crimes then where are the indictments"

Well, there is no question both are war criminals and should be indicted, though there are arrest warrants for them outside the US. That is why Bush won't go out of the country. One of the Bush's was charged and convicted in the Savings and loan scandal though Jeb was also involved. Obama squashed any prosecution of Bush, and yes, that makes him a criminal as well.

Update 4:

"And since people like you ONLY believe it if it's from FOX here is a link about the money lost..."

If you are so Independent why do you use a FOX source? That doesn't speak Independent to me!

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey remember when Bush sent his daughters down to someplace like Paraguay to buy a bunch of land.. about the same time those funds went missing?

  • 10 years ago

    Awww how cute, yet another liberal conspiracy kook who thinks presidents control DOD budgets. Let me guess, Bush also shot Lennon, has a Bigfoot and lives with Elvis right?

    Edit: If youre so convinced that Bush and Cheney committed federal crimes then where are the indictments? Why hasnt Eric Holder directed the current DOJ to bring charges against them, have them arrested, arraigned and brought before a federal judge? By the way, if youre going to suggest that Obama wants to 'put it behind him and move on' then you also need to be aware of the fact that knowing about a federal crime and doing nothing about it is a federal crime in of itself.

    So lets hear it genius - WHERE ARE THE INDICTMENTS?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Blame the curent president. Stop blaming bush. I can blame Clinton for the way the economy is now. Even though I shouldn't because it has been years since he has been in presidency. I love it how you libs blame bush for all your problems instead of blaming the ''messiah'' you have in presidency now.

  • 10 years ago

    You guys are funny. Whine about $6 billion missing in Iraq, but have no problems with Obama hemmorhaging an extra TRILLION DOLLARS PER YEAR in the budget.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It would probably all be there except they don't own the ranch anymore. They sold it right after leaving the White House because it was just a movie set designed to make him seem like a cowboy, which he wasn't.

  • 10 years ago

    When did Obama buy the Bush Ranch?

  • 10 years ago

    Hate to break it to you vinny,NOT a conspiricy theory!!

    And since people like you ONLY believe it if it's from FOX here is a link about the money lost...,2933,129489,00.html

    Source(s): Independent,who is not so blind I cannot see...
  • 10 years ago

    You don't think Obama has had Holder look into that already? Silly Democrat.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    That could build a solid-platinum jacuzzi!

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    None, he transfer the money to his friends, the Bin Ladens.

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