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HELP! Where can I find opened attachments in outlook 2007 (temporary folder)?

OK, it is a bad habit, but I open attachments to emails and work on them without doing "save as" and just hitting "save". I just added 7 pages to a document, hit save and closed the document. I cannot find it now! Searching for the file name gives no results.

I assume it is in a temporary folder. In the older operating systems I would go to "run" and type %temp% but now I cannot even find the "run" option!!!!!!!

HELP! I need to get this document for tomorrow and don't want to stay at work all night re-typing it!


Matt, you are an angel. You saved me again.

Why does stupid windows feel the need to hide things from you? And just when you figure out where they hide them, they reprogram everything and the hunt begins again.

I blame mac as the new windows just seems like an attempt to compete with them. If I have to learn a new OS, either way, why not switch? Seems unproductive in their marketing to compete in such a way.

1 Answer

  • immatt
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    See my other answers. Copy and past the path and it should pull up

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