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I have seen UFOs, have you?

I have seen them several times in my life, I am 26 years old. The first time I saw one I was 8 years old, the last time was about 2 or 3 weeks ago. The first time I didn't believe what I was seeing, but it went back to the same spot at the same time the next night. The night after, I told a friend of mine about it, she didn't believe me, so I told her what time, and it ws 10 minutes before, we were not far from where I saw it, so I brought her there, of course it showed up, it was far away, so it just looked like a light, or a star, except that stars do not move, and planes do not hover in one spot, and even a helicopter has a flashing light on it, she never doubted me again. the next time I was about 16, it was broad daylight, there were 2, and they were very close. one was hovering in one spot at about a 30 degree angle, the other was moving slowly across the sky, at about a 10 degree angle, they were close enough that I can say for sure that they were disclike, they appeared to be white, the one that was moving disappeared when my friend ran inside to get his binoculars, it reappeared back where we first saw it after he came back out. after about another 10 minutes they just faded away. A few weeks ago I was walking at about 3 in the morning, I looked up at the stars, and one of them moved over towards a cloud, when it was over the cloud a green light came from off to the left of it (it had to be huge, the height of the clouds, and the distance between the white light and the green light suggests larger than one of our cities). The green light spread out like one of those red item scanner beams, and it swept across the cloud and disappeared (not the ufo, the green light). the ufo went from cloud to cloud doing this for about an hour. just before I left an airplane was flying directly towards it and it disappeared. If you have seen them, I would like to hear your story.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The first UFO's I ever saw was in November 1949 or March 1950, I really can't remember the exact date. I was 12-years-old at the time.

    It was on a Wednesday night and I was supposed to be in a Boy Scout meeting at a school atop a hill in Washington, Pennsyvania but I hung around outside to see what might happen because I been hearing a lot of stories about people seeing them.

    I saw a bunch of them that night!

    Three mother ships hovering above the horizon south and west of the town with shuttle craft going back and forth. One of the shuttle craft dropped straight outta the belly of the mother ship then zoomed straight up and disappeared into the overcast. Then I saw a red ball, like a Christmas tree ornament about 3-5 feet in diameter land in the woods about a half mile away.

    That was my first ever sighting and I've seen lots of the since then over the years.

    I seen a bunch of them over Oklahoma City in August 1983 that I figured out later to be F-117 stealth fighters testing their stealth capabilities by buzzing Oklahoma Air National Guard C-130's that was shooting touch-and-goes at Will Rogers Airport.

    Some UFO's you can figure out and some you can't.

    There ain't time or room here to tell you about ALL the UFO's I've seen.

    Got pictures of a couple, but I think one of them is the shuttle enroute to the ISS.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    In 54 years of observing the night sky, with 1474 _logged_ observing sessions and thousands more unlogged ones, I have seen a total of 0 (zero) Unidentified Flying Objects. I have logged the Sun, the Moon, 2 total solar eclipses, 1 annular solar eclipse, several partial solar eclipses, many lunar eclipses, 1 transit of Venus, 3 transits of Mercury, dozens of artificial satellites, all 8 planets, 2 dwarf planets, many asteroids, many comets, many aurorae, hundreds of meteors, over 100 double and multiple stars, 238 variable stars, and 659 deep sky objects. In all that time I have not seen a single object in the sky which I could not identify.

    Of course UFOs exist. People are forever seeing things in the sky which they can't identify: Venus, Jupiter, airplanes, satellites, meteors, mirages, Chinese lanterns, etc.

    Like many people, you seem to be confusing UFOs (things seen in the sky) with aliens (living creatures from another world). Not the same thing at all!

    UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are only unidentified because the observer lacks the astronomical or meteorological knowledge to identify them. That's why you never hear about UFOs observed by astronomers or meteorologists; they're only reported by people who are unfamiliar with what can be seen in the sky. I've been an amateur astronomer for over fifty years, and have never seen anything in the sky that I haven't been able to identify.

    Although life almost certainly exists elsewhere in the universe, the immense distances between stars makes interstellar travel a practical impossibility. No scientist has ever been able to examine a real alien, so all descriptions are nothing but fantasy.

  • 10 years ago

    I saw one once, long time ago , 3 lights looked like a stars but they were moving next to each others really fast across the sky , they were showing up almost every night , I use to follow them with my eyes for like half an hour until they disappear .

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I have seen things that I don't know what it was, but UFOs? Not sure.

    Anyway, although I cannot be sure of what you saw, you may want to think about what it COULD have been, not what it was. That's how Ufologists do it.

    Many people mistake things for UFOs, the common items are...

    -Swamp Gas

    -Another celestial body


    -Earthquake lights (Google it), green flash of light (usually before a tornado)

    -Special human effects (ex: three people with fireworks coming apart from an airplane can be a triangle UFO)

    -An unusual animal

    -Military experiment

    Remember what you've seen again and try to imagine if it could have been any of the above. But there are truly inexplicable sightings...

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  • 10 years ago

    People see things in the sky they can't explain. It happens.

    What you DIDN'T see was an alien spacecraft. There are NO aliens. It's just something Hollywood and a few old Sci-Fi writers made up.

    I recommend learning a little about meteorology and astronomy. This will eliminate 99% of the UFOs you see. That final 1% you can just attribute to an over-active imagination.

  • 10 years ago

    I have, few times.

    1) in nepal, my home country, i saw 3 bright spots of light, two close to each other 1 a bit far. I checkd if there were any rocket launches that day, there were none. and the trajectory was random for it to be human aircrafts...

    2) a saucer type in US

  • 10 years ago

    no up here in cali

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