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Lv 5
etsen3 asked in SportsHockey · 10 years ago

Do you think the Canucks played better than games 3 and 4?

Despite the difference, I thought the Canucks played a lot better this game than 3 and 4. In those games the Canucks were giving the puck away left and right, and being too easy on Thomas with long floater shots. This game they had plenty of chances, but they had some bad bounces and Thomas made great saves. Henrik even scored on the powerplay (bout time). The Canucks just got rattled for about 5 minutes and they will need to learn to play a full 60 minute next time.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the Canucks played a hell of alot better once Schinder was in net, and they pretty much dominated the 3rd period. In the 1st period they sucked and fell apart completely.

  • 10 years ago

    At the end of last night they did better, but even if they scored 1-2 goals it doesn't make a difference.

    Like, Boston was going to win and you could tell because Luongo within 10 minutes let 4 goals in, so they put the kid in and he only lets in 1. It was Boston's game last night no matter how many failed attempt to dent goals the Canucks made. That 1st period made me knew Boston would win. Game 7 is anyone's game, so it doesn't matter if they're at home for it.

  • 10 years ago

    I hate to say it but Luongo choked. I would say people have put too much pressure on him while Thomas doesn't have that much pressure, and therefore he does better. At home Luongo can pull it off. But Canucks need to really step up and play. I am thinking Bostons the favourite going into this last game now but ya never know, maybe this will be the home game series.

  • 10 years ago

    Yes...of course they did, in games 3-4 they gave up like 12 goals total, 8 in one game and then 4 in another. But then hey you also have to look @ how they gave up 5 goals tonight...pretty horrible and Game 7 is going to be anyones game no matter if it were played in Boston or Vancouver....but if Luongo chokes like Lebron James, give it to the Underdog Bruins all day just like the MAvs

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  • 10 years ago

    No way dude they actually did better In game 6 then either games 3 or 4 things will get better they will win wednesday at home and take the cup finally this Is the time don't give up vancouver.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    "a meditated image of abode-field benefit" is in accordance with playing an 80 two game general season and being President's Trophy winners. it quite is participant ability. If Boston loses in accordance with that, then they could desire to have tried tougher during the general season. Unseeded they ended up 8th place in the league.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Way better , luongo let in some bad goals. But I thought vancouver was generating chances , but they couldn't put them past thomas.

  • 10 years ago

    They played Much better in the third period, that's for sure. Boston was much better tonight, and Thomas was unbelievable again lol. But If Vancouver just plays their game and doesn't let this game get to them, I think they will win on Wednesday.

    Source(s): Red Wings Fan :o)
  • 10 years ago

    yeah they didnt play that bad. luongo was brutal. and aside from that one stretch in the first they player already. i mean they outscored them in the final 40 so it wasnt terrible. but nevertheless a loss is a loss no need to sugarcoat.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    none the Canucks have been playing unfairly and throwing cheep shots since the first game of the playoffs. they don't deserve to win the cup. i mean come on he bit a bruins finger it doesn't get any shallower than that.

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