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Lv 5
NM asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Do women with gestational diabetes always crave sweets?

I am 26 weeks pregnant and will be taking my glucose test at my next appointment. I'm worried that I may have gestational diabetes. I crave fruit and fruit juices. I've heard other pregnant women saying they knew they had gestational diabetes because they always craved sweets. How true is this? Do I necessarily have GD just because I crave sweet things to eat?

16 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I haven't heard of this. Honestly, I think craving sweets is just a part of being pregnant :)

    Everyone craves different things. I have been cravings sweets lately too and I am also 26 weeks. So far all of my appointments have been fine. I have to pee in a cup every time and they check it for sugar and protein. Every time it's normal. The glucose test will tell you for sure, but I wouldn't worry too much.

    Source(s): 26.5 weeks with a little boy!!
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Reverse Any Diabetes Easily -
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Amazing Diabetes Cure Secrets -
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Craving Sugar During Pregnancy

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  • I am 32 weeks now and I always craved sugar!still do. I didn't pass my 1 hr glucose test.My sugar level was high. Now I have to fast for 12 hrs and do 4 hr test...I am really worried. But I feel and I know that I think I have GD coz I crave sweets all the time...And after my 1st test I got in cold swet and my hands were shaking after 3 hr after I drank glucose.This is mean my sugar droped very low from high.I think I am GD

  • 1 decade ago

    You dont nessesaraly have GD just becuase you crave sweets, but it is possible.

    Someone who has diabetes craves sweets when the sugar content in thier blood is low.

    Dont worry though. GD is easily controlled with a little extra effort.

  • 5 years ago

    Type 2 diabetes, usually referred to as adult onset, is when your body produces insulin but can not use it properly. This type can be treated successfully with the right diet and exercise in most circumstances. Read here

    If blood sugars are not kept under control at some point insulin will probably be integrated / oral medications are also available. People with diabetes can live long, happy lives but must be diligent in their care and make sure you see your endocrinologist on a regular basis.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had GD and I was testing 4 times a day and injecting. Its not fun let me tell ya! trust me tho it doesn'tt hurt.... I never craved any sweets really. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks before my daughter was born a month ago today =] my blood sugar was crazy out of control even the hospitalcouldn'tt get it normal. too high too low... they controlled my diet even. Don't worry too much sweetheart... =] I didn't crave sweets and I still got GD

  • 1 decade ago

    Cravings during pregnancy are normal and what you crave can be anything. I craved orange juice during my first pregnancy and did not suffer from gestational diabetes.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had GD with my first pregnancy and I craved Bar-B-Que sauce on everything. It does have alot of sugar in it, but I wasn't really craving traditional sweets like cake, candy etc...

    Good luck

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