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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 10 years ago

If you appear not to care that someone died, does it make you guilty?

Cases like the Casey Anthony trial, or Diane Downs. The media is vicious in a sense where for example, Casey Anthony - they have no legitimate evidence tying her to her daughters alleged murder. That she must be guilty because of her lack of "typical" "normal" reactions. I disagree. That is subjective and not everyone reacts the way "emotional" people do. The fact that this seems to be a common theme in obvious cases where they have no substanstial evidence, is beyond me.

Yes Diane Downs is a murderer. But the fact that they really looked at her demeanor and tried to again use that as an indication of her guilt is awful and it proves massive idiocy.

The fact that Amanda Knox, they still have no evidence that legitimately ties her into the murder of her flatmate, but they simply run on her "reactions" and her "cold reaction" as a basis of evidence and that MUST make her the killer. Again. It's silly. I've noticed Americans seem to do this. Do these people in the court system not have anything better to grab onto?

12 Answers

  • Monty
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I can understand what you're saying.

    I happen to be a person who does not seem to have "normal" reactions. I just kind of shut myself down. When my grandma died, I was only 6. I was sad, but not tearful. About 3 weeks later, I found an injured field mouse on the road. I took him home and tried to nurse him back to health. He died, and I broke down into torrents and torrents of tears. Like the floodgates had opened. My mother was very critical of me because I had not cried for Grandma, but I foolishly cried so hard over a stupid old field mouse.

    Again, when my son died (he had been sick for a long time) I did not cry. Everyone else was tearful. I felt relief, knowing his pain was now over. It was a week or so later, when no one sent flowers to his memorial service, that I cried, very hard.

    So, if I was accused of murder, I am sure they'd look at my reactions, and feel that I was guilty.

  • 10 years ago

    You obviously haven't been paying attention to much of the case. So body language alone doesn't incriminate somebody. Fine, I give you that. But what about the fact that Caylee had been missing for a month and Casey never reported it? What about the smell of a dead body that was coming from Casey's car? And then there's all the conflicting statements she's given. First Caylee was "missing," then she was "kidnapped," and then she drowned in a pool? Which is it, Casey? That jury is so ******* stupid.

    But back to the original question, not caring doesn't "make" you guilty, but it's a good sign that you probably are. What mother would suffer through the death of her daughter and not seem to give a damn? The only time she ever looked emotional was when it looked like she was facing life in prison.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well, first of all... Amanda Knox is not relevant. That case is being tried in ITALY so you can judge their judicial system for what's happening with her.

    Second of all... Are you a mother? If my daughter were missing for 31 seconds, I'd be panic-stricken, let alone 31 days! That's absurd. Yes, people do react in different ways, but I do believe that in circumstances of a mother and her child, there would be basic similarities in our reactions if our child went missing. Mothers have similar, basic animal instincts when it comes to their children. I could see a mother maybe not thinking clearly so doesn't call the police until a couple of hours later because she's running around trying to find her child, but a month? And going out partying all the time? She wasn't even the one who reported her daughter missing - her mother did. However, you are right - that DOES NOT equate her being guilty. It certainly raises a big, red flag and can play a PART in the evidence, but this is exactly why she wasn't convicted. It's only circumstantial evidence, and that is not enough to convict someone of murder.

    My gut tells me she had something to do with her daughter's murder, but I know if I were on that jury, I would've agreed to find her not guilty. Sure, there was a plethora of circumstantial evidence and she's a pretty heinous person for the way she handled herself, but that is not enough to pin her for the murder. There needs to be hard evidence, and there simply wasn't.

    By the way, I find it pretty hypocritical and rude to judge us Americans. You're preaching how we shouldn't judge people, yet that's what you're doing with your implication that we are all silly and stupid. Yes, we certainly have our share of morons, but we have intelligent people as well so please don't pigeonhole all of us.

  • 10 years ago

    I think it is a bit unfair to compare diane downs to casey anthony,, Diane shot her daughter and that daughter did NOT die and was able to tell the court that her mother shot her..

    and diane downs is also quoted in saying (im paraphrasing) 'you can also have more children"..

    but I agree with you,, there should be a little more (OK a LOT ) then just how that person is sitting..

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  • 10 years ago

    What world do you live in?

    P.S. too bad about the Amanda Knox case, who knows what the truth is, but any case overseas really highlights how much more thorough investigations are here in the US. But, you should be mindful of the fact of assessing justice systems across different countries. They are obviously different. You have to realize this before you can just start talking so freely, it ruins your point.

  • I believe ONLY forensic evidence is real proof.....demeanor is subjective and therefore has no substance as evidence in a murder trial.

  • 10 years ago

    LOL yes and on top of her off body language she lied to the police, partied her face off, and didnt report her child missing for 31 days. YEAH OKIE DOKIE. That alone should have put her in jail now without her kid having to be dead.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    enable me wreck it down for you: right here have been the verdicts: Casey Anthony- not to blame. Diane Downs- to blame. Amanda Knox- to blame. right here is how that's: Casey Anthony- to blame. Diane Downs- to blame. Amanda Knox- not to blame.

  • 10 years ago

    It seems no one is reading your question---if by appearing not to care does that make you appear to be guilty? Yes

  • 10 years ago

    omg u asshole she killed a 4 year old have some sympathy

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