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  • Is Hillary Clinton available to be drafted by the Democratic Party for president in 2012?

    She has good back ground experience, working in her husband's presidential shadow for eight years, then a stint as US Senator before diving into the rough and tumble area of a presidential campaign topped by four years excellent service as our Secretary Of State.

    Perhaps giving deference to incumbent Obama, former President Clinton touted his wife for president in 2016, and recently Hillary was heard to say she she doesn't want to be president at all.

    Obama and Romney want it just a bit too MUCH for my liking.

    Some of our BEST public servents have been people who originally didn't want the job.

    That's why I believe Hillary Clinton, and Condoleeza Rice too for that matter for the Republican nomination, should be drafted for the Democratic nominee for President in 2012.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Why is the US building the Afghan army? Who are Afghanistan's potentential enemies that they may fight?

    Who are Afghanistan's potential enemies that we are training their army to perhaps have to fight some day?

    If Afghanistan were to be over run by a tribe of Yahoos, what's it to us the US?

    Why should the US train an army of soldiers that will or will not obey a direct order and perhaps turn their weapons upon us?

    Whoever conquers this ragbag bunch of thugs will be the real loser in any war with Afghanistan.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Will the shooting of a US Marine by an Afghan soldier void the treaty signed by Presidents Obama and Karzai?


    And we pull all of our guys outta Afghanistan NOW.

    How can we have a treaty or an agreement with a government where their citizenery keeps killing our soldiers?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • When in 2014 will US involvement in Afghanistan finally end?

    While our countrymen continue to be maimed and killed as the war debt continues to mount in Afghanistan, we are told by the Obama administration that US involvement will end in 2014 when the last US soldier is rotated outta there.

    2014 starts on January 1st 2014 and lasts for 365 long days until December 31st 2014.

    At what point along that 365 days will our involvement end and the LAST US soldier is outta Afghanistan?

    January 23rd? February 11th? March 16th? April 9th?, May 26th? June 6th? July 4th? August 12th? September 21st? October 12th? November 22nd? or mebbe on the very last day December 31st 2014?


    6 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Could this scenario work?

    Both the Democrats and Republicans have some pretty lackluster candidates for the 2012 presidential election.

    As things stand right now; Mitt Romney will be defeated worse than Barry Goldwater in the lowest voter turn out in history.

    The number of committed delegates garnered during the many primaries are only valid during the first ballot at the respective national convention.

    If after the first ballot no candidate recieves a simple majority of delegate votes then the respective convention goes to an additional ballot and the formerly committed delegates are released to vote as they wish.

    I'm sure there are a lot of delegates bound for their respective conventions that would really prefer to nominate somebody else, like Hillary Clinton or Condoleeza Rice for example.

    But they can't because they're bound to somebody else----Just on the first ballot.

    Consider this, a real grassroots machine kind of politics that we've haven't seen since Micheal J. Curley was mayor of Boston.

    First: The operatives of the dark horse candidate make certain that a quorum (half the voters plus one) is maintained on the convention floor at all times.

    Second: Dark horse backers ferret out delegates that would really prefer nominating somebody other than the heir-apparent that they been committed to since some long ago half forgotten primary.

    Third: When the roll of states is called in alphabetical order starting with Alabama and ending with Wyoming accredited delegates from states in between start leaving the convention floor to 'go to the bathroom' if anybody should ask leaving delegate rich states like New York, Pennsyvania, Ohio and others casting about a dozen votes from the convention floor out of a potential of more than 60 from that state's delegation.

    Get the idea?

    Mebbe if somebody got balls enough to organize a REAL machine mebbe we'll get a selection of REAL candidates from which to elect a REAL president.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • I don't wanna hear no $#!T about Pluto not being a planet, but why can't Pluto have it;s own day like Earth?


    And I take strong exception to any a$$hole that claims otherwise.

    I asked the question earlier, and got a bunch of smart mouth.

    So I'll ask again and I don't want no smart mouth.

    Today, April 22nd, is Earth Day and we celebrate and honor our mother Earth as we should.

    Every planet deserves a day of notice and recognition.

    Pluto is one of my favorite planets.

    Why can't we declare February 18th as 'Pluto Day'.

    Now, if you have a favorite planet, asteroid or moon; Nominate a special day for it but please don't insult the dignity of the planet Pluto.

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Did the whore ever get paid?

    The victim in the so-called Secret Service scandal is the whore that got stiffed.

    Did she ever get paid in full for her good services?

    The GSA and GAO oughta see to it that the whore got paid in full plus accrued per diem interest.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Could there be 'dark horse' nominations from the floor of the 2012 political conventions?

    The way things stands now Mitt Romney is gonna get beat worse than Barry Goldwater by the lowest voter turnout in history.

    There just ain't anybody to attract and inspire the masses,

    Both Romney and President Obama have a lock on their respective nominations.

    Romney because he shook down his moneyed 'supporters' that owe him a favor and outspent his rivals.

    President Obama because no Democrat has balls enough challenge his 'kingship'.

    In 1980 Senator Ted Kennedy challenged incumbent President Jimmy Carter for the presidency and it proved to be an air clearing healthy experience for the Democratic party.

    Surely a coalition of delegates from within both parties can field nominees to offer a choice.

    I'd like to on November 2nd be able to make a choice between Republican Condoleeza Rice or Democrat Hillary Clinton or some other worthy slate of candidates than what we're now being offered.

    4 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Will 2012 mark the LAST US presidential election?

    I have been hearing that President Obama has been doing away with our constitutional form of government, one small seemingly insignificant piece at a time so we really won't notice and after he is re-elected. Presidential elections will be abolished and we'll be ruled by a successive elitist class of dictators.

    7 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Why didn't the whore collect her entire fee up front BEFORE she did the Secret Service agent?

