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Bold & Beautiful - Brooke's change?

Did anyone else catch on that Brooke is going through an emotional "crisis" ? The way it's being written she is probably going through suicidal plans. She's giving away all her money, giving away personal gifts, saying how she's "repented", setting up grants, and being written with a "calm" attitude like she's "made up her mind". These things are all behaviors that a person planning to commit suicide does. ( I don't know about giving your husband back to your old enemy & his previous wife, though. That's new.). They'll probably write this in & she'll take an overdose or do something else dramatic. That way, Thomas will really feel guilty & he'll confess all to everyone. Even Stephanie won't see that coming talk about guilt. Brooke will almost die, then poor Taylor will lose out again & Ridge will bounce back to Brooke again. I hope Taylor gets a few weeks of happiness before the whole thing explodes. Anyone else see these signs or others?

5 Answers

  • Sugar
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    She is fed up with herself right now, The change won't soon as things are forgotten she will be her old self again.

  • 10 years ago

    A good chunk of the show is spent on showing Brooke moping around, Thomas and Stephanie having this guilt trip conversation ad nauseum, and Ridge just adding to the all round sap that the show has turned into since the return from the solution..........send Brooke back to the island for a couple months so she can feast on berries, that will help get her out of her funk!

  • 10 years ago

    It's possible, you have a good point, she is giving things away and acting like her whole life is over.

    I think Thomas already feels guilty and in a way so does Stephanie, I can't believe the truth hasn't come out yet.

  • 10 years ago

    that's what i said to my husbnad yest when watching taylor talk to eric and'd think a warning bell might have gone off for a shrink to see a person giving away prized belongings..i didn't think it out the way you did, but could make sense. i'm just tired of the ridge merry go round- my husband recently started watching with him while he home on work injury, and trying to explain; brooke's been with 3 generations of forresters- dad, 2 sons, stepson, etc....moved onto 2 of bridget's man and had babies with each, and banged oliver cuz "i thought it was ridge"....let's branch away from the family tree for romantic possibilities please

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  • 10 years ago

    suicide...disagree wth you on that statement. she is fed up with herself and wants to change for the better..finally even tho she never slept with thomas she did sleep with everyone else and she realizes that she mess up and is tired of messing up and hurting those around her. so she needs to work on herself before she can be with another...i say.... way to go brooke....i like the new her

    taylor and ridge? i dont think its going to work but u never know

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