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the wolfe asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 10 years ago

Am I overweight, normal, or too thin?

I am a 15 year old girl. I am an avid runner, participating in both cross country and track. I am around 5' 8.5'' and 108 pounds. I am mostly muscle, with long legs. I kinda am thinking about going on a diet because, although I am comfortable with most of my body, when I look down at my stomach it looks really puffy. I do sit-ups and stuff but it won't go away! I'm also a vegetarian!

8 Answers

  • RSJ
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are underweight. Don't diet. Work on your abs. You need to do crunches instead of sit-ups. Perfect Abs is a great dvd. Pilates with tone everything including your abs. Try a pilates class or get a dvd like Windsor pilates. You're very athletic, so it shouldn't take you very long to build up your ab muscles and flatten your stomach.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    You are really underweight! The average weight for a person of just 5'1 is around 125 pounds, so you need to eat more and probably eat healthier. Your stomach is puffy because it's basically filled with nothing but air. Eat more!!

    Source(s): me
  • 10 years ago

    you seem like an average skinny 15 yr old girl, so for your age you are probably just right.just develope healthy eating and exercise habits now and worry about weight when you're full grown.

    by the way, BMI isn't for teens, so these people telling you that you're underweight according to that are comparing you to adult women, you are very light, but LOTS of teenagers are very skinny and light, yet are completely healthy. when i was 15 i was 6'0" and weighed only 140lbs as a guy. maybe i was underweight, but i could out run and out jump almost everybody in my grade, and could easily dunk a basketball, so i'd hardley say i was unhealthy. like i said, worry about weight when you're older.

  • 10 years ago

    check you bmi if you want to see if your fat or not also i agree with everyone else you should gain weight and when you look down too see your stomach it looks puffy coz the skins moving down with it making it look that way

    Source(s): common sence
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  • 10 years ago

    There is no way you are overweight! You are probably underweight. Girls in general see themselves differently than others do. You think you're fat, but you are nowhere close to that. I think you should GAIN weight.

  • 10 years ago

    you can get rid of that stomach by doing bodyweight squats. you can also gain weight and still get rid of that puffy stomach.

  • 10 years ago

    underweight, too thin. Try eating more.

  • 10 years ago

    you are under weight

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