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If another country invaded America?

If another country invaded America, Let just say some crazy way another country some how got past our extremely strong naval forces and invaded our very own streets and suburbs, could we handle the foriegn enemies. With our small amount of troops, armed cops, armed citizens, our knowlege of the land, and not to mention armed Street Gangs that would team up and fight the enemy. Could we over come this?? (No bias answers because we live here and are proud of our country please) I just want to know if it would be possible?

p.s. I love america and I am a proud american who would die for our freedom. Im just wondering if we could handle an invasion

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no nation on earth that has the capabilities to transport enough troops across the ocean to threaten our borders. They would need a million man army to occupy just the East coast, and how would they get here? Our satellites constantly monitor all major ship and troop movements that happen everywhere and we would know they were coming.

    Even during the second world war, the Germans and Japanese realized that it would be hopeless to attempt an invasion of the continental U.S.

  • Kojak
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    FIRST America has been invaded before..... and we repulsed / killed the invaders

    SECOND America has over 300 M people and over 400 M guns..... we do not like our own government very much; we certainly would not tolerate a foreign ruler.....

    THIRD The local police can not control our own street gangs even with citizen help.....the jails in California are at 200% capacity...... think of the chaos that would ensue if EVERY CITIZEN were against the authorities

    The invasion and subjugation of the American people would be impossible no matter how many troops the enemy sent.....

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Propaganda, it because of propaganda. We don't have a free press, it is all owned by a couple of corporations that have an interest in keeping Americans ignorant. Americans are just ignorant, they really don't know any better. For example, most Americans don't know that the US helped the UK overthrow Iran's democratically elected leader in the 1950's. Nor do they know that Saddam Hussien was a US ally until we decided to invade Iraq. Kuwait was drilling under the border and stealing Iraqi oil. Iraq was well within its right to go to war. We decided to interfere and betray an ally of, like, 20 years. Americans either don't know this, or worse, they don't care. Patriotism means, "My country, right or wrong." Most Americans are patriots and don't care what the US does as long as the US wins.

  • 10 years ago

    Yes we could handle it. life would be tough but keep in mind we have several states that the hunting license's issued in any one of those states represent the 3rd largest army in the world. That's just one state. Now with all the hunters and all the people with handguns and rifles that don't hunt and lets use all 50 states we are the most armed country on the planet by far. And that's not counting our military or police. Regardless of what people think about guns the facts I stated are a big reason why no one in there right mind would even think about attacking our shores. More realistically in danger of immigrants coming here legally in mass numbers and using our system to elect there people into office and taking over our country that way.

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  • justa
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    I've done a lot of traveling, just on the east coast and south, and we have one huge country.

    It would be impossible to invade based on size and length of supply lines.

    Like those who have tried to invade Russia, they get caught up with no food or way to get food to the troops and they are forced to leave.

    In the US every second person has a gun, we have cameras, spy planes, that would make it difficult for an army to mass in preparation for an attack.

    In Europe, with its far smaller countries, its a much easier thing to do with a motivated enemy army.

    Here, it's just one problem after another.

    Can you really see them on a highway in the US, caught in a traffic jam? We have people with road rage that would kill a line of foreign army vehicles just for the hell of it.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Every person would go out and get AR-15's. There would probably be ways to get them free. Also, the military could bring in thousands of troops from overseas, and also we have huge battalions on military bases here, as well as massive air support. Even if the Chinese landed 1 million troops, we could stop them. The only thing that is concerning is if such a war goes nuclear.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No one will ever invade us as long as we have the right to bear arms. The fact that every citizen can have a gun and use it has stopped countries from invading us before.

    Well we are being invaded by Mexico technically but I assume you are talking about a military invasion.

  • 5 years ago

    it can and will happen and why because were letting it happen bible prophcy states that we will be invaded by russia in the near future but if we ask forgiveness for our sin our lord god will spare us

  • 10 years ago

    Thankfully, the Second Amendment is still in effect, so we will have millions of Americans ready to conduct guerilla warfare in a matter of days.

  • Jeff D
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    America has more guns than people. Not sure about the ammo situation though--better stock up!

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