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Why are atheists in this particular answers forum?

Religious affiliated people spread their beliefs because their book commands them to do so, therefore, they have a "reason" to be here.

If you are 100% comfortable in your beliefs or non-beliefs as an Atheist, why are you in this forum? Are you directed by some leader to spread your side?

Seriously just wondering what the motivation is. Many people feel most compelled to defend their position when they themselves question their own beliefs.

I'm not on either side of the religion fence, so no need to answer my question with an attack on what you assume to be my affiliation. Just an honest curiosity.

30 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I can't speak for other atheists, but, I stick around here, in spite of all the effort put in to running me off, because I have not found any other place, on or off the internet, where other atheists gather and I can discuss and debate theism and atheism without having my neighbors, my friends and everyone around look at me like I'm some kind of mass murderer or something.

    I mean, really, think about it, I live in the US, In a pretty progressive state, but, openly talking about religion, spirituality, or the lack of belief in a god is rather dangerous, still, even now!

    So, what do you suggest I do? Hide who I am? Keep it to myself? Why should I have to do that, when believers don't?

    Humans are social animals, all my life I've been alone in my atheism, now that I have found hundreds of other atheists, I'm not going anywhere.

    Usually, when this question is asked I type some sarcastic remark about censorship, but, I sense that you are genuine in this question. I hope I'm right, most times it gets asked to flush us out and set us up for violations. Too many believers think they should be the only ones with a voice.

    I could ask you the same question, if you are 100% secure in your beliefs, why are you here? Answering questions directed at me and learning about other's beliefs is not "spreading my side", I don't even want most of these narrow minded, willfully ignorant hatemongers on my side, makes whatever side they are on look really bad!

    Before I started coming here I was of the mind set that people's belief in a god should be left alone, they are their beliefs and to be respected, after spending several years in and out of this section I've come to the conclusion that religion and belief in some "god" is the single most destructive force in human history.

    Now I'm just keeping my enemies close, so I'll know what they are up to.

    Edit: So, how many atheists have answered this question with intolerance, bigotry and hatred?

    "Blessings. To mock God , and to make fun of all believers around the Wold, to call others name without even knowing the person they are talking about, to spread hate and confusion on this forum, To show the hole World, they are locking common sense , and lock of love to others, whom do not agree with them . They do not have any respect to any believer of Christ, and they are here to bother others and to take all of their hanger, frustrations and hatred on others. I pray for them constantly to leave all Christians alone, hoping they will find some play toy to put together for ever this should keep them pretty busy until Jesus comes back. God bless you all. Nice question.... Thanks for asking."

    I rest my case.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    No book directs Hindus to "spread their beliefs," and they do not proselytize or seek converts...are you prepared to exclude them from this section because you think proselytizing and spreading their beliefs is the only reason to be here?

    This is a section ABOUT topics related to religion and spirituality, not a section FOR "religious affiliated people." I come here because I have a legitimate position on topics related to religion that I share, so this is precisely the section I should be in.

    In addition, in my nearly 40 years of study, I've learned a lot about other people's belief systems - knowledge I share.

    I find what people believe and why they believe it to be interesting, pumpkin...and while I am in this section, I take the time to correct the misinformation that is persistently spread about atheism and atheists...including the absurd contention that the only reason a person might need to defend their belief is when they are unsure of it...or that atheists have a leader.

    Glad I could help you to understand that.

  • 10 years ago

    Since when has being comfortable about a certain aspect of your personality meant it's not worth discussing?

    'Are you directed by some leader'

    It's actually also to counter mindless conjecture as well. Obviously you know full well there's not an 'atheist leader' (or if you didn't, hey, you've just learned something from an atheist) but it's snide remarks, misrepresentation of atheists and the motivation to get people to evaluate what they believe, before condemning others based on said beliefs which is the draw to being here.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I think about half of the atheists here come to make fun of other religions (which, I agree with you, is probably based from conflicted beliefs), and the other half our genuinely interested in the concept of religion, even though they don't practice it.

    The latter I have come to find very intelligent, respectful, and kind.

    The former are rude, disrespectful, and think themselves to be on the intelligence level of the latter, yet in reality are not even close, having no real argument to the "Is God Real?" questions and only response is to be degrading towards religion.

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  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Because religion interest us. And despite our non-participation in it, religion still finds us. In an non-spiritual way. Such as taking away the right of our fellow homosexuals. Or trying to teach Intelligent Design in schools. And pretty much effecting votes on certain issues. As the majority of U.S. is Christian so they apply Christian "morals" to their votes instead of thinking what is best for a country were we all are suppose to have the right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness, despite our religious or life style differences.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    My degree is in Music. Do I go to the Music categories and kick off all the amateurs? Of course not. This is not a Christian-only forum, nor is it a theist-only forum. We're here to discuss religion and spirituality, not practice it.

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    That's like asking why someone visits the history section when they aren't living in the past. Religion is an interesting subject. It's not necessary to believe in God in order to fund the subject fascinating. Is that really so hard for you to understand?

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Here to gain insight on the abnormal idiotic heebeejeebee out there ideas that make up the population of the fluffy imaginary being followers. And because it's fun!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Truth is important, and open discussion helps prevent closed think groups from going out of control re-enforcing their own beliefs. Your dogma, left unchecked, would ruin science education and public health policy to name a few.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Religion creates sexism, racism, war, hatred, discrimination, overpopulation, irrational behavior, bigotry, slavery, burning of witches, stoning people to death, amputation for stealing, beheading for fornication and adultery, death sentence for apostasy and blasphemy, hindrance in medical and technological development.. the sheer volume of devastating effects of religion is beyond comprehension.

    Since these points are not addressed in the mainstream media, I'm here to educate people of the absurdities of religion and it's destructive nature. I'm here to explain to people that their actions are based on orders from an imaginary being in the sky that doesn't even exist to care.

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