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solve equation for X: sqrt(x-2) = sqrt(3) +sqrt(x)?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Square both sides, you get x-2 = 3 + 2sqrt(3x) + x.

    That simplifies to 2sqrt(3x) = -5

    Square both sides: 12x = 25

    So x = 25/12.

    But if you substitute into the original equation, sqrt(x-2) = sqrt(1/12) = sqrt(3)/6

    While sqrt(3)+sqrt(x) = sqrt(3)+sqrt(25/12) = sqrt(3) + 5 sqrt(3)/6

    Thus 25/12 is a superfluous root, and in fact there are no solutions.

    This can also be seen by graphing y=sqrt(x-2) and y=sqrt(3)+sqrt(x). One is the square root graph shifted 2 units to the right, the other is the square root graph shifted sqrt(3) units upward. These two graphs do not intersect.

  • 10 years ago

    sqrt(x-2) = sqrt(3) +sqrt(x)

    sqrt(x-2) - sqrt(3) = sqrt(x)

    [sqrt(x-2) - sqrt(3)]^2 = x

    x+1 - 2*sqrt(3x-6) = x

    1 = 2*sqrt(3x-6)

    1= 4*(3x-6)



  • 10 years ago

    √(x-2) = √3 + √x

    Square both sides

    (√(x-2))² = (√3 + √x)²

    x - 2 = 3 + 2√3√x + x

    subtract 3 and subtract x from both sides:

    x - 2 - 3 - x = 3 + 2√3√x + x - 3 - x

    -5 = 2√3√x

    square both sides

    25 = 4(3)x

    25/12 = x

  • 10 years ago

    square both sides to remove the squared...

    that will give you x-2=(sqrt(3)+sqrt(x))(sqrt(3)+sqrt(x))

    factorize x-2=(3+sqrt(3)sqrt(x)+sqrt(3)sqrt(x)+x)






    square both sides



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