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Why would a woman...?

want to be Muslim? It sounds like a pretty bad deal for women. Women can be beaten by their husbands, men can have multiple wives, etc. In Saudi Arabia women can't even drive.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Good question!

    Muslim girl, 19, 'stoned to DEATH after taking part in beauty contest'

    Egyptian general admits 'virginity checks' conducted on protesters

    3 beaten to death in Indonesian sectarian violence:

    Islamic Execution of Love, Iranian Backed Taliban stone lovers to DEATH in Islamic Fashion:

    Only 14, Bangladeshi girl charged with adultery was lashed to DEATH:

    Iraqi immigrant convicted in Arizona 'honor KILLING' awaits sentence

    Muslim husband RAPES wife, judge sees no sexual assault because Islam forbids wives to refuse sex

    "In Saudi Arabia women can't even drive."

    They are starting to do so.

  • 10 years ago

    this is not to support being a muslim... but to point out that women in asia abort girl babies and they are not muslim...

    american women inject themselves with urine and poison to look how males wish them to look,or they even have body parts cut off or injected with saline and toxins...

    jewish women in some countries are not allowed to become rabbis or enter the synagogue...

    catholic women are not allowed to become pope

    all countries and religions have and are practicing bigamy/polygamy or have you forgot about Jefferies?

    the Puritans cut out tongues, drowned and hung women for speaking against their husbands.

    Christians invented the chasity belt, in which male family members were allowed to control a womens body.

    in most countries around the world despite the religion or non religion practice child rape, trafficking and white slavery... so why would a WOMAN wish to participate in ANY religion?

  • 10 years ago

    Muslim women are brainwashed to believe it is okay.

    Source(s): Agnostic
  • 10 years ago

    Few people really 'choose' their religion. It's what they grow up with. Also there are many Muslim countries where it's not like that at all.

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  • 10 years ago

    I think that they are trapped in those countries and can't get out. So they must do as their culture says. Good luck.

  • 10 years ago

    Why would an intelligent woman want to be any religion? She wouldn't.

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