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Freshman Year Tips/Checklist?

hey can someone make me a checklist for freshman year of highschool! it was be the basics it doesnt matter thanks!

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay, first off Freshman year may seem scary and different... but it's really not. I promise! I was so nervous my first day of high school. Like, honestly, terrified. I'm a really shy person so I was scared it was gonna be all different from middle school and that I wouldn't know where to go or have the right stuff. But it's waaaay better than middle school and the only difference is the work load and there is more people. The upperclassmen really aren't that bad though. You may already know a lot of them and you may not. Like in every school there are gonna be the nice people and the not-so-nice ones. The best advice I can give you is just to steer clear of drama if you can. It'll just add to the first year of high school stress and you don't wanna look back on your freshman year as the year you had all this drama in your life.

    Some other tips I could give you would be to just be a really good worker. If you already are, great! Just keep it up! If you kinda slack in class... start studying more and paying better attention in class. Grades aren't as important as they are your Junior year BUT colleges and jobs and stuff are gonna mainly look at your high school record and that includes grades and work ethic. So, just make sure you study for every test and really try to stay on top of every homework assignment. Oh, and it's also important to be a good student because your teachers in high school will most likely be the teachers you go to for recommendation letters for college or clubs so it's always nice to be on their good side so you can get a good recommendation :)

    Don't procrastinate! That was the thing I had the problem with the most. In my middle school, we barely ever had any big projects or anything too extreme so I always just did my homework that last minute or whenever I could. Then I got to high school and realized if I did that.. I would be failing by the end of the year. lol Just try to start all projects and assignments as early as possible that way you just get them out of the way.

    My last tip would be to join as many clubs, activities, sports, etc. as possible. Of course, only do what your interested in.. but just try to be as involved as possible. It'll all look really good on college apps and it's a great way to make new friends. Everyone always told me I would meet new people and get new friends in high school and I never believed them. But you really do. I met new people in some of my clubs and sports that are upperclassmen and some that were in my grade the whole time that are now some of my best friends :)

    As for a checklist... for the first day just bring a notebook, folder, and pencil and you should be good. You might need to bring more specific things. Like for my school, we have summer assignments for certain classes and some of them are due the first day of school so I'll be bringing those with me too. And the other answerer said something about a laptop.. if your school has laptops you bring to school, it would be a good idea to bring that too. Just take good notes on the first day as to what else you'll need for the rest of the year. Most of it will just be normal stuff like binders, folders, notebooks, paper, pens, highlighters, pencils, etc. but some teachers have specific stuff they want.

    I know I wrote waaaay too much.. .but I know how nervous I was on my first day of high school so I guess I just wrote all that I know :) Anyway, don't stress too much. Like I said high school is like a big middle school but better. Good luck on your first day :)

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Freshman 365 days is a clean initiate with a sparkling slate. Make it what you prefer. the key's to get in touch at college. connect a club, a interest, pupil council something that sounds relaxing to you. The greater in touch you're at college the greater you care approximately it the greater relaxing it is to bypass. extreme college artwork isn't probably that not undemanding. proceed to exist perfect of your assignments and turn them in and you will do super. Plan to spend an hour a evening on homework and set it aside as learn time (no telephone, television, radio, or computing gadget chats) many of the time you will not prefer the entire hour even though it is a super habit. the 1st area of the 365 days will look fairly undemanding as instructor assessment yet stay concentrated the hot stuff starts off 6-8 weeks in. One third of the freshman classification will fail 2 or greater training and be freshman lower back next 365 days or drop out so which you rather desire a great initiate. Oh, do not hardship approximately being a freshman, no one fairly cares what grade your in as quickly as your there.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    its the same as public school, get a notepad, pencils, pens, markers, highlights. Some people bring their laptop, but highschool is too early for that. Thats all.

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