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Would a J.W. help with a short analogy for making a reply to people who have the wrong idea about me?

Please don’t read if you are just going to make derogatory remarks. I am giving an overview so you can help me word a succinct reply.

I have had ill health for years and over-time I have become worse with MCS making living most miserable. I cannot go to the Kingdom Hall, for the Brothers and Sisters are understandably keen to use personal care products most of which cause me great distress. I have done my best to continue to serve Jehovah and keep up with the schedule for the school and service meeting, the Watchtower study and I report ministry every month even if it is only 15minutes.

My problem is that despite repeated efforts to explain to the Brothers my illness and difficulties I am met with a wall of incomprehension from them. I have a struggle to get literature from them, particularly the K/M and although I now do seem to have found a kind Sister to collect the Magazines for me it can still be most difficult to get all the current releases.

This weekend is the Convention and I used to be blessed by a receiving a recording of it, but the Sister who used to be in touch with those who organise that arrangement died 2 years ago, and although I made attempts to find out how to get that for myself, no-one has got back to me for last years, let alone this.

The thing is, when the Elders do come to see me, it is only in passing as they are working my street. They arrive with their after-shave and with no proper understanding. Repeated attempts to explain have fallen on deaf ears and one Elder and his Wife even declared that I hadn't mentioned my MCS at all, yet I know I did as I let them in and embarrassingly I had to put the fan directly on to my face as the Sisters Perfume was too much for me. Actually there was an article in the Awake 8/8/00 ~ Helping Those With MCS, so there is no legitimate cause for doubting my condition.

I did hope one time to have my condition explained during “Local Needs”, in the hope that the Brothers would all understand better, but I was told by at least 3 different Elders that announcing it to the whole Congregation was completely out of the question and a totally improper thing to do. Unfortunately, those who aren’t dismissive of my condition take it too personally and imagine that I am insulting them, hence I have found myself friendless with-in the Congregation, for my closest friends have moved to serve where the need was great, while another was disfellowshipped, another was very unkind, and has since vanished, and two have died.

I began to listen in on the Phone-link, once I could no longer tolerate attending the Kingdom Hall where I used to keep asking for a window to be open, but others complained of the draught. So I would stay in the Library, but other would come there with their babies or fractious children. So then I would come late and stay by the door and listen from virtually outside, but others too would arrive late and waft by with their hairspray etc. Then the Hall had a new carpet which almost killed me off and I just had to stop attending.

Working my street 3days ago, two Elders stopped by to give me an invitation to the Convention! I am hurt that they think I am just weak or have fallen away. If I cannot cope with the Kingdom Hall, I certainly cannot cope with a Convention. And if there were invitations to give out, how come I wasn't given a supply to hand out myself? I do have a Ministry, I do have people I could have given an invitation to. Incidentally, the Elders have never showed any interest or concern about how I do any witnessing.

If it isn't enough that my heath is deteriorating so much, my Brothers have never understood Chronic Illness. They are fine when you first get ill, with cards and well wishes, but when you don't recover, you are made to feel as if you are faking it. I have had this debilitating malady for over 15 years, at first it was tolerable, but for the last 8 years it has been unbearable, I am a virtual hermit and cannot go anywhere much.

All this has been repeated prayed about and I am at peace with it, knowing Jehovah understands, but please, this is my request:

I need a simple phrase that in a nutshell can just put them right next time they call. Please help me use a simple illustration or analogy that lets them know, I am in the Truth still, even though I don't attend the meetings. I cannot try to explain the whole extent of my illness again to them, for they interrupt, saying that they "know" or that they "came to build me up, not to hear any negatives"

PLEASE HELP ME SAY SOMETHING PROFOUND NEXT TIME? Help me combat this mis-understanding and restore good feelings and establish a better rapport with the Congregation.

5 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "If I was locked in solitary confinement for my faith in Jehovah, would you think I must be a spiritually weak person? Would you not think my faith was to be applauded and you would be doing everything you could, from outside the prison, to help me? You would be writing to the authorities, raising up supporters to write to me with encouragements and my story might even end up in the "Awake!" magazine as exemplary perseverance through dreadful circumstances!"

    Get to them either agree, or at least nod. Then say,

    "Why are you effectively locking me in solitary confinement by making it impossible for me to associate with the brothers and go to the Kingdom Hall? And then, having done that through your ignorance, you call me 'spiritually weak'? Why do you seem unable to measure spiritual strength except by number of hours on ministry work and meeting attendance?"

  • danman
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    They are the ones who are supposed to be the shepherds of flock. They are supposed to go out of their way for one sheep that is in trouble. They have saddled you with the guilt of having a bad rapport, making you the odd sheep almost to say your problems are not so important to us.

    Sounds like your attending one of those many congregations that are lacking at least a sprinkling (1or2) seasoned, reasonable, mature men, who can use common sense. Perhaps a move to another congregation is in order? They should be bringing you a recording of the meetings, or arranging for you to listen over the phone, whatever at least trying to assist you.

    Do you remember that movie a number of years ago called 'Boy in a bubble'? I think there was even a song about him. Anyway perhaps an analogy of this story about his rare need to stay completely away from any germs, could help your elders understand just how much you are affected by chemical and odors that you breathe. Might even show them a picture of this boy's 'bubble' to help them visualize how serious this condition is to you.

    I could say more negatives about how these elders are treating you, but now is not the time. I hope you no longer carry any guilt. Very sad that the elders have let you down, not the reverse.

    @Edit: Where are all these so called loving jw brothers and sisters now? The only ones who have responded to your question are former jw or those just displaying true christian concern. Maybe you should really examine the jw claims of being the 'only true christians', I think you may have a different view.

  • 7 years ago

    P.s whereabouts in the UK are you? Ann is in Hastings, East Sussex.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    Have you tried these suggestions found in the 8/8/2000 awake? Another important therapy is a good night’s sleep. David, an MCS sufferer who is now virtually symptom free, attributes part of his recovery to sleeping in a bedroom where he gets plenty of fresh air. Ernest and his wife, Lorraine, both of whom suffer from MCS, also find that “a good night’s sleep helps considerably in coping with unavoidable chemical exposure during the day.”

    Good nutrition, of course, is always essential for maintaining or regaining good health. In fact, it has been hailed as “the single most important component of preventive health care.” It stands to reason that for the body to regain health, at least to the extent possible, its systems must be working efficiently. Dietary supplements may help.

    Exercise also contributes to good health. Additionally, when you perspire you help your body eliminate toxins through your skin. Also important are a good mental disposition and a sense of humor, along with being loved and showing love to others. In fact, “love and laughter” is the prescription one doctor gives all her MCS patients. Yes, “a heart that is joyful does good as a curer.”—Proverbs 17:22.

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  • 10 years ago

    Why worry? You are better off well away from them.

    sorry to hear of your illness.

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