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Yo Guh
Lv 4
Yo Guh asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

How can conservatives use Christian values to back their beliefs?

Charity is one of the most important practices that religion preaches so why don't conservatives want to give to the poor?

Tolerance and love are preached by Jesus but conservatives don't like Muslims, Hispanics, or really anybody unlike them or allow equal rights for gay couples? (Yes, I understand being gay isn't supported but it's love the sinner hate the sin right?)

Greed is one of the seven deadly sins but conservatives give tax breaks to CEOs and large conglomerate corporations so they back their campaigns?

The best answer will go to whoever can best describe these conflicting ideals. Don't bring up things like abortion because that's not what I'm asking.


I see the point of not wanting to be forced into charitable givings but couldn't taxes going towards healthcare and education for the poor just be viewed as institutionalized charity?

Update 2:

Does anybody have a source that confirms that conservatives give to charities more than democrats I would appreciate that. I would also like the names of the charities and what their donations go to. And would you not agree that the government can do a lot more good than one single charity because their reach is wider?

15 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    OK lets takes these one at a time, Charity Conservatives give more then liberals to the poor so I do not know where you get that from.


    Who said we do not like Muslims, Hispanics?? And we have the gays that are Republican. Ever hear of the Log Cabin Republicans??


    You better look up why received more money from wall street, it was the democrats last election cycle, they may change this time but it ends up being both parties. They go with who will do more for them. I am not say that it is right but during obamas election he cleaned up on wall street.

    What you have to remember is who creates the jobs, Have you ever been employed by a poor person?? I bet not. When a person starts a company they need to know what is going to happen in the future, and when taxes are low they do not pass that on to the next guy or the consumer. If taxes are high then they find anyway to get out of paying them, just look at GE they paid NO taxes this year. If they fixed the tax system then they would actually pay more, but until that time. And id the democrats were so upset about that then why when they had all 3 branches did they not do something about that. They did not need 1 Republican and the Republicans could not have stopped them in any way including the filibuster. So that is the dems fault. They were to busy cramming a health care bill down Americas throat.

    To answer your first Additional details. The poor and education, education is FREE in America (the first 12 years) then they can get scholarships or grants and as for health care, anyone going into an emergency room MUST be treated that law was passed many years ago so people have the safety net, That includes welfare and the rest of the freebees. The only problem with it is you have people that abuse the system and that is where it makes it hard for the people that it is meant to help.

    As for the second comment you made in the additional details. I gave the link, it odes not say what or who but does say the Republicans give more. As for the government doing that, look at how they handles Katrina, and the other messes we have had, hell they cannot even get the post office to make a profit that costs us billions. The government is not set up to handle charity and no where in the constitution does it say they are supposed to. That is not the job of the government. It is the job of the churches and the local people. And I know I for one would not want them to handle that.

    I do not want the government to do anything more then it is already doing if they do more them America is not America it is a socialist country and that is NOT what the founding fathers wanted it to be.

    So to answer the second question NO I do not agree that the government can do it better. Look at how they create jobs?? You ask what jobs, That is my point.

  • 5 years ago

    It customarily is a sin to knowingly misrepresent the reality. Knowingly being key, spreading incorrect information that you don't have any motive to suppose improper isn't a lie. "Death panels" are a nickname for finish of lifestyles counseling. End of lifestyles counseling is truly. You might discover their claims crazed, however in Nazi Germany that they had wellbeing deal with all, they usually had a few slippery language that result in compelled sterilization, compelled termination of a few births, and so forth.... And they did not intend to try this on the begin both, whilst the procedure began to fall aside, they determined methods to try this to avoid wasting on fees. I'm curious, are non-Christians exempt from ridicule for now not upholding ethical values? I desire now not! You must be directing this difficulty at Americans, all Americans, devout or or else, must attempt for well ethical values.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    We do not want the Government to FORCE us to be charitable. Conservatives are actually more charitable than Liberals. The Government should not FORCE people to give to welfare. Jesus did not say "Give to the Government to give to the poor." That's bulls**t.

    Believe it or not, the Liberal Media lied to you. We are not all racist bigoted rednecks. Many of us are well-read and educated. We do understand that all humans are created equally, etc. I personally believe in Jesus's teachings, but I sure as hell don't believe in giving to the Government to give to welfare.

    Forced charity is certainly not the kind of charity Jesus talked about.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Same thing goes on in the liberal camp. And they also claim to be Christians. I am a Christian, and I don't really give a passing thought about Muslims, Hispanics, and gays. If muslims don't go blowing up people, whatever. If Hispanics don't take all the jobs and come here illegally, ok. If gays don't demand tolerance and shove their lifestyle in everyone's face, whatever. No comment on taxes.

    Conservatives aren't the only ones claiming to be Christian. Though I am conservative.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Why don't we want to give to the poor? We support giving to the poor. Jesus never said to take all of the rich people's money and give it to the poor. It is completely up to us. You know... free will.

    Conservatives have no problem with Muslims and Hispanics, that's just a stupid ignorant lie.

    Being gay is a sin, which is why I am against it.

    We give tax breaks so they will stop increasing prices and stop laying people off.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You have the typical liberal twisted view of what charity is.

    Charity is when you give money OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL to charities that you agree with or support.

    Charity is NOT having money taken from you, to be spent or given out in ways that you do not agree with.

    Conservatives give much more money to private sector charities than do liberals. Having money stolen from you by your government is not charity, it is theft disguised as charity.

  • 10 years ago

    They don't want the government to enforce charity and punish business for trying to thrive. As for tolerance, everyone has a level of tolerance. America in general is very tolerant when compared to other nations around the world.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You would not believe the size of the outreach ministry at my church.

    We do not want to give to the GOVERNMENT in the name of helping the poor. If we help the poor, we do it directly.

    Jesus advocated helping the poor, and it is well established that conservatives are FAR more charitable than liberals, because liberals expect the government to handle it through tax/spend policy.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    actually dear, conservatives preach charity, leftists preach government taking from Peter to give to Paul. it's not charity if the Emperor takes it in taxes and then passes (a small portion) out to the public at large. that's theft

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Conservatives are the most charitable.

    Jesus didnt preach to tolerate sin.

    Conservatives do not want a theocracy so their will be sin in this country.

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