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How do I tell my best friend she's driving me crazy?

My best friend and I have been really close for about 20years, she was my Maid-of-Honour, and is a very caring and generous person. We lived together for a couple of years (with my then boyfriend who's now my hubby) and we all got on great, although I did notice she likes to talk, ALOT.. It's got worse and worse recently, as my best friend I always want to be there and listen to her problems, try to help her sort them out, but it's got to the stage where sometimes an hour will go by without me getting a word in edgeways!

We went out with some friends for a birthday do a few weeks ago and I spent the entire evening just nodding and listening, as she described in detail every issue at work, in her personal life, with other friends etc. I found myself starting to feel really angry (which I know I shouldn't have) because while all my other friends were having fun and meeting new people I was stuck there. If it was a 2 way conversation I wouldn't mind so much, but she gets so bogged down in detail and seems incapable of noticing when it's time to focus on someone other than herself! She even phoned me at 2am after I'd dropped her off at home to tell me that she had a huge blister and to send me 3 pictures of it, even though I was in bed with my hubby and really not in the mood to keep chatting!!

So how do I bring this subject up with her without causing a rift?!

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    First of all I will admit I am a bit jealous of your relationship with your best friend! I used to have that but things went badly wrong, so I think you are doing the right thing just talking to her about what your concern is now before it could build to something else!

    As you said she is a caring and generous person, and being friends for about 20 years means you must both think highly of each other!

    Your friend is probably oblivious to the fact you feel this way. Not that it is an excuse for her, but now you are married perhaps as she sees you less and you are close, she sees you as someone she can really open up to!

    I think if you do say something you will have to be careful, as you do not want to say something you may regret. So if you do, be calm and patient when you say it, she may be suprised or feel upset you felt this way.

    You could try being a bit more assertive when she does start doing this! Maybe if she does start going on about herself say 'Oh I had something I wanted to talk to you about in a second if thats ok?' most people will aknowledge this and will give you the turn to talk. But if she does not, then maybe you could remind her 'Is it ok if I talk about it now?'

    If you are letting her talk at you for all this time, chances are she may even think you enjoy listening to her all the time! You could even turn the conversation onto other things or even make a joke of it and say 'If I can fit in a word at some point!' But only if you think it is an appropriate time and she will find it funny.

    If doing things like this does not work and she still stays the same, then maybe say to her in a nice way that you have a lot on at the moment and although you are there to listen to her problems, you are finding it a bit overwhelming at the moment! This will remind her that you have your own things going on and should not start an argument as we are all only human and can only take so much of other peoples talking.

    I am sure she is a nice friend from what you say at the beginning, so it may just take a few lighthearted comments to make her think about how much she is talking, or you may want to have a calm word with her about it!

    As she has not done anything horrible I think she is a good friend to keep and you sound a nice one also, so I really hope this will get sorted and you stay good friends!

    Hope this helps xxxxxxxxx

  • Dz
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Call her up on the phone one day and tell her that you want to talk about something that is bothering you. Meet up to talk (wherever you want to talk, at home or outside etc.) and tell her gently that these days you haven't been able to talk about your issues or anything else because she keeps on complaining.

    This sort of complaining is really negative and she should stop having to be so negative all the time. My mum's friend is sort of similar and complaining will get her nowhere. Tell her that you try to help but she's not letting you talk to help you that much.

    I know it's not much but I hope I helped ;]

  • 10 years ago

    Just ring and talk too here

    always ways out on the end of a Phone :D

    sorry got to go someone at the door

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    i had the same problem...i just acted like i wasnt interested and stoppd answering her calls as much as i did. Eventually she got the picture i didnt wanna listen... You should put it across in a joke when shes blabbing be like 'you do talk the biggest amounta sh1t..'

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  • Paige
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Everytime she starts talking just start talking to someone else for example

    "so then i went to the-"

    "Heey mariee do you wanna go shop, yeah? ok lets go."

    or inturrupt her then she'll know that she's doin your head in

  • 10 years ago

    Just sit down and say that u need to tell her something then tell her gently

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    tell her you think that she doesn't care about what YOU have to say. and that some people are ASLEEP at 2 in the morning

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Just text her telling her to talk less

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    punch her. gives a pretty clear message in my mind.

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