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Any upsides to life after divorce?

My husband and I are in marriage counseling and trying to make it work. There has been a lot of verbal abuse from him though to his credit since I said I wanted to separate, he has stepped up and is trying. We both are but I have to say that I am having a hard time and not sure we're going to make it.

So when I think about my future I am not sure what will happen.

For those divorced, what have you learned and found to actually be a positive about it? Did you fall in love again? Are you able to be amicable with your ex? How are the kids adjusting?


I am 41 so I worry I won't find love again - I AM older. Also, I DO love my husband's family so it is hard to think of not being part of their lives anymore.

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry to hear about your dilemma,

    What have you to look forward to well, let me tell you it will not be easy emotionally, having said that, if you have suffered years of abuse then it will be a sigh of relief after all these unhappy times.

    yes you will meet somebody else and so might he, and yes this will be a great experience for you and you will feel a cloud has been lifted in your life but this could also take time and many different relationships before love does truly find its way back into your heart if ever at all for some people who divorce.

    As far as the kids, yes they will re adjust with time but not before they blame one or the other,and they will remained affected by this, but you have to think of yourself, your kids will grow up and marry one day, and there life will be happier as a result of the divorce although they will not see that now as most kids hate to think there parents would divorce because of the stigma attached to it,but this is not a reason to stay in a unhappy marriage you need to move on and fine happiness again in your life.

    good luck

  • .
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Your life is what you make it...your happiness is something you choose to feel or not matter what your age, or whether you find "love" again, your life will be as great or as lousy as you choose to allow it to be...

    I'm 46, divorced for over 10 yrs, and I've made some great friends and had some great experiences since my marriage ended...I'd MUCH rather be single than in an unhappy, dissatisfying, or abuse relationship...

    Although I'd love to have someone special in my life, I don't feel my life is worth less or unfullied without that...I have the freedoms of a single person who doesn't have to consider someone else in every decision (how will it affect my partner?)...although I have no kids, so that makes it easier for me (it's just me and my life)...

    Upsides after divorce are the same as during marriage...they are whatever you make them...if you are in an unhappy marriage, what are the upsides there??? You may find some different challenges in being divorced vs being married (if that's what happens for you), but it's not necessarily a better or worse situation in's whatever you make it...

  • Jade M
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Life goes on...I did fall in love again and I'm happily married now. I am not amicable with my ex..his choice not mine. My divorce was very hard on my kids but so was the marriage. My youngest, who is an adult now, is still very bitter about it.

    Focus on trying to save your marriage, the fact that both of you are willing to make the effort could make it all worth while. I stayed in a crappy marriage for many years, hoping things would change, trying to change them for the better but my ex didn't make any effort. Both of you have to be willing to work on the marriage-you have that, I didn't. Good luck.

  • 10 years ago

    got remarried, its fantastic (very aware of our mutual problems in both our prior marriage and work on them successfully) was not and did not want to be amicable with my x wife. still not. she is gone.

    kids 14 and 16 had a very hard time. acted out, but as soon as 18 and 19 did fantastic

    If I had to do it again I would have stuck it out for 3 years till the kids off to college becuase they didnt need the **** they went thru. Best thing I did was get counseling which gave the understanding of my kids problems, wife problems, my problems and thinking. Once you understand it is easier to determine how to deal with the issues. I learned that everybody;s reaction to a divorce is predictable and millions of people go through it thinking they are unique. I did remain single for 13 years, never to get married again until I found Ms perfect for me.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    My life got a whole lot better after I divorced my ex. The most positive thing was, I don't have the ex in my life anymore. I met someone else and married him. My husband puts that ex to shame. I don't have contact with the ex. And my kids are just fine. They love and adore my husband.

  • 10 years ago

    im not divorced myself but my parents did when i was very young it was hard but i was ok with it if you talk to them and explain what is happening and let the know you will be there for them the one thing you cant do is fight if you split up because all it will do is upset them and make things worse and i also think that if this marrige didnt work then the person you are meant to be with is still out there you should never lose hope i hope this helps :)

  • it was tough at first, but after about a year or so i looked back & i was so much happier. i had all of her bagage on my back, but once i got rid of it, life was really nice. divorce is really hard on your heart, but time heals everything. you will live & find someone else that will make you happy. good luck!!!

  • 10 years ago

    You are not too old. Nobody is too old for love. Im the happiest Ive ever been after divorce.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    When you are happy, everything else falls into place. If you try to put anything ahead of YOUR happiness, it ultimately doesn't work.

    Do you love him? If you do, stay. If you don't, everybody knows it, already. Dump him. Move on.

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