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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

Which hate against a president was worse. Bush vs Obama?

libs please be honest.

Cons please post facts not opinions


I have never seen an Anti War protest in San Fran with Obama's head with a bullethole in it. I have seen more disturbing anti war protests pictures than that.

15 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    People always complain about Bush.. But at least he doesn't kill babies like Obama.. He believes in abortion and I don't even think he believes in God. People say that he's a muslim or whatever.. &' Obama, is NOT fully black.. He's mixed with white so I wish people will stop saying "WE GOTTA BLACK PRESIDENT"... &' Most people (blacks) voted for him just b/c he's "black" , they should be focused on the issues and politics instead of color.. &' im not racist, im black (mixed with a lil indian) but i wouldn't have voted for him.. &' EVERYONE is going to be mixed with something. Aint nobody just one pure color! &' didn't Obama allow gay marriages? thats just nasty! smh, Answer my question? :)) Thankss! Ohh &' I think Dr. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. would've made a GREAT president if he didnt die.. Just saying.

    Source(s): ME!
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Dislike, even hatred levied at Bush was generally because of his economic and foreign policy. Detractors focused mainly on Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Patriot Act, along with slashing upper tier income taxes. The protesters tended more to hate the actions, not the man. They mostly considered Bush to be less than intelligent (not necessarily a true assessment of his intellectual capabilities, but his southern drawl did not help matters), but not malicious.

    On the other hand, the majority of the dislike for Obama seems to stem from three areas. The first, and arguably the smallest portion comes from either recognized or latent racism. He represents a deviation from the norm in Washington, and there will always be those who don't like their boat being rocked. Such sentiments are in the minority with his detractors though. The second factor would be his policies. His campaign rhetoric sparked fears of socialism left over from the infamous Red Scare. The healthcare reform he fought to pass was characterized as being a socialist program in order to play to these fears. The third, and by far most prominent reason he is hated, is because he is not a conservative republican. While left leaning voters see the right leaning voters as somewhat backwards and not in keeping with modern times, the right views the left often as downright 'evil'. The majority of discussion on conservative media tends to paint the liberal/conservative line as an ideological battle, where liberal policies and ideas are cast in apocalyptic terms.

    In essence, the left hated Bush for enumerated, very specific reasons, a few of which are noted above. The right hates Obama for much more vague reasons, often stemming from a fear of anything resembling socialism, or being accused of being socialist.

    Hatred of Bush (or his policies) grew over time in response to his actions as President, whereas hatred of Obama started strong from day 1 of his election, and has been going strong on the right ever since. Fear is the name of the game when it comes to Obama hate. Fear of what he 'might' do, and more succinctly fear of what the right perceives him as representing.

  • 5 years ago

    Yeah nicely wager what? we are no longer in Syria. Now if Bush or McCain have been in place of work, they had in all threat supply the chook to Putin and bomb Syria anyhow. yet we've been given a guy who didnt vote for the war and a sec of state who served in Vietnam and as quickly as extra like libya, we prevented yet another war. So no, Obama aint happening in background as Bush's equivalent

  • 10 years ago

    Out of the frying pan and into the fire.

    Bush signed the ca. $350 billion TARP bill. Those companies should have been allowed to fail or succeed based on whether they had sustainable business models.

    Obama signed the ca. $750 billion stimulus bill which really hasn't stimulated anything and we aren't much better off now (unemployment went up after that bill was signed).

    At least with the TARP money, some of it is being paid back to the gov't. The stimulus money has gone into the wind.

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  • x x
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    They produce a full length fill on Bush's assassination.

    Need more then that.

    I would have arrested and tried the lot of them!

    Can you even imagine a right group doing some thing like that against Obama?

    The country would be shut down until everyone involved were hunted down and killed in the streets.

  • 10 years ago

    Bush, of course. He brought the whole world's economy to its knees, wasting huge amounts of money and lives in various wars, making him almost impreached. At least SOME people still believe in Obama. ;)

  • 10 years ago

    This is a good question....Although I agree there was much contempt for Bush, I don't think he went through the same hatred that Obama did. Anyone that is truly unbiased will definitely say that there was racial hatred at Obama. Whether it was through they challenges of where he was born or his religion, it's clear that it was about his race (especially the challenges about his religion). Bush just basically got called does every politician & president.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    it was pretty bad in both cases. however, the anti-bush movement snowballed until it peaked during the iraq war. in other words, it was clearly based on his actions, even if it was exaggerated.

    the obama hate machine was already in full force on day 1. he's not from america, he's playing the race card, he's a muslim, he's a socialist, all those baseless lies were planted even before he was inaugurated.

    so although maybe the volume is similar, the justification is not even close.

  • Jeff S
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    The hate against Obama wasn't justified because he did nothing to earn it!

    The hate against Bush was!He willfully compromised national security until the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001!

  • 10 years ago

    Comparing the two is pointless. Every president or leader in the world has faced some form of opposition. When you say which one is worse, remember that a leader is only as good as his people

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