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What should I do about my useless life?

Your Question

What should I do with my life?

I'm 26 and seriously hate my life. I haven't achieved anything and feel like time has totally run out for me. I've got a First Class degree in an academic subject (languages) but it's got me nowhere so I wasted 4 years of my life on that. I live with family because I can't afford a house, even renting one. I have no kids because I can't afford them. Most of my family and friends think I'm a complete loser and some even pity me so I try not to go out and socialise anymore. My husband would be better off without me. I did a teaching course but unlike most other people on my course I can't get a job which means there's obviously something very very wrong with me which means I can't be employed. Also I'm fat (5'4", 11st7lbs, size 12-14) and ugly. I just don't know what to do anymore. Does anyone ever feel like this and is life even worth living anymore?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't give up! Life can be challenging sometimes. But you're still young. There's still more chances for you to get a job and to prove to everyone that you're not a loser. Because you aren't. I'm sure you aren't. You've got your husband to support you, and the ones that are close to you are there for you. Go out and find a job you think you can handle. I'm sure there's many jobs out there that are willing to hire you. And you're beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you you're not. Beauty isn't what's on the outside, it's what's on the inside. :) Never give up. There's still hope.

    Good luck. <3

  • Lyn`x
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Au contraire. When you feel like life knocks you down, think of the positive side. There is no way to avoid bitter reality forever, but there are many ways to face it. One way is to confront it with calmness and confidence. It seems like you're too panic that you can't take control of your mind. You always think of the negative side hence the problems look too big that they block the way to a solution. As a result you tend to get the depression.

    Nobody can help you other than you yourself. No one can can get everything that she/he wants; there are always disappointments and barriers to face it. Think of these problems as a test on how to overcome obstacles, or a lesson on how to meet hindrances with patience and clear mind. It's your mind that takes control of you. When you think that you're a loser, you are a loser.

    So, my suggestion is, get out of the circle by eliminating all the negative beliefs you have about yourself. Then, look at your reflection in the mirror. Ask yourself, what are the things that I can change? You may not have a kid but you already have someone by your side, that is your husband. You also still have a family and a house to live in. Think of others that can even have a house to sleep at night. You also say that you have a degree in academic subject and did a teaching course but fail to get a job. Why don't you try again and again until you get the goals. Do your best at it. You never know how high you can get if you never try at your best.

    Love and take care of yourself. Don't worry about how or what other people say or behave toward you because what they do is beyond your power. I wish you good luck. :-)

  • smokey
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    What you should do is realize that it isn't useless, that's the first step. At the risk of sounding like a shrink, every ones life is important. Run out of time? Our average lifetime suggests you aren't even halfway there. Obviously what you are trying to do isn't what you're suppossed to do, try something else. Go work at McDonalds or something. They are almost always hiring, but people just think "Oh, that's lame, I'm not doing that". Then YOU will be the one with a job and money, not them, so you can further pursue your goals. It all just takes patience and time, you can't just quit because you are behind. A good example is Job from the Bible. Satan took away his family, possessions, and even his health, but he persevered and overcame it. This isn't the end by any means.

  • 10 years ago

    I mean, I'm obviously not 26 yet. So maybe I don't understand since I don't have to worry about such things as you do. But I mean, I do know that empty feeling. Like, something's missing. And I guess for you maybe the things you think your missing are prettiness (which you probably aren't even ugly :)), achievements, kids, and money. And I mean, like I said, I may just not understand since I am younger than you but, I started studying the bible. And I actually became a disciple. And I felt like all this,"What's my purpose?" and even "What should I do with my life?" stuff went away. Because I was/am living my life for God. And he's put many great things in my life, like my friends, my home, and I'm not married yet neither do I have kids but it's gonna come someday. And just like for everyone else in the world, God has an awesome plan for you. You just gotta believe, read (bible), and listen to him and he'll do everything else.

    Source(s): My life
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  • 10 years ago

    Firstly No Ones life is ever useless. you are still very young, but have got into a hole, a black one by the sound of it, and you may need professional help. so i suggest you seek help firstly from your G.P. as to your hubby being better off without you, that is so not true, and if you were not in this state of mind you would realise this. Also why not make a list of

    Pro's & Con's in your life, etc. and once done, go thorugh your list to see which you could or want to change first. Be it your weight, job, etc. things can be changed, you just have to set your self a few goals, that are possible to you. But first and foremost, please Seek Help

  • Bridge
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    We are in a Great Recession, and many people with good degrees are not able to get jobs right now. Twenty-six is still very young. Go out and socialize again, for you need to keep your spirits up. Perhaps you could find some volunteer work to do that will help you to get a job later.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No! Just keep moving foreword. Things will get better in time. Talk to your mom, she'll help you if she loves you. If your mom is trying to help you maybe you should listen to her and try the things she says, once you try something its always less scary than you thought it would be and maybe you'll make a really good friend. Sometimes if people see that your not willing to talk to them or shy away from everyone then they just think that your not worth it. But if you just talk to someone you might end up really liking them and become good friends. Killing yourself is not the way to go, you can do so many things to help your self. Just take it one step at a time, one day, even one minute if you need to. You could try going to see a school councellor? :) I really hope you get better... You will get better!

  • 10 years ago

    ok im going to tell you the truth you might not like it but it has to be said mabye you need to get your life on track idk you but mabye then fine do that but dont look at the last 4 years as a waste look back at the small good things life isint always about taking huge steps also thinking theese negative thoughts isnt going to help you so start liking yourself just enjoy life and you cant say you hate your life cuz there are dying starving people who would probally kill for you life

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Aw it sounds like you need confidence. Get a job and try to succeed. Good luck

  • 7 years ago

    hi u r not alone have useless life i am 25 i have done master computer science but having no job .nothing to do at home just watching tv,eat and sleep nothing to do i hate my self

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