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Lv 6
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 9 years ago

I ask again: Why ain't the war in Afghanistan a MAJOR issue in the presidential election?

The looooooongest war in our nation's history doesn't even make the news anymore untill some poor soldier's body is shipped back to his hometown.

We got obl, which is akin to getting Hitler and Tojo-------MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!--------We need to get outta there NOW!

Getting all of our troops outta Afghanistan by January 21st 2013 should be the main issue of the 2012 election. Not some silliness lke the GSA partying in Vegas.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, to avoid resorting to simple "OBAMA DID IT!!!1!" or "Big business owns the government and runs the war for corporate profit" like most people, I will keep it simple.

    It is just because the war has been going on for so long that it is not a major issue. The ISAF troops are scheduled to withdraw in a few years anyway (some countries have already begun pulling out), so it would not be a major victory for any candidate who had the presidential position, anyway. And people do no longer think about that every day. The war in Afghanistan has just become a constant. The big issue now is the financial crisis. People are more worried about the economy going down the drain (whether the solution is Socialism or Capitalism) than about the war.

    But there is reason to be worried about the impact these wars have had on the US debt. The British Empire used to be the World Police, and they got into wars that drove them into debt. After WWI broke out, they got so massively indebted to the US that they were forced to disband most of their military power. Then WWII made it apparent that with its reduced military strength, Britain could no longer defend the colonies. So the colonies got independence. Same situation may very well happen today. One major war (for example Russia), would drive the US into such debt to China that it would lose its status as a superpower (a position China is suspected to achieve within two decades). You know, have some Chinese marching:

    PS: The other countries in ISAF may be pissed if the US pulls out prematurely (no sexual innuendo intended).

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Iraq and Afghanistan how lengthy troops may ought to stay there. besides as what percentage troops will be there . energetic international relatives as against no international relatives even as it comprises Iran, Syria, China , Pakistan,Russia, North Korea, Palestine, Jordan. wellness take care of those who don't have it , for the injured returning veterans. Restoring rights taken away below the Bush administration, doing away with such issues because the Patriot act and spying on human beings. engaged on rebuilding u.s.'s acceptance with allies like Canada, Mexico, Europe

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    No candidate for the office of president is likely to have plans all that different than the others as regards Afghanistan. Thus there's not much of a political issue to be made. The decision to go there and stay until the new government is stable was made a long time ago. Now that we have troops there, getting them out is not as simple as just putting them all on planes and leaving.

    I'm no fan of Obama's. Personally I think he could have done a lot better than he has in handling this, but no serious candidate, not even Paul is going to pull our troops out in any time frame shorter than a year or so. It's not ideology now, it's logistics.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There is nothing to discuss. It has been an expensive boondoggle. There is an agreement in place for them to leave in 2014. How many Afghanis have been killed, tortured and imprisoned ?

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  • 9 years ago

    Why ain't you flunking grammar class?

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because most people now understand that the allies are pulling out as fast as they can.It is no longer an issue. We are at the end of a long and sad tale.

  • 9 years ago

    Where are they going to put those troops?

    There are over 1 1/2 million children living on the streets-they don't need more unemployed.

    The wars on Terror and drugs are a joke.--just follow the money .

    Vote Ron Paul

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    The war is not an issue for voters. Voters just vote their pocketbook. Plus most Americans are trying to forget the war is even there. They don't understand why we are there (who does?) and they dont like to be confused about compicated issues. George Bush may live forever in the form of the wars he started.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    cause the Liberal Media is in President Obama *VEST POCKET*

    look at the past wars that the Democrats were in office

    World War II ~FDR

    Korean Conflict~H.S. Truman

    Viet Nam~ Lyndon Baines Johnson

    sure we had George W. Bush for the wars in the middle east but

    George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are Rino...Republican in name only

    President Obama may very well get elected to a second term as there is not much

    in the way of an opponent(s)

    But the wars in the middle east are still going on..and after the next election..they may

    even be kicked up a notch

    Source(s): 67 year old lifetime Democrat who served his country in the Viet Nam conflict
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