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Liberals, can you please explain how your idea of income equality would work?

Libs seem to think that everyone should get the same pay no matter what they do. It's not fair for some people to earn more than others, right?

So, exactly who is going to work weekends and midnights for the same money? Who is going to go to college for 4 - 8 years if they're going to make the same money as a high school drop out? Who is going to risk their life being a policeman, fireman, construction worker, etc. if there is no extra reward? Who is going to work outside in the rain, snow, cold, and heat for the same money as the guy who sits behind a desk all day?

Exactly how would your utopia work? How do you determine who has to take the hard jobs?

9 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Typical liberal responses. They don't have answers. Who is going to decide what is fair? Who is going to decide how much more one person should make than the other? They want government making those decisions. Government is always corrupt and the decisions will not be fair. Pay will be handed out to supporters and taken from the opposition.

    One group (like the teachers) will get together and demand more even though they don't deserve it for their lousy nine months of work per year. However, they're a big voting block and can demand unfair compensation.

    Only the open market can determine the most fair price for anything - product, service, and pay. I'm sorry that their degree in "social sciences" isn't worth more than a burger-flipper job, but that was their choice to take the easy road in college.


  • BruceN
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    Nobody thinks everyones pay should be the same. Even Khrushev, a communist, said that paying good workers more is not counter-revolutionary, its just how you get people to work harder.

    But when the average CEO pay is $10 million a year, and the average is only $50,000, you might need to do something to level the playing field. Churchill said that a steeply progressive tax rate and high estate tax is the only way from preventing an idle hereditary nobility from controlling the country and destroying democracy.

    But centrally micromanaging the pay rates, or capping them, doesn't work very well either. The Chinese have even abandoned it. So I'll go with letting companies determine the pay and then taxing the top 1%, at a high top marginal tax rate. Since they own more than 50% of the wealth, They will still increase theirs, if they are clever enough to work or invest it wisely. But playboy millionaires lucky enough to be born into money will see it slowly erode, preventing it from becoming hereditary as it has.

    America used to be considered the land of opportunity. But today, Europeans have more opportunity to improve their circumstances and a poor Americans are 5 times more likely to have children who will be poor than those from the upper middle class or the wealthy.

  • 10 years ago

    Does that mean that congress, the Obamunist and his band of thugs will all work for the same amount as the porter in the men's rooms at the train station makes. Give me a reality check.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I don't think everyone should make the exact same amount. Different jobs have different benefits, salaries, etc. However, if you are rich and you don't voluntarily share your wealth, then you should pay higher taxes in order to help those that suffer on the lower rungs of the economy. Also, policeman and firemen make very little money. Sometimes barely 30K a year.

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  • 10 years ago

    I'm liberal and I don't believe in pay equality. I think a major misconception is that all of us liberals are socialist/communist. This is not true.

  • 10 years ago

    The unions, seic, acorn and the white house czars will decide

  • 10 years ago

    I dont know if thats what liberals want, but if they do, well end up like the Russia

  • 10 years ago

    neo liberals feel that people should work according to their capacity but be paid according to their requirements

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    no, we just feel that 5% of the population shouldnt have 90% of the wealth.

    do you enjoy being a serf?

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