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Thamain P asked in Social ScienceEconomics · 10 years ago

What is money to you? To me it is nothing more than a vehicle which takes me from point A to point B.?

I'd like to know your definition of money as we live in a world where people worship money for real.

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately no one defined economics as chemistry of wealth. Wealth (or human need) can be broadly classified into two broad classes: wants comprising of goods and services and secondly means consisting of money and money related forms (all that are measured in units of money say, salary, wages etc). There is always an equilibrium between the two forms of wealth. You may assign positive charge to goods and negative charge to money considering the liquidity or mobility. By whatever name you call we need means to satisfy our wants. Human need is exactly similar to water. Water is made up of H and OH whereas human need is made up of wants and means. Wants attract means but wants repel wants. One form of means repels pther form of means. Human need exhibits cohesive and adhesive properties. It is the cementing agent of the society. All forms of wealth dissolve in this form of wealth called human need and hence like water is universal solvent human need is also a universal solvent.

    If you replace money with gold, gold acts as means. If means become zero, wants also become zero and this situation is impossible.

    Source(s): My book :Nature, Properties and Laws of Wealth, published by University Press of America
  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I have a suggestion for you. Try this experiment for as long as you can. Take all the money, credit cards, checkbooks and any other source of money you have out of your wallet. Now, go out on foot and see how many of your needs and wants you can meet without money. What can you get without paying for it? How long can you do this without running home to get some money? Can you get anyone to trade your for something? Can you get anyone to accept your offer of doing work for them in exchange for what you need? Would you have to resort to stealing?

    Another possibility (even more challenging than the first). Again, leave all sources of wealth behind you at home and go to the countryside (away from any town of any kind). See if you can find safe water to drink, food to eat etc. How long can you "camp" without a tent or any supplies (those all cost money you know)?

    Try these experiments and then you will understand the value of money in our society. If you don't want to do either, then try volunteering at a homeless shelter or food kitchen. Ask the people there (if they will even talk to you) about what it's like to be without money. Do you want to live like that?

    Save the money you have. Invest it wisely when you can. Find a job that gives you some form of personal satisfaction and that pays you enough money to live on. If you have any extra food, clothes, money etc. that you don't really need to live, give it to the poor. That will also teach you the value of money.

    Source(s): I've done my best to live comfortably, yet not beyond my means, while doing jobs that I truly enjoy and get some satisfaction from for the past 30 years. I've learned what money is for the hard way.
  • 10 years ago

    I like money only when it makes me money.

    If u do economics then we know money has 3 purposes:

    A medium of exchange( rather than barter trade- i dont wanna trade my washing machine for your fridge) convenience

    A store of value( so that my wealth and purchasing power stays wif me, but nowadays honestly is money currency really stable? Its not even pegged to any valuable asset like gold)

    A unit of account ( so i know how much is a good valued..)

    My definition would be both To store value and also use it for liquidity and exchange.

    Mioney can also be an asset if you hold an appreciating currency.

    Anyway if you hold the wrong one then it becomes a liability i still trust physical goods sometimes like houses. At least they are safer than fluctuating currencies!

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