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LGBT Community. Would any of you lean conservative if the same sex marriage issue was resolved?

Are any of you either fiscal or social conservatives?

15 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I do lean conservative fiscally. I am more a libertarian though as I think the government shouldn't be able to dictate morality to the people. I hate big government and unnecessary institutions that only make it so people don't have to be good. I would get rid of the DHS, TSA and honestly the federal department of education is horrible. Some states honestly run their schools better than others.

    "Would any of you lean conservative if the same sex marriage issue was resolved?"

    -Show me an actual republican (you know, small government - personal freedom) I can vote for and not one of these neo-conservative, over spending, personal freedom curbing, bedroom invader, freaks.

    "I am conservative already I think Michele Bachmann is right Gay marriage should be up to the supreme court"

    -Eh, I don't think so, it is a states issue honestly. I think that while a state could in theory ban marriages from taking place, they could not ignore laws saying that contracts from one state must be honored in another - meaning a marriage in MA would be legally binding in texas. So let bigot state ban a ceremony, people would move to the more sensible states - or marry in one and live where they want, change to fit the times or die as a state. The free market works!

    "LGBT issues and prostitution"

    -WONT SOMEBODY think of the prostitutes?!!? Seriously though, legalize this already. Let people set up legitimate businesses, which would give them access to health-care. Done right it would make this safer for everyone. Like the drug war, nearly all of the negative consequences are caused by its prohibition. Addicts do not seek treatment when all they will face is punishment. We need to learn from history.

  • Luis
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    I'm a swing voter, I'll go for whatever is right for the times and necessary for society. However here in Canada a few years back our Prime Minister ran on a platform of opposing same-sex marriage, and ever since I have had no desire to even consider his party for fear that he will take that liberty away, and government has no place in the bedroom or moralizing sexual issues.

    If the party was headed by someone else and had the right platform for the time, I would consider voting for them. And I've met gay conservatives before, I'm sure it's quite common.

  • NM
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I'm not LGBT, but I find this question extremely interesting, and was looking forward to reading the answers.

    I myself am more of a conservative, except in areas concerning the LGBT community.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    With the Republican party in bed with the religious right I wouldn't give them the time of day and vote straight democrat. I do tend to be left-leaning on issues, but when (if?) they ever get de-coupled I would look more seriously into the party.

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  • 5 years ago

    it truly is not the biggest difficulty, in spite of the indisputable fact that it truly is the biggest civil rights/social difficulty to me. Economics, overseas coverage, environmental... those are all man or woman diverse sorts that are unique, and that i honestly call for the candidate I again helps -some- LGBT progression, in spite of the indisputable fact that the commercial state of factors has made employment confusing for my age bracket and the overseas coverage has engaged us in a warfare it quite is right now packing our brethren into bodybags. I do, in spite of the indisputable fact that, experience it truly is extra major to me than to most of the persons i comprehend.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Fiscal issues maybe but the religous right has attached itself to the conservatives and quite frankly a lot of conservatives are just not smart, schooled people.

  • I am extremely conservative except on LGBT issues and prostitution

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I am conservative already I think Michele Bachmann is right Gay marriage should be up to the supreme court (they would legalize it)

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I lean conservative as it is...and there are actually a lot of republican leaders who support gay marriage rights

  • Norma
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    No. I am a liberal and a transsexual. All I see about same sex marriages is just to come out of the closet and have sex on the street. Gay rights parades are just about sex. Gays may get rights but they will never have respect until they earn it by being productive members of society. Gays who are successful are, and will always remain, in the closet.

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