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Freedom ... but until when?

It's amazing how often we are advocates of freedom, but this defense, many times restricts the freedom of others according to the limitations of our personal opinion!

based on this, I ask: You only want freedom for you or respect the freedom of others ?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I want freedom for me AND I will respect the freedom of others

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Illuminator is right. Basing our moral foundations on subjective opinion is shaky indeed. Yet there's so much evidence that morality IS subjective, that it's hard to find solid objective truths to form a more solid foundation. God is one such cornerstone. Being agnostic myself and without any real reason to believe in God, or gods have difficulty in establishing that cornerstone for myself. But Freedom, and the obligation to question yourself and others seems to be the basis for a truly virtuous life. It also is the outlook of a philosopher.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I think every one should be allowed to do anything they want as long is it does not negatively interfere with the freedom or well being of anyone else.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I wish for freedom for all, However this will require drastic changes in local and global social constructs and ideologies

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  • 10 years ago

    Your freedom to open your umbrella stops at the end of my nose.

  • 10 years ago

    Along as your freedom to be you doesn't interfere with another's freedom to be them, all is good.

  • 10 years ago

    One of the most favorite words people use is the word freedom. It is mostly used in politics since it attracts so many and loved by many. It is something to be perfected. Freedom perfected is when the man himself becomes truly free.

    Freedom's obligation is to make man truly free. Many have made a caricature of the word freedom. Freedom is not doing whatever you choose. Freedom is given so that a person has a chance to be good. Goodness however, is not subjective, but objective. In other words, it's not a person doing what he feels is good, but rather, doing what is truly good, such as doing virtuous acts.

    If moral values were not objective, then we can't condemn an evil act. Condemning evil actions shows that we presuppose an objective standard to which people apply. To abuse freedom and do evil acts would make you lose your freedom. The more evil actions you do the less freedom you would get.

    For example, evil people go to jail or even lose their life since they need to be kept out from the public because we know they can't be trusted when they are free. This is because we ought to do what is right with our freedom.

    Freedom is in itself good. However, it is imperfect. A good will followed by a good action perfects the free will. Actions then become a habit and would eventually build a character. This is true for either a good will or a bad will. For example, a person who consents to a bad will, like doing drugs, would make that action a habit and would eventually become a drug addict. However, a person who consents to a good will, like doing virtuous acts, would act upon it, and will make it a habit, and would eventually become a virtuous person. A person who is virtuous is one who is truly free and also happy.

    When can man be truly free? A man is truly free when he is not determined by outward circumstances, when he is so far above environment as to be uninfluenced by it. In other words, he is independent. However, an independent person is actually dependent. In fact, every declaration of independence is a declaration of dependence.

    Take the Declaration of Independence of the United States for example. In it, it says that people have inalienable rights. However, where did they get this idea from? It came from its theological foundations, that the Creator gave it to them, that makes it "inalienable." In order for the United States to be independent from England, they needed to be dependent on something higher, which is the Creator. If it came from the government, then the government could take it away.

    This is where communism failed. Communism destroys human freedom. Man is free in two ways: economic and spiritual. The economic freedom man has is private property since it enables him to call something his own which is outside him. The spiritual freedom is his soul, which makes him independent of dictatorship. Communism destroyed private property and from its atheism, persecuted religion. Not only did it destroy freedom, it destroyed itself since it took out all objective standards.

    In this way, politicians could become democratic one day, and become deceitful and full of lies the next day. Every idea according to Karl Marx is "true." When this happens, the country cannot be dependent on something strong. It is built on a shaky foundation which could be swept away. This is what America needs to stay away from.

    America has been strong because she is built on a solid foundation, dependent on the Creator. If America does not stay away from relativism, she would end up like a dictatorship and would destroy herself. No society has lasted where its foundation was relativism. This is because a man can't truly be free if relativism is its foundation. Man would make contradictions again and again and would exhaust himself. He needs to be dependent on something which cannot be destroyed. When he does that, then no prison bar, no despair, and no humiliation can affect him. He has peace within himself and this is when he reaches happiness, which is the desire of all men, either consciously or unconsciously.

    This is freedom perfected; freedom's obligation.

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