    Every whore I ever encoutered collected her fee BEFORE letting me screw her.

    I always took this to be standard business procedure. When you purchase an item at a store a customer PAYS for the item BEFORE taking possession of the item. A theater patron buys a ticket before being allowed to see the movie.

    Why didn't the whore in question collect her fee before screwing the Secret Service agent?

    This whole affair came about because the Secret Service agent stiffed the whore outta her fee, which is really low. Only a real low life bottom feeder would do something like that.

    But I gotta wonder; Why didn't the whore collect up front?

    3 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • What really happened, did the sun pull a vacuum or did ABC reverse the footage?

    Tonight I was watching ABC news where they showed a prominince ejecting from the left side of the sun. Then a 'crater' seemed to form where the plasma ejected and everything was drawn back into the sun.

    ABC run this footage about twice.

    What really happened?

    Does the sun suck back ejected plasma?

    2 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • I ask again: Why ain't the war in Afghanistan a MAJOR issue in the presidential election?

    The looooooongest war in our nation's history doesn't even make the news anymore untill some poor soldier's body is shipped back to his hometown.

    We got obl, which is akin to getting Hitler and Tojo-------MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!--------We need to get outta there NOW!

    Getting all of our troops outta Afghanistan by January 21st 2013 should be the main issue of the 2012 election. Not some silliness lke the GSA partying in Vegas.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Why ain't the war in Afghanistan being made a major presidential campaign issue?

    The looooooongest war in our nation's history doesn;t even make the news anymore unless they ship a body back to some poor soldier's hometown.

    We got obl which is tantamount to getting Hitler and Tojo-------MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!-------Why are still involved?

    Why is this useless war not made an issue of the coming elections of presidents, senators, congressmen and dogcatchers?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events9 years ago
  • How come the US Secret Service ain't allowed to get little nookie on the side?

    Being a Secret Service agent is a high stress job. They're entitled to a romp with a whore after putting in a day's work.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • $822,000 is chump change. So what's the big deal with the GSA?

    Elected politicians spend more than that on their illicit girlfriends and the USPS probably spills more gas than that a day refueling their mail trucks.

    I ain't buying into the big bad GSA scandal as long as we continue the war in Afghanistan

    The whole thing is a smokescreen to divert our attention from something REALLY important.

    2 AnswersCurrent Events9 years ago
  • Has the planet Pluto ever been photographed by the Hubble telescope?

    A friend, knowing that I am an ardent fan and supporter of the planet Pluto, gave me a birthday card based on a computer download of what he insists is the planet Pluto.

    However the subject of the picture looks suspiciously like a near total lunar eclipse.

    This guy is a friend of mine with a background in research and I don't wanna start an argument with him.

    Has the planet Pluto been photographed by an Earth orbiting satellite and when was it done and the picture made available to the public?

    The photo I received has no credit line.

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Was gravitational control ever factored by the IAU in determining the planet Pluto's status?

    Mercury is now billed as the smallest planet in the solar system.

    The planet Pluto used to hold that distinction as we all know and has been kicked outta the solar system by the IAU.

    The planet Mercury who has a mass of 3.3022x10 kg to the 23rd power, has NO moon.

    The planet Pluto has a mass of 1.305x10 kg to the 7th power power has FOUR moons under it's gravitational control.

    Charon weighs in at 1.52x10 kg to the21st power.

    Hydra: 4.2x10 kg to the 17th power.

    Nix: 2x10 kg to the 15th power

    The newly discovered moon of the planet Pluto, P-4, hasn't been adequately measured and sized yet but their is one school of thought that puts P-4 at twice the size of the planet Pluto.

    That's a bit of a stretch for me. I prefer to place P-4 in the neighborhood of Nix until more is determined.

    But considering the amount of mass under the planet Pluto's gravitatational control exceeds that of Mercury Pluto should should reinstated as a full fledged planet of our solar system.

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Why do some 'learned' scientists actually believe not qualifying as a 'planet' is all Pluto's fault?

    I asked a question regarding the planet Pluto's expulsion from the solar system by the IAU and sure enough I got a pile of diatribes and rants from the anti-Pluto lobby.

    One respondent insinuated that it was ALL Pluto's fault that the IAU found discrepancies in Pluto's claim to plant hood. The respondent even went so far to imply that Pluto through guile and deception presented itself as a planet thus committing and act of fraud by impersonating a planet.

    Hey! You can't hang THAT rap on the planet Pluto.

    Pluto was minding it's own business one day in 1930, happily going along in it's orbit where BINGO

    Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh as A PLANET.

    Pluto never did anything dishonest.

    Some of those rants I received are absolute insults to the integrity of the planet Pluto, and again some were wordy and lengthy like a doctoral thesis.

    Once a celestial body got declared as a planet, IT SHOULD REMAIN AS SUCH.

    This talk about allowing the Kuiper Belt objects be planets.

    What are you saying? The universe ain't big enough for a few dozen more planets?

    Pluto oughta be grandfathered as a full fledged planet and member in good standing of our solar system.

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space9 years ago
  • Why doesn't NASA launch a probe into Earth's orbital wake?

    We dunno if we've cleared our own neighborhood. We just assume so.

    As seen from the north solar plane the Earth orbits counterclockwise around the sun and for decades there have been comic book legends and stories about a parallel Earth that 'reputable' scientists disclaim by virtue of their degrees based mostly on theory.

    To settle the argument, and it would be scientifically interesting to see if there is at least an asteroid or two sharing the orbit with Earth, why not launch a probe to fly back over the orbital path the Earth has just traveled, and we meet and recover the probe when Earth and the probe have traveled halfway around the sun going in opposite directions.

    We may find some evidence out there to give the IAU cause to rethink the planet Pluto's status.

    1 AnswerEarth Day9 years ago