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Favorite Answers10%
  • Can someone please explain in Breaking Bad the part where Jesse makes the box?

    So, I'd like to think that I really do understand a lot of what happened in Breaking Bad, and in particular, the last episode. What I'm having trouble understanding is the part in the last episode where Jesse makes the wooden box. Who was it for? Is in in reference to another episode that I just can't recall at the moment? I seem to vaguely recall he was good at wood-working, and that he made something for someone at one point in time, but I may just be making that up in my head.


    6 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • How can I make some extra money (legally, of course?)?

    I am a full-time teacher. I am married and have two kids. However, as a teacher (at a private school, no less) I do not make vast sums of money. I'd like to contribute more to the family expenses. How can I make money (legally) in ways that doesn't detract too much from my family life? I don't need it right away, but I do need to make something. Any ideas? I'd really appreciate it if I didn't get silly/stupid/goofy answers from people that are just looking for attention...

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance8 years ago
  • My American Pit Bull Terrier ate about 30 Hershey's Kisses...?

    When I came home today from work (around 4:30) I noticed that a box that had some Valentine's candy in it was opened and empty. Inside was about 30 Hershey's Kisses. Of course I know that chocolate can be very toxic to dogs. It's now nearly 10:00, and I don't notice anything odd about him, other than the fact he's got terribly stinky gas. He's about 80 pounds, if that helps at all. Any suggestions? I could take him to the emergency vet (about 45 minutes away,) but if he isn't exhibiting any symptoms now, do you think he could be o.k. (Other than the farts, I mean.)

    3 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • When will Merlin Season 4 appear on Netflix?

    Season 4 has been out on SyFy for some time now, and it still isn't showing up as available on Netflix. Any idea when it will be out?

    I've already looked on Merlin's Facebook page, and I don't see anything there.

    Any info. is greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerDrama9 years ago
  • Where can I find Gerber cloth diapers that are NOT gauze or birdseye cloth?

    When my first son was born in 2005, a friend gave us a 12-pack of Gerber cloth diapers. We never used them...until my second son came along in 2009- although I used them as burp cloths, and he took those as his "security item," rather than a pacifier. Now, I can't find them ANYWHERE. They are VERY thin- NOT the gauze or birdseye cloth that's out there now. They're not prefolded, either. I think she originally got them at Toys 'r' Us, and I can't find them there. Has anyone seen these?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • What nocturnal animal is making this noise?

    Every night for the past week or so, I hear an animal outside that is making a very loud beeping sound. Closing the window and turning on the noise machine do not drown out the noise. Any idea what animal it could be? There's no pattern to the beeping sounds, and I've listened to bat/owl/cricket/raccoon sounds on youtube, and it doesn't sound like any of those.

    HELP! It's driving me crazy!

    1 AnswerZoology9 years ago
  • Could someone please explain (in detail) what the Patriot Act is all about?

    I'm listening to the Republican candidates for president, and wondering exactly what is in the Patriot Act. I want to be informed. I know I could Google it, but I wanted to have a regular person tell me first.

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Where can I find Gerber cloth diapers that are NOT gauze or birdseye cloth?

    When my first son was born in 2005, a friend gave us a 12-pack of Gerber cloth diapers. We never used them...until my second son came along in 2009- although I used them as burp cloths, and he took those as his "security item," rather than a pacifier. Now, I can't find them ANYWHERE. They are VERY thin- NOT the gauze or birdseye cloth that's out there now. They're not prefolded, either. I think she originally got them at Toys 'r' Us, and I can't find them there. Has anyone seen these?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • I have an IBM ThinkPad 600E in good working order. Is it worth anything?

    If so, how do I go about selling it? I tried two websites- neither was buying- too old, I suppose. Any other ways I can unload it for some cash?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • I'm feeling a little sad now that Christmas is over. Tips for getting out of the funk?

    Yeah, I know it's not really a question. Just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for bringing myself out of the "After-Christmas blues."

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • My husband broke his arm...?

    ...and is treating me badly. He's usually pretty good at making me feel like a total loser anyway, but now that his arm is broken and he's in a good bit of pain, he's really going the extra mile and making me feel like a piece of garbage.

    He tells me that I'm no help, that I'm doing everything wrong, etc.

    What can I do to get through the next few months?

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What options do I have to protect myself from trespassers/burglars?

    I live in Pennsylvania- I want to know what can I do to protect myself, my family, and my property from people who intend to trespass on my property and steal my things? My truck was broken into last night, and a few things were taken. I want to prevent this from happening in the future. I don't know where to look/whom to ask about Pennsylvania trespassing laws.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • "Legend of the Seeker" season 3??

    I know that word is the series has been cancelled, but I know there are a lot of efforts out there to get a third season. Is the show still cancelled? Have they made a definite announcement as to its cancellation? Are the efforts doing any good? I've written letters and e-mails and just wondered if they were helping.

    1 AnswerOther - Television1 decade ago
  • "Legend of the Seeker" third season?

    What is the likelihood of "Legend of the Seeker" being renewed for a third season, despite several sources "reporting" that it's been canceled? We (family and I) love the show, and feel it's headed for cancellation, much to our disappointment.

    5 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite song- NOT counting anything from...?

    the past decade? I'm quite annoyed with people who answer this question with a song that came out last week, last month, etc. Can't anyone go back and choose one that is a little bit "different?"

    In other words, what is your favorite song that came out BEFORE the year 2000? My all-time favorite is "Every Little Thing She Does" by the Police. I want to see what all of you can come up with- I'm curious to see just how many interesting people are out there...


    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Should I confront my husband about this?

    I know this was wrong, but, I read my husband's e-mail and found a poem written by a girl that I know had a major thing for him. In it, she talks about the kisses on the neck he gave her, and the way he looked her in the eye and told her she was pretty. Thing is, this happened three years ago. She has since moved away, but I know, due to their jobs, that he occasionally still has contact with her. Do I bring this up, knowing he'll be angry at me for going through his e-mail, or, because it was 3 years ago, let it go? We have 2 kids together.

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • 6 weeks post partum and I don't have anyone to talk to...?

    I had my second child six weeks ago, and, with two kids at home (my oldest is four), things can get somewhat stressful during the day. My oldest wants me to play with him, and I do try to give him attention by reading to him, playing games, etc. However, the six week old needs the majority of my attention. Now the four year old has started behaving badly.

    When my husband comes home from work, I've tried talking to him, and, he usually tries to help. Now, he's told me he doesn't feel as though we're a team, that I'm a bad mother because I can't handle our two boys, that I'm worthless, and that he doesn't want to hear me complain anymore. He's tired of me "acting like I'm so depressed," because he "doesn't buy into all that."

    I don't have anyone I can talk to, and I don't know what to do. My parents and friends live too far away.

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Do women with gestational diabetes always crave sweets?

    I am 26 weeks pregnant and will be taking my glucose test at my next appointment. I'm worried that I may have gestational diabetes. I crave fruit and fruit juices. I've heard other pregnant women saying they knew they had gestational diabetes because they always craved sweets. How true is this? Do I necessarily have GD just because I crave sweet things to eat?

    15 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What is the best brand of baby formula on the market today?

    I'm pregnant with my second child (due in May) and wanted to have formula ready as a back-up. My first son drank the Enfamil Lipil with Iron, but, due to recent findings of melamine and cyanuric acid in baby formulas, I was looking for another brand. Both Nestle's Good Start and Similac also were found to have trace amounts of the substances in their formulas as well.

    Any thoughts?

    I do plan on asking the doctor, but wanted some mothers' opinions as well!


    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